Red Alert 1895

Chapter 327: Camp Guard Battle (Part 1)

A road construction site in the south of Lanfang Province, Nanyang, where more than 20,000 aborigines are being guarded, and troops from the reinforced battalion are guarding them at any time to guard these aborigines, and the specific supervisors are those guys from gangsters who are supervising their work. But now everyone is not doing any road construction, because now since the aboriginal rebellion happened, construction sites have been stopped everywhere, and the custody and management of aboriginals have been strengthened to prevent these aboriginals from rebelling again. . And the last time the natives rebelled, tens of thousands of people rioted together, and as a result, a company of troops really couldn't stop it. Because if one or two people rebelled sporadically, a company of troops could still suppress it, but if tens of thousands of people rebelled together, that company would be unable to defend. At that time, even if a company's troops retreated, this avoided greater casualties.

However, after that, the various aboriginal camps also arranged at least one battalion, and at most one team of troops to guard them. And these troops are local garrison troops, not regular troops. However, the officers are all drawn from among the officers in Taiwan, not promoted by locals. The current highest military rank of the locals is only captain, and this is because he joined the teaching team to be promoted. Most of the officers above the lieutenant are served by officers from Taiwan, which is enough to control these troops.

"Mr. Jun, when will we be able to start work this time? If we don't start work, what shall we eat and drink!" A fawning **** asked.

And the battalion commander of the reinforced battalion immediately said: "I don't know either! Actually, it's not you guys. It's obvious that the funds allocated by the superiors are enough to allow them to eat corn buns, but when they come to you, they become plucked. Polenta and wild vegetable soup, the natives rebelled, right? Look at you making trouble for us. Really!"

And the **** immediately begged: "Master Jun, we knew we were wrong, we really knew we were wrong, please stop scolding us. From now on, we will never dare again!"

Those ordinary low-level officers and gangsters didn't know what the aboriginal rebellion meant. This aboriginal rebellion meant that the aboriginal national consciousness had begun to awaken, and it couldn't be summed up by deducting food money once. Meal money is just a fuse. And the real connotation is because the aborigines have awakened their national consciousness, even if there is no deduction for this meal. There are other reasons too. But those low-level officers and soldiers didn't understand this. They were all artificially caused by gangsters, so they didn't have a good look at these gangsters. If the superiors hadn't told them not to embarrass these bastards, they would have sent them to military courts long ago. But this also makes those gangsters feel worried. So the behavior is no longer so arrogant, and has become a lot more restrained.

"Battalion Commander, it's not good, there are tens of thousands of natives rushing towards us!" Someone shouted.

"What? Tens of thousands of natives?" The reinforcement battalion commander exclaimed.

Tens of thousands of natives, then this really feels a little dangerous, because why are tens of thousands of natives here? Of course, they didn't take the initiative to come here to join them as slaves to make a living. It was definitely for another purpose.

"Battalion Commander, most of the aborigines are here this time to liberate these aborigines, and then expand the manpower!" Immediately, a combat staff officer said.

The general battalion-level organization does not have a staff officer. However, in Wang Guorui's establishment in Taiwan, the reinforced battalion can be equipped with several second lieutenants as staff officers in charge of several directions, but there is no chief of staff. And the battalion commander directly leads the staff, so this reinforced battalion has a combat staff.

"Hmph. Want to release these natives? It's not that easy! Even if they dare to come if there are tens of thousands of them, then we will cause them heavy losses!" the battalion commander snorted.

This has to be said to be the advantage of the Taiwan army. The Taiwan army is good at positional warfare. This is the same as the old Jiang's troops and the Japanese army. They are all good at positional warfare. On the contrary, guerrilla warfare is much worse than these indigenous people. It's not that Wang Guorui doesn't want to train guerrilla warfare. Rather, in this day and age there is no need to train for guerrilla warfare. Guerrilla warfare is not mainstream in this era, or even in any era. Guerrilla don't look he sounds good. However, the conditions for use are too high. Not only do you need to fight on the ground, but you also need to have a tenacious will to resist, a huge land depth, and many other complicated conditions. Taiwan has no conditions at all for this. The strategic depth of Taiwan Island is too little, and there are not many, so it does not have the conditions for guerrilla warfare. And there is no need to use guerrilla warfare in external attacks. If it is really forced to use guerrilla warfare, it will be the day when Taiwan is invaded by the enemy. Tactics like guerrilla warfare are often forced out, and it does not mean that they can be learned by learning.

