Red Alert 1895

Chapter 328: Camp Defense Battle (Part 2)

"You can't do this, I'm the leader!" Simba said angrily.

"No, I am the commander. There is an old saying in China that generals are not allowed to accept orders from their rulers, so I will take command!" said the native speaker.

"The whole army charges!" the native general shouted.

In the end, Simba failed to stop the native general, after all, he had not been able to establish absolute prestige. Because they are currently not so much Simba as the leader, it is better to say that they are an alliance of the original tribal nobles. Simba alone cannot command everyone. After all, Simba was originally an aristocrat of a small tribe, not a big tribe. And even if the indigenous social structure has been broken up now, those indigenous managements still can't help considering issues in the same way as in the past, so not many of them are willing to obey Simba's orders. And the reason why they recognize Simba as the leader is because Simba helped them rescue them, and they were all broken up because of the social system for a while, which made it impossible for them to have a unified leader, so It also allowed Simba to be the leader by name. But this leader is only in name, and doesn't have much real power.

"Come on! Break through the Chinese defense line!" Immediately a native shouted.

The battalion commander of the reinforced battalion in the distance immediately showed a treacherous smile when he saw this scene, and said: "This time they finally came up together, and it's not in vain that we deliberately hid so much firepower! This time, try to get these people up together!" Thousands of indigenous troops were annihilated, so we have made a great contribution, which is really great."

"Let them in and fight again. The natives don't have firearms anyway, so we just use firearms to bully them!" said the battalion commander.

Since the natives don't have enough firearms, it's not a problem to get closer. After all, different enemies have different styles of play. If it is to deal with foreign devils, then naturally they dare not shoot them close. After all, they also have guns and cannons. Those who fight foreign devils at close range are because their rifles do not have enough ammunition, so they may have a higher hit rate if they are brought closer. . And this is not a kind of helplessness? Know when you are able to hit the enemy. The enemy can also hit you, which is the case of firearms combat. You keep enemies close to save bullets. That means that the enemy can hit you at a closer range, and the hit rate is also higher. So at that time you will inevitably face a huge sacrifice.

So if the enemy's weapon is the same as his own, then Wang Guorui's Taiwanese army will never let the enemy approach. But in the face of these natives, they have no firearms. So there is no need to worry about being hit by their firearms, so that they can easily kill a large number of them.

"One hundred meters, hit me! Machine guns, grenades, mortars, all fire." The battalion commander shouted.

"Da da da da..."

"Papa papa..."

The machine gun and the grenadier mortar fired together, and the distance was so close that the enemy could be hit by direct aiming. When the aborigines saw the fierce artillery fire, they suddenly felt confused. They didn't expect that the Chinese line of defense that seemed to be crumbling just now, why has the firepower become so fierce now? Such fierce firepower. Can they defend themselves? And many aborigines were also shot down by machine guns like cutting wheat, and grenades and mortars also exploded in the aboriginal group, blowing up one aboriginal soldier after another. And all this is unexpected by the natives. Leave them unprepared at all.

"Don't mess up, don't mess up!" the native general shouted.

The native general kept yelling, obviously feeling very angry, and the soldiers under him were so scared when they saw the firearms. After all, these indigenous soldiers didn't have much experience in firearms combat, so they couldn't resist such fierce firepower at all. They also started to run away one after another. And no matter how the native officers organized, they couldn't bring back the natives. These natives were not professional soldiers. Nor are they trained people, they are not even as good as militiamen. And they don't have much experience in military training, and they don't have strict discipline, so they will naturally fail in a fight, and they can't last long at all. It's okay for this kind of native to fight with the wind, but now the situation is obviously wrong, so they start to run away one after another.

"Hit me, hit me hard!" shouted the battalion commander.

"The battalion commander has an order, hit me! Hit me hard!" The orderly shouted.

More than a thousand soldiers began to fire fiercely at the enemy on the opposite side, and then poured out as much ammunition as they were obviously impolite. The loss of the natives was unparalleled. In just two or three minutes, thousands of natives began to fall to the ground, and the losses were extremely huge. Seeing such fierce firepower, the natives immediately collapsed and fled to the rear one after another. No matter those aboriginal leaders are holding steel knives to stop them, they can't stop the aboriginals from escaping. First of all, they don't have any discipline. In addition, everyone knows that facing the firepower of the Taiwan army is dead, but facing the officers' With steel knives, at least half of them can live, so they chose to escape from the rear, hoping to avoid being killed by the firepower of the Taiwan army.

