Red Alert 1895

Chapter 347: Uncle Pit (Part 2)

Due to communication problems, Henry Huntington, the young owner of the Newport News Shipyard, did not know that his uncle's shipyard had been sold for $10,000, and he had changed from a young man envied by everyone to an ordinary person. And if there is no accident in the future, he may have to rely on his own hands to earn money to support himself. And now he is still spending a lot of money here, obviously wanting to live that wealthy life.

"Is that dancer here? Didn't I ask him to come here to serve me today? How come no one came?" Henry Huntington asked.

"Master, you are so rich, I think they will surrender. After all, you have so much money, she will be tempted by a dancer!" A servant immediately flattered her.

And soon, Henry Huntington's restaurant was immediately surrounded, and this one was also surrounded by Chinese gangs in San Francisco. There are a lot of Chinese in San Francisco, and the Chinese are very good at forming gangs, so they now have many Chinese gangs in San Francisco. And Xun Yueming spent some money, and soon got online with the local gang, and the two parties were in a cooperative relationship. If there is something that Xun Yueming, the intelligence station manager, is not suitable to come forward, it will be handed over to those gangs. In this way, everyone thought it was a gang vendetta, and they would not suspect that it was an agent of another country. And now that these gangs came out, it was obvious that Xun Yueming didn't want to expose himself.

"What are you doing? This is the room of the heir of the Newport News Shipyard. What are you doing here?" Henry Huntington's servant yelled angrily.

"Hahahaha. You thought you were the young owner? You're just a bankrupt wretch, maybe you don't know it yet? Your Newport News shipyard has been sold to Tan Yafu, one of our boss's women In the hands of others, now you are no longer the young owner of the Newport News Shipyard. You are just the nephew of an ordinary worker, and even now you are a chicken in our hands that can be slaughtered at will!" Xun Yueming said.

"What are you talking about? You are talking nonsense! My uncle's shipyard is one of the largest shipyards in the United States. How could he suddenly close down and be sold? What's more, how could he be sold to a Chinese? Maybe you can buy our shipyard?" Henry Huntington said angrily.

"Unfortunately, you still don't know what's wrong. You dare to think about our boss's woman, so aren't you looking for death?" Xun Yueming said.

"Impossible. You must be lying to me!" Henry Huntington said angrily.

"Hmph, you don't believe me. Maybe there will be a telegram soon!" Xun Yueming replied.

As soon as Xun Yueming finished speaking, a servant immediately brought a telegram.

"Master, the shipyard has been sold to a woman named Tanya!" the servant hurriedly said with a telegram.

The reason why Wang Guorui used Tan Ya's name to hold the shipyard. That is actually to avoid the antipathy of the Americans. After all, the United States is still very anti-Chinese, and the Chinese Exclusion Act still exists. Although Wang Guorui secretly cooperated with the Rockefeller consortium, it was impossible for Rockefeller to take the initiative to touch the brow of the Chinese Exclusion Act just for the sake of cooperation. After all, even those financial groups are afraid of public wrath. Exclusion of Chinese is the consensus of almost all white people in the United States. Although Rockefeller has a lot of money, he can't fight against the collective consciousness of the people of the whole country, so they will not take the initiative to come forward.

At present, Taiwan is still unable to threaten the United States to abolish this bill, so Tan Ya is allowed to hold the company to avoid too many accidents. After all, Tanya is an American. Holding it by her will allow Americans to get by emotionally. Anyway, Wang Guorui and Tanya did not obtain a marriage certificate in the United States, so on the surface they have nothing to do with each other. In this way, Americans can feel better and will not directly oppose it.

"What? This is impossible! Impossible. Impossible! How could it be Chinese?" Henry Huntington said in horror.

And Henry Huntington couldn't accept it at all. Just a few minutes ago, he was the heir to the young owner of a large American company, but now he has been reduced to a shabby, poor man. And his uncle's company has been sold. It just sold for $10,000. And he couldn't even imagine how he would live in the future. How can it be done? At that time, I didn't have so many extravagant sources of living, so what should I do! He didn't have any ability to make a living at all, and now he suddenly fell from heaven to hell, which made him really unacceptable!

"Haha, Henry, our boss asked me to take good care of you!" Xun Yueming said.