"Battalion Commander, these natives really have no vision. They actually want to rely on their numbers to fight against us who are equipped with weapons! If they use the familiar terrain to roam around, then we will have a headache. But they actually came out to 'seek death', Then don't blame us for being rude." The combat staff officer said.

"Deploy the position immediately, and then don't fire the machine guns, let's tease them!" said the battalion commander.

"Yes!" More than a thousand soldiers from the reinforced battalion shouted together.

"Crack!" Everyone started to pull the bolt, and then they were ready to start fighting.

"Come on, let me go, kill those Chinese, and then rescue our compatriots!" The native general shouted.

More than 10,000 aborigines began to move towards the position of the Taiwan army, and then they were ready to charge. And these indigenous weapons are very messy, some are holding knives, some are holding hoes, and some are even holding ordinary stones, ready to be used to smash people. However, the enemy they faced was the Taiwanese army with long guns and short cannons, and then they were destined to be tragic.

"One company, one row, two rows, fire! Don't fire grenades and mortars, don't scare those natives away." The battalion commander said.

Of course, the battalion commander will not let the grenade mortars fire so quickly, because there are less than a thousand indigenous people rushing up, and these thousand people must be cannon fodder to test Taiwan's firepower. This kind of use of small troops to test the enemy's firepower is a tactic that many armies will use. The aborigines have suffered from so many firearms, and they don't need to learn this kind of tactics, so they have already learned this by sending small troops as pioneers to test the firepower. But the battalion commander certainly wouldn't be stupid, and used all his firepower from the very beginning. And he just let the riflemen of the two platoons fire, let the grenade mortars and the machine guns fire. If they all opened fire, the thousand natives would not be able to last for a few minutes and they would all be wiped out.

But if the thousand people were wiped out, most of the remaining natives would also run away. It is impossible for Taiwan's army to take the initiative to pursue them. After all, their duty is to defend and detain these indigenous slaves, not to chase and kill these indigenous troops. What's more, once this kind of indigenous people ran into the tropical rainforest, the Taiwanese soldiers might not be able to outrun them. Therefore, it is of course the best to annihilate them as much as possible. After all, annihilating the enemy's vitality is the most fundamental thing.

At present, the number of aborigines is small, which is many times smaller than that in China, so everything is mainly aimed at annihilating their vitality, not occupying land, and the reason for occupying land is to better annihilate their vitality. As long as the indigenous population is reduced to a certain level, that is the real way to stabilize.

"Papa papa..." The first and second rows of the first company started firing, and more than sixty guns also started firing, but the natives did not suffer much loss.

"woo woo woo woo…"

After some natives approached, they were immediately knocked down by bullets.

"Come on, break through the Chinese defense line, and then we can liberate our people!" The native general shouted.

However, the firepower of the people in Taiwan is not strong enough. This has made many people see "hope", as if they can charge to the front, and they can break through the Chinese defense line, so that the aborigines inside can be liberated.

"The fifth and sixth platoons of the second company opened fire!" said the battalion commander.

"Papa papa..."

With the firing of two more platoons, the firepower doubled immediately, and the casualties of the natives immediately increased. But then, when the natives saw this scene, they immediately continued to give orders.

"Attack me, send another two thousand people, attack me!" the native general said angrily.

Obviously he had seen hope, but he was knocked down by more intense firepower, which made the native general very depressed. So he took the initiative to order more troops to attack, and then hoped to break through the defense line of the Taiwan In this way, he could tear a gap so that his troops could charge in and kill the enemy.

"Good time, there are 3,000 people, let all the rifles start firing, and the machine guns and grenade mortars don't fire!" said the battalion commander.

"Papa papa..."

Many riflemen started to fire, and the firepower of the Taiwanese army was suddenly violent, and more than a thousand rifles started to fire, and those aboriginals lost dozens of people almost every second, and this situation made the aboriginal generals in the rear feel anxious Blood!

"Hurry up and retreat, this is a conspiracy by the Chinese!" the indigenous leader Simba shouted.

"No, we can't retreat. We should increase our troops. Our people have rushed to less than 70 meters away from Taiwan. As long as we send all our troops up, we will be able to break through their defense line!" the native general retorted.

"Do you want to kill all of us?" Simba said angrily.

"No, the Chinese army is almost unable to hold on. As long as we work a little harder, we can break through their defense line." The native general shouted. (to be continued)

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