Red Alert 1895

Chapter 348: top secret information (1)

Japan, Tokyo, the Army Staff Headquarters, Akashi Motojiro, the section chief of the second Taiwan Division responsible for intelligence, is busy working. His current job is to help Taiwan act as an important intelligence filter within the Japanese General Staff Headquarters. If Taiwan was detected with any important information, and the Japanese agents reported it to him, he would also send it to Yuri through brainwaves, and then Yuri would pass it on to Wang Guorui again, so that Wang Guorui would be prepared. Even if necessary, Akashi Genjiro will be responsible for cutting off the route of Japanese intelligence to prevent important information from being sent to high-level Japanese officials. And no one would know that a promising Japanese colonel was actually a traitor in Taiwan. Even Japan actually got this traitor to be in charge of Taiwan's intelligence, so what kind of intelligence investigation can there be? As for Japan's undercover agents in Taiwan, Wang Guorui knew about it before the Emperor of Japan got the news. Wang Guorui had already mastered the list of Japanese undercover agents in Taiwan. It was just to avoid exposing Akashi Genjiro, so he didn't do anything directly. Most of them were secretly monitored.

"Akashi-kun, His Majesty the Emperor wants to see you!" Immediately, an attendant military officer of the Emperor of Japan said.

"Hey!" Akashi Genjiro said immediately.

Akashi Genjiro came to the imperial palace, and then met with Emperor Meiji of Japan, and then Emperor Meiji was going to give Akashi Genjiro an assignment.

"Akashi Genjiro, how are you doing now? Are you satisfied?" Emperor Meiji asked.

"I would like to serve the emperor, and I will die for the emperor!" Akashi Motojiro said righteously. But no one knows what is going on in my heart.

Emperor Meiji immediately said: "Okay, Akashi Genjiro, you are really good. I didn't misunderstand you. And after a while, you can consider upgrading again! In a few days, I will officially appoint you as the second general of the General Staff Headquarters." The deputy head of the department, in charge of the second China class and the Taiwan class, I hope you will work hard!"

After hearing this, Akashi Genjiro knew that he could have a higher status in the Japanese army, because he would be in charge of intelligence on both Taiwan and the mainland in the future. This is tantamount to helping Wang Guorui obtain information about the Qing Dynasty in the mainland. In this way, Wang Guorui has two sets of intelligence agencies serving him, one is his own intelligence agency. The other set is the Japanese intelligence service. But Japan didn't know at all that its own information had already been transparent, and Wang Guorui would definitely be able to get anything he wanted to know within five hours.

As for Akashi Genjiro, he also knew that his military rank might be promoted soon. Because I am the deputy chief of the second department of the General Staff Headquarters, according to the establishment, the rank of this position should be the rank of major general, so I can be promoted. And this must be very good. After all, becoming a general and not becoming a general are two different things in the Japanese army, and even in many countries it is a huge threshold. And now that Akashi Genjiro has finally become a general, he can have a good future. Next, we can better serve Wang Guorui.

As for this, Akashi Genjiro also knew about it. The specific reason is that Akashi Yuanjiro organized the Emperor Dao faction. At present, Akashi Genjiro used his influence to organize a group of young military officers, and then became an organization claiming to be the Emperor's School. Everything is based on the emperor's imperial power and imperial prestige and so on. Looks like a running dog of the Emperor. And the Emperor Meiji also liked this kind of person, so he wanted to give special support to the leader of the imperial way, Akashi Genjiro, so the Emperor Meiji also chose to promote Akashi Genjiro. If it was normal, it would be impossible for Akashi Genjiro to be promoted so quickly. This time it was an exceptional promotion.

"Akashi Genjiro, I want to tell you a secret now. It is related to our Japanese plan for Taiwan!" Emperor Meiji said.

"Oh? What plan?" Akashi Genjiro pricked up his ears to listen, because the current Emperor Meiji is so mysterious. Obviously it's a very important thing.

"I tell you, after a while the Spanish fleet will come to visit us in Japan to discuss matters of military exchanges with our Great Japanese Emperor!" Emperor Meiji said.

Akashi Genjiro replied: "Yes, I have heard about it too. Does His Majesty the Emperor want me to spy on them?"

Akashi Genjiro had known this news for a long time, so he didn't find it strange, and he didn't care.

"No, no, that's not what I mean. It's just that the Spanish fleet actually has another destination. After they arrive at the Strait of Malacca, they will immediately launch a war against Taiwan and attack Taiwan's Java Sea Fleet, trying to take advantage of it. Prepare to take Taiwan's Java Sea Fleet into the sea and feed it to bastards. Then Spain will immediately send its army to fight against Taiwan, and Spain will officially declare war on Taiwan."

