Red Alert 1895

Chapter 326: Indigenous strategy

In the southern part of Lanfang Province, Borneo, Taiwan, that is, the southern part of West Kalimantan, a group of up to 20,000 indigenous groups are beginning to occupy here. And this group of aborigines grew from one to two thousand people at the beginning to more than ten thousand people. And these are also the ones that they continue to coerce the aborigines to join in, but some people come to gather on their own initiative because they cannot tolerate the rule of the Chinese. At this time, they all began to accept the leadership of Simba. You must know that in the past, Simba was just a nobleman of a small tribe, but now they want to lead an aboriginal and be able to expel the Chinese, which is obviously not easy.

"Leader, we now have more than 20,000 people. We must rescue our compatriots as soon as possible, and then let them all come out to join us. You must know that hundreds of thousands of our compatriots are enslaved by the Chinese, and If we can rescue them, then we will definitely be able to increase our strength, and it will not be a dream for us to drive away the Chinese at that time." Someone said.

Many aborigines also nodded, the current "good" situation has already made them feel ecstatic, because they found that they had expanded from more than 1,000 people to more than 10,000 people, but it only took about three days. And if they can break through the guards of the Chinese, hundreds of thousands of natives can be rescued to join them, and then they can lead these people to fight against Kalimantan. For them, hundreds of thousands of people is simply an unimaginable number. It is not bad to know that their usual large tribe can have 20,000 people. And hundreds of thousands of people is already a miracle for them. At that time, they all want to take hundreds of thousands of people to expel the Chinese, and then establish a country of their own.

"I don't agree to attack the Chinese. We should survive now, not attack the Chinese!" Simba said.

"Why? Didn't we rescue so many compatriots? Could it be that we just let them survive under the brutal Chinese rule?" Someone asked.

But Simba immediately said: "What can we do to fight the Chinese? There are only 10,000 to 20,000 of us, so can we beat those Chinese who have a lot of guns?"

"If we can't fight, we have to fight. We must rescue those compatriots, so that we can gain a large population!" Someone said.

"People are needed. We can recruit in other places. Although the Chinese have gradually immigrated, they are still a minority. What we can do is to find those who are not caught by the Chinese and attract them to join us. You should know that in our island of Kalimantan, there are tens of millions of people. With such a large population, the Chinese have only enslaved a small part. Only those people who have not been captured by the Chinese can make us gradually stronger. .And the Chinese army is only about 100,000. Once it reaches the entire Kalimantan Island, it is completely insufficient. We should disperse and survive. Only by surviving can we defeat the Chinese. What we should think about now is how to survive , instead of attacking!" Simba said.

But these words of Simba. Immediately aroused opposition from others, and then said: "No, we can't do this. How slow it would be if this is the case! We go to recruit ourselves, it is better to lay down the gathering points where the Chinese enslave us, so that we can definitely get a large number of people. .As long as they are defeated, we can definitely let them join us, and then we can all expand the population quickly. Isn’t this good? Although there are sacrifices, we believe that we will be able to succeed. When the time comes. With a population of 100,000, we can completely expel the Chinese!"

"Is it useful to have a population of hundreds of thousands? The firepower of the Chinese is very fierce. The advantage of the Chinese weapons must be very powerful. How can our flesh and blood be able to stop it? So even if we have hundreds of thousands of people, it is still not enough. It is impossible to defeat the Chinese, I will survive first. And we should go to those places where the Chinese have not been able to actually occupy for the time being, that is, those undeveloped tropical rainforests, or those poor places, so that we can survive Absolutely," Simba said.

And hearing this made many people feel unacceptable, saying: "Why do we have to suffer in those tropical rainforests? We managed to escape. Why do we have to answer in those tropical rainforests?"

