Red Alert 1895

Chapter 324: Indigenous riots (Part 2)

"Nanyang Express, the indigenous people of Lanfang Province in Nanyang, there was a serious riot. In a place where there are about 10,000 indigenous slaves, an indigenous riot occurred, and they began to attack the supervisors. And the troops around us prepared to suppress it on the spot after something happened. However, there were too many of them participating in the riot, and our garrison did not have enough automatic firepower, so many people were let go. Out of the 10,000 people, 5,000 people took advantage of the chaos and ran away together, and they went everywhere Create chaos, and then absorb a lot of natives to join in, and many of the gathering points of the native slaves also have a lot of unrest. However, under the heavy pressure of those guards, they did not have a series of riots. And our Lan Mrs. Liu Xue, the Governor of Fang, conducted a thorough investigation, and the original reason for the indigenous riots was that the supervisors withheld food and embezzled the food funds we gave to the indigenous people without authorization, and then they rebelled after causing dissatisfaction among the indigenous people."

"Mrs. Liu Xue proposed to thoroughly investigate those supervisors who withheld the local food funds, and then expressed disapproval of this. Tell those other supervisors not to try to embezzle."

When Wang Guorui heard this, he immediately smiled wryly and said, "You are putting the cart before the horse! Immediately send a telegram to tell Liu Xue not to thoroughly investigate the issue of the supervisors. No matter how bad the supervisors are, they are all Chinese and belong to conflicts among the people." ...And what we should do at this time is to suppress the indigenous rebellion, not to do any internal investigation. If we want to investigate those supervisors, and make those supervisors panic, it may cause a larger scale of indigenous slave rebellion. Therefore, we are now Not only do not immediately carry out internal investigations, but to appease the general supervisors and tell them not to do this in the future. As for the accountability, it must be investigated. But it is definitely not now. After all, the supervisors and we are Chinese and belong to the people Internal conflicts! As for the native slaves, no matter what the reason for their rebellion, they are probably our enemies, it is a contradiction between the enemy and ourselves, and we must not let it go easily!"


"Report, Nanyang sent another urgent telegram. Our people in Nanyang interrogated the aborigines and found that these aborigines used to use the Nanyang people as an excuse to rule the Nanyang people. Then they took the initiative to win people to rebel. Now it has accumulated Tens of thousands of people have joined, and then tens of thousands of indigenous people have joined. And the leader Simba has gone through various channels, and then hopes that those indigenous people can join them and resist our Chinese rule. "

Wang Guorui heard this. His face turned green, obviously he didn't expect this to happen.

"Immediately order, Chen Liyan of the West Borneo Military Region, immediately carry out the suppression of the indigenous people, and then they must be cleaned up. This indigenous group must not stay. And, immediately order the 18th party that is currently being formed in Taiwan and has not yet been completed. The 19th and 20th divisions were all dispatched to Nanyang to prepare for battle."

"My lord, there are only 10,000 indigenous people, and we already have five divisions in the West Borneo Military Region, and the number is already 75,000. Why do we need to send three divisions with 45,000 people?" Someone said. asked incomprehensibly.

Wang Guorui immediately said, "This time the indigenous rebellion is definitely not easy!"

"Husband, aren't they just some rogues? They rebelled because our supervisors withheld food and abused them?" Zheng Hong asked.

Wang Guorui immediately said: "This time is definitely not simple, this time the indigenous rebellion. They are no longer just rebelling because of hunger and enslavement. Some of them have already begun to awaken! Have you seen it? They called on the people of Nanyang People. Resist our rule together, so as to achieve the idea of ​​Nanyang natives ruling Nanyang."

"Is this different?" Zheng Hong still didn't understand.

"This is already very obvious. Some of the natives of Nanyang have begun to wake up. They know that their own nation should determine their own destiny. And this group of people, headed by the so-called Simba, has begun to know what to do for them. One's own nation fights for the right to independence. Think about it, is there such a situation in the past indigenous rebellion? Bandits with political slogans can no longer be called bandits. They are not for the so-called full food and those who The kind of bandits who plunder to satisfy their own desires already have a complete political program and armed forces with political goals, so this kind of organization is the most terrifying." Wang Guorui said.