"What?" Akashi Genjiro suddenly exclaimed in shock.

Akashi Motojiro really didn't expect that the Spanish fleet was going to go to war against Taiwan, which really shocked Akashi Motojiro. He didn't know about this problem before, he just thought it was the Spanish fleet visiting Japan, and didn't pay much attention at first. But I didn't expect that things were still so interesting. Spain was going to war with Taiwan. The news had to be passed on to Wang Guorui as soon as possible, otherwise the Java Sea Fleet would be in big trouble. Even if it is attacked by Spain, it may be really dangerous. Therefore, Akashi Genjiro had to find out such important information immediately, and then pass it on to Wang Guorui.

"Akashi Genjiro, this is the absolute secret of the empire, you can't leak it out! And this is actually prepared when we were defeated in the Netherlands, that is, the four countries of the Japanese Empire, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and Spain cooperated together. Assault on Taiwan. A month later, the Spanish warships went through the Strait of Malacca on the grounds of visiting the empire. Taking advantage of Taiwan's unpreparedness, they took the opportunity to sneak attack and try to destroy Taiwan's Java Sea Fleet in one fell swoop. The Spanish army that came later will There will be a landing operation, and finally a war with Taiwan. At that time, it will be too late for Taiwan’s Taiwan Strait Fleet to support, and Taiwan’s Banda Sea Fleet does not have battleships and cruisers, but only some light ships, so it can be ignored .”

"And the core of this plan lies in the tripartite cooperation. Spain dispatched the army to fight, and the Netherlands provided material support. Although the Netherlands was occupied by the islands east of Kalimantan, Java Island and Sumatra Island are still in the hands of the Dutch. The provision of supplies is more than enough. The British are responsible for providing interest-free loans, and then allow Spain to expand its military to fight against Taiwan. The British dare not take the initiative to fight against Taiwan, so they just kicked Spain to the front as an outpost against Taiwan.”

Akashi Genjiro quickly asked: "Then what is our Great Japanese Empire responsible for?"

"Hehe, our Empire of Japan is in charge of intelligence, and our Empire of Japan will provide intelligence support for the Spanish army. In this way, we will cooperate with multiple parties to try to eliminate Taiwan. At the worst, we will be seriously injured, and then we will withdraw from Nanyang. Of course, we The Empire of Japan will not declare war on Taiwan, we are only secretly providing information." Emperor Meiji laughed.

Akashi Genjiro took a deep breath, he didn't expect this kind of result to happen. If he hadn't been an undercover agent in Japan, then Wang Guorui might have been assassinated, and the situation would be very unfavorable. At that time, Wang Guorui's loss was very huge, maybe it was really possible to lose Nanyang in this sudden attack! So Akashi Genjiro immediately started to inquire, and hoped to get more information, so that Wang Guorui could avoid problems.

"Your Majesty, what do you want me to do? I will swear allegiance to His Majesty the Emperor!" Akashi Genjiro said.

"It's very simple. This information is of great importance. We in Japan are mainly responsible for providing information, and this time the main responsibility lies with you. As long as you can work hard and effectively provide a large amount of accurate information to the Spanish army, then We will definitely gain a great advantage. At that time, we will be really good. As long as Taiwan can be severely damaged, it will definitely be of great benefit to us. Taiwan is our big Japan. We must defeat them. If we cannot defeat them, the rise of our great Japan will never be peaceful. Therefore, we will now cooperate with Western countries, and then we will destroy Taiwan together.” Emperor Meiji said excitedly~ Swear to die for His Majesty the Emperor! " Akashi Yuanjiro said.

"His Majesty the Emperor, is there anything else? If there is nothing else, then I will retire!" Akashi Genjiro said.

Akashi Genjiro hoped to tell Wang Guorui the news as soon as possible, otherwise the Taiwan class would really face a very severe challenge. Hurry up and tell Wang Guorui now that there is still time, at least one month in advance to prepare for the war, which will definitely be very beneficial for the future.

"Okay, I have nothing to do. This matter must be kept secret. There are not many people who know about it. It is only me and the officials of the cabinet, and below the major general, only you know it, and even a lot of people know about it. The lieutenant general doesn't even know about this situation. So, you must keep it secret, otherwise if the secret is leaked, the consequences for us will be disastrous!" said Emperor Meiji.

"Follow the teachings of the Emperor!" Akashi Genjiro said righteously.

Akashi Genjiro returned to the workplace immediately, and then started to activate the brain waves, and reported the relevant news to Yuri, and then asked Yuri to pass it on to Wang Guorui again. If this message is delivered late, something could go wrong! (to be continued)

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