But Simba was helpless. Many of these indigenous leaders were nobles at the time. Only those tribal nobles would have culture and prestige to rule. But now these guys are not willing to continue to suffer. Many of them have escaped, that is, they don't want to suffer under the rule of the Chinese, and they want to restore this kind of clothes to stretch out their hands to eat and open their mouths. But the situation is different now, and how many of them really want to build a Nanyang indigenous country. Many of them think about how to restore that "good life". They want to restore that kind of life, but they don't see if the Chinese will agree, the Chinese will just come to exterminate them. But these people still don't want to go to those poor places, but want to compete with the Chinese for those rich places, and then they can enjoy life.

However, the number of Chinese immigrating to Taiwan is relatively small. Moreover, these Chinese are giving priority to occupying those rich places, that is, the gathering points of the original indigenous tribes, that is, those places with fertile land and a certain level of development. However, those relatively barren places were not able to accommodate those indigenous people. And those barren places have not been cleaned up yet, and there are still many indigenous people living there. And the number of mercenaries is too small, and it is impossible to clean up thousands of natives for the time being. This is obviously a problem. Therefore, Taiwan's current situation is the same as that of Japan in later generations. It has occupied a large territory, but it has not been able to truly occupy every inch of land because its own population is too small.

This Simba also discovered this. He knows the so-called method of encircling the city from the countryside. Although this is not a city, the places where the Chinese gather, that is, those places with fertile land and good development areas are all Chinese, and the strength of the Chinese is very strong. If you stubbornly fight for these places, it will definitely not work, and you will definitely be severely attacked by the Chinese. But these indigenous leaders don't see it that way, they want to take back those fertile lands, and then continue to live the kind of life where clothes can be stretched out for food and mouths can be opened.

But they have seriously neglected that without a strong country, how could it be possible to maintain their good life? The reason why they came out to resist the Chinese was not because they had lofty ideals. The ones who really had lofty ideals were Simba and some close people, but most of them didn't have such lofty ideals. And Simba is hoping to awaken the national consciousness of those ordinary indigenous people, so that more people can join in to resist the invasion of the Chinese. But they are not afraid of the god-like opponent of the Chinese, but there are many pig-like teammates inside.

If these guys are national revolutionaries, then you really think highly of them. Because among these people, there are too few truly awakened people, most of them are also some indigenous nobles who are greedy for pleasure, and only a very small number of them really want to have lofty ideals and be able to establish a Nanyang indigenous country people. However, it was these people that Wang Guorui was afraid of, because if these people were not eliminated, more and more people among the indigenous people would awaken their national consciousness, which would cause them a lot of trouble. You must know that the Mahatma Gandhi of India later awakened countless Indians almost by relying on almost one person's efforts. Although Gandhi did not engage in violent resistance, the situation of non-violent non-cooperation was also unbearable. So in order to avoid such a situation where one leader drives the entire indigenous nation, they must be severely suppressed, so that their national consciousness cannot be awakened like a viral their The national consciousness has begun to awaken, and the consequences are disastrous!

If you rule a group of indigenous people with national consciousness, it will definitely not bring good things to Taiwan, but endless troubles. Especially in the next few decades, when the national consciousness is greatly awakened, it will be even more troublesome. Therefore, it is necessary to completely kill the ideological seeds of these indigenous national consciousness, so as to avoid maintaining the occupation of this land when colonialism collapses in the future. Otherwise, decades later, colonies all over the world will begin to become independent, and the land of Nanyang will be embarrassing. Therefore, while immigrating, we must also attack the national consciousness of these indigenous peoples, so that they can be truly and completely stable. But combating national consciousness is a temporary solution, and immigration is a permanent solution. Now we want to treat both symptoms and root causes, and we must suppress them well.

"Chief Simba, we all agree that we are going to attack the slave camps controlled by the Chinese, so that a large number of compatriots can be liberated. And it is our most fertile and essence place, we can't lose it, so we must Take it back carefully," someone said.

But Simba had no choice, these natives came from different tribes, Simba could not have absolute leadership over these mixed natives, so everyone had already decided, and he, the leader, could not directly oppose the meaning of everyone. So he is actually not optimistic about attacking the elite places of the Chinese this time. (to be continued)

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