And no matter how those aboriginal officers stopped the soldiers, they were unable to force those aboriginal soldiers back to fight the Taiwan army. On the contrary, many aboriginal officers who supervised the battle were besieged to death by those angry soldiers, and this meant that the aboriginals had no beliefs, no discipline, and no idea of ​​sacrificing for the country and the nation. At present, too few are able to awaken, and their ideas have not been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and they are still willing to succumb to foreign rule. After all, the "slavery" they were trained by the Dutch has not completely disappeared. As long as they are kept alive, they are still willing to succumb to the rule of the Chinese.

Although they would be angry because of the abuse of the Chinese before, but now they are all facing the road of certain death, which really makes them feel that they might as well be obedient citizens. The richness of Nanyang's products has made them lazy. In addition, they do not have their own culture and civilization, so naturally they cannot have a strong national spirit. Although the national consciousness has begun to awaken now, the start time is too short to spread, so the result they face is that there are not many people who have the courage to fight the Taiwanese.

"Battalion Commander, the natives have collapsed, let the submachine guns go up!" said a combat staff officer.

The battalion commander immediately said: "Okay, order the submachine gun platoon to charge me! Go after and kill those natives, as many as you can kill! This time, we will focus on annihilating their vital forces, and kill as many as they can, but there is no need to kill them." Don't force it, if you run out of bullets, you will return. Governor Wang said that dealing with the natives this time may be a long-term protracted war, so we must focus on siege and attack as a supplement."

"Yes!" shouted the submachine gun platoon leader.

General battalion-level troops do not have submachine gun units. Only regiment-level and above have a special warfare company, and they have submachine guns. And these soldiers guarding the aborigines, because of the tense situation now, equipped them with a submachine gun platoon to let them strengthen their firepower to prevent those aborigines from being unable to suppress the rebellion. Because the reason why Simba was able to rebel successfully before was because you thought that the troops guarding that camp at that time were small and had no automatic firepower, so this made them succeed in rebelling. So now that the lesson has been learned, it is impossible not to be equipped with enough firepower.

"Submachine gun platoon, follow me!"

"Come on!"

The assault platoon rushed across the position where the corpses of the aborigines were all over the ground. More than 5,000 aborigines were killed here. Even if they didn't die, many of them were missing arms and legs, and they wouldn't live long. . And Taiwan will not be so benevolent and take the initiative to treat these wounded. However, Taiwan still has some "conscience" and didn't take the initiative to attack them. Anyway, it is their luck that they can survive, and it is their bad luck if they can't survive. But looking at this situation, after being shot, the bullet will not survive after being stuck in the body for a long time.

"Da da da da..."

The submachine guns began to charge and fire, and many aborigines who fled back began to be shot to death. But they didn't dare to turn around and fight back. After all, once they lost the courage to resist, they would inevitably face the situation that a small number of soldiers could chase and kill them. If many squadrons were chased and killed by a small Japanese army during the Anti-Japanese, that would be the result. It is obvious that the enemy is weaker than himself, but he has lost the courage to resist, and would rather be killed than resist. One can imagine how sad this is! But the same is true of these aborigines. They were beaten by the fierce firepower of the Taiwan army and lost the courage to resist, which forced them to flee.

"Kill, kill as much as you can. We must focus on killing the enemy's vital strength!" The submachine gun platoon leader shouted.


"Da da da da..."

More than 30 submachine guns kept firing, but the natives continued to suffer casualties.

"Platoon leader, there are no bullets!" Someone said.

"No more bullets? Then let's retreat quickly, don't chase after the poor!" said the platoon leader of the submachine gun platoon.

After all, a submachine gun without bullets is worse than a fire stick, so if you don't have bullets, you should retreat quickly, so as to avoid facing the counterattack of the natives. So if there are no bullets, then retreat quickly so that they can retreat safely. (to be continued)

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