And Xun Yueming knew that he had to "take care" of this guy, otherwise Wang Guorui's anger would not be eliminated. After all, this guy dared to play tricks on Wang Guorui's woman. If he didn't teach him a lesson, what would Wang Guorui do in the future? If you can't even protect your own woman, how can the people believe that you can protect countless people? So this is not only related to the color of Wang Guorui's hat, but also related to Wang Guorui's prestige. Especially in China, Chinese thinking is very traditional, if a leader lets others **** his own woman, then how can you convince the people of your strength? If the person who cheats on your woman doesn't have to pay the price, it will really ruin the prestige completely.

China is not like the West, where it is completely acceptable for husbands and wives to look for lovers everywhere. There are even many men and women in the Western world who, after getting married according to family arrangements, find their own lovers and do not interfere with each other. As long as they give birth to an heir when necessary, they can live their own lives in separate bureaus. But not in China, in China only men have this privilege, women do not have this privilege. Therefore, Wang Guorui would never allow anyone to play tricks on his woman. Anyway, it's not that Xun Yueming didn't warn Henry Huntington, but he had already warned him several times, but he didn't listen, so don't blame Wang Guorui for being cruel. Wang Guorui was not someone who would be punished if he didn't teach. Anyway, if he didn't listen, Wang Guorui was going to do it.

"What are you going to do? Bodyguard, hurry up and protect me, protect me!" Henry Huntington shouted.

But Xun Yueming immediately said: "Are you sure you still want to protect and fight for the poor? You must know that his uncle's shipyard has been sold, and you will be completely unemployed. So even if you protect him, he will not be able to pay you. At that time, not only will you have to pay a terrible price, but you will also not be able to get the money. Why do you think you are doing this? We don't want to implicate innocent people casually, so you should think about it yourself."

And those bodyguards looked at each other, and then walked out of the hotel together, obviously not serving the boss anymore. After all, what Xun Yueming said was right, if he had to pay a huge price to protect this poor ghost, it really wouldn't be worth it. This Henry Huntington has become a poor ghost, there is no need to work hard for him. Even if you try your best, not only will you be retaliated by these "dragons across the river", but you will also not get any money, so as a smart person, you will naturally have to run away, and it is best to ignore these guys.

"You guys, you usually took so much money from me, but now you actually sold me!" Henry Huntington said angrily.

Next, Xun Yueming said to the people next to him: "I'll leave this guy to you, as long as you don't kill him."

"Okay, we will definitely take good care of him!" Xun Yueming said.

Soon, screams came from the room. But Xun Yueming's meaning was obvious, that is, it would be fine if he didn't kill him. Even if it is killed, there is no problem. With Wang Guorui's influence, coupled with the partnership with Rockefeller, and the fact that the United States is a capitalist society, money is everything. In the United States, as long as there is money, there is no law. This is even worse than in China. In China, the vast majority of judges still abide by the law, but in the United States, they only follow the law when they have no money. When they have money, they can consider bypassing the law. After all, American lawyers But the whole world is "notorious". Even if Xun Yueming beat this guy to death, as long as he is willing to spend some money, there will always be a lawyer to help you give this period to "Gaping" According to Xun Yueming's understanding, beating someone to death is not the best form of torture The way of human beings, but let him suffer for the rest of his life. The best way to retaliate is to make his half life worse than death. As a subordinate, of course, you must understand the meaning of your boss. Although Wang Guorui has every opportunity, he may not remember this guy, but who knows when he will remember it? The mind of the superior should always be careful. Even if there is an emergency possibility, it cannot be easily let go. So clean up this Henry Huntington as soon as possible, so that even if Wang Guorui remembers, he can have an explanation.

After a while, the torturer came out and said, "I promise, he is not dead, but he can only beg for a living in the future!"

"Okay, today I invite everyone to have a drink, and invite all the big Chinese in San Francisco to go." Xun Yueming said.

"Master Xun is really proud, we are just doing this little favor, you are so polite! Hehe!"

Soon, the former young owner of the Newport News Shipyard also became a thing of the past, and no one cared what happened to him. Anyway, not long after, a disabled person appeared in San Francisco. He felt scared when he saw the Chinese. He obviously suffered from Chinese phobia and lived in fear all his life. (to be continued)

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