Wang Guorui, as a descendant, of course knows very well that these armed forces with political purposes are the most terrifying. You must know that those bandits go everywhere to plunder money, but they don't have their own political slogans and programs, and they can't attract those real talents to come and join them. The reason why many bandits can't grow big is actually because they don't have talents. The truly literate people are unwilling to join the bandits, because the bandits conform to the political program in their hearts. Could it be that those who have received a good education, come from extraordinary backgrounds and studied are allowed to become bandits? This is obviously not what those cultural people want.

And if you go outright to plunder, there are not many people in Ann who will support it. If a group mainly focuses on plundering, it will definitely be reviled by the world, and it will not last long in the end. Therefore, real bandits cannot last long. And if you have a suitable political slogan and a suitable political platform, you can definitely attract many people who seem to be "like-minded" to join, and these people are relatively educated and have a certain strategic vision. It can even help manage internal organizations.

And with these educated and ideal people joining in, that is the cornerstone of truly becoming a political power. With these people, that power can be truly stabilized and even continuously expanded. And where did many peasant uprisings fail in ancient China? In fact, it is because they do not have their own political program and cannot attract those who really have ideals to join them. They all rely on plunder to make a living. And this kind of plundering, there will be a day when the plundering cannot continue, and at that time the people of the world will hate them, and then attack them in turn. There were so many uprisings back then, many of them were indeed claimed to be for the people at the beginning, but in the end they were basically looting. The eyes of the masses are discerning, and they are actually larger-scale bandits, but they will be hated by the people.

However, with a political program and attracting those talents, the next step is to incite those people to unite to achieve their own goals. And this Simba wants to actively incite the natives of Nanyang to resist Chinese rule, and then establish a country that can be ruled by the natives themselves. And this is actually mobilizing everyone, and then awakening everyone? As long as everyone is awakened, waves of uprisings will follow. Those natives who are attracted by this independent political goal will start to oppose foreign rule.

This is the case in China, Japan, India, and African countries. Driven by one or a small group of people, they began to awaken continuously, and finally formed a wave of resistance against foreign races. This is the power of national awakening. Lu Xun also said that the root of the Chinese people's disease is not in weapon technology, but in the heart. As long as the heart is awakened, that is the element that can make a nation independent. Back then, the Chinese people were able to awaken because many people continued to revolt within the Manchu Qing Dynasty, and only then did they arouse the bloodliness of the Chinese people. Most of those revolutionaries really awakened after the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895, and then spread one by one until the entire nation was awakened.

However, some of the Nanyang natives have begun to awaken, which makes Wang Guorui feel that this time is different. If most of the aborigines are awakened under the leadership of these people, it will probably bring great trouble to Taiwan's rule of Nanyang. At that time, the perseverance of those indigenous peoples will become unprecedentedly tenacious, and there will be more and more opposition to Chinese rule, and finally the Chinese will not be able to stay.

"Immediately order the troops to speed up the suppression of them. We must thoroughly clean up this group of natives, otherwise they may all be like a spark that can start a prairie Therefore, we must annihilate them as soon as possible, and then let them They can all be suppressed, and they are determined not to let their thoughts spread. Although they may only have a superficial thought at the moment, if they perfect their thought system in the future, the natives will really be awakened! At that time, unless We killed Nanyang to the point of blood flow, otherwise we would not be able to rule Nanyang effectively," Wang Guorui said.

Wang Guorui is also rejoicing that the aborigines of Nanyang are only initially awakened and have not been able to form a complete ideological system, which will not be able to drive most people to awaken. But in the future, once those guys are allowed to form an ideological system, and then continue to expand these awakened natives, it will be much more difficult to deal with in the future.

"It's only now that I finally realize how old Jiang feels!" Wang Guorui said with a sigh.

Facing this kind of armed force with its own political program and long-term goals is the real headache. But now, Wang Guorui has a bit of the old Chiang's feeling. Why is he facing an armed group that is not strong enough to be wiped out at all costs? In fact, it means that they have their own program, and this is the scariest thing. If there is no program, it is just a group of rogues and gangsters, who cannot really attract those with aspirations and ideals to join. However, it is different now, the situation in Nanyang has partially changed, because of the arrival of Wang Guorui, there has been a butterfly effect. (to be continued)

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