Red Alert 1895

Chapter 394: Night Hunting (Part 1)

At night, a ninja team of more than 30 people marched in the dark night, and then they walked around.

"Mr. Hattori, these Chinese people are really serious. Every time they come out to patrol, they are no less than a company. We can't do anything with more than a hundred people. And each of them has 20 submachine guns. Our firepower is really good. It’s not enough! These Chinese people are really too timid, so many people come to patrol together, and they also carry submachine guns. Isn’t this clearly afraid of us? The Chinese people are cowards and dare not face us directly challenged?" Someone said proudly.

"Baga, you silly bird! The Chinese have found a way to prevent us, and you are so proud? Do you think it is still the same? Back then we paid attention to warrior duels in our country, but what era is it now, the age of guns ! How can you still pay attention to fair duels? Do you know why you can't be the captain?" Hattori-kun asked.

"Why?" the "silly bird" asked immediately.

"Because you don't know how to keep up with the times!" Hattori-kun snorted.

And these Japanese are really depressed. Originally, they specially selected those Taiwanese troops who were alone to carry out sneak attacks, and they did achieve some results at the beginning. But when Tanya came here, they had gained nothing in the past two days. Tan Ya made a suggestion to Ma Junhui, sending a company to patrol every time, and then concentrated the submachine guns in those patrolling troops. A company of patrolling troops had twenty submachine guns, and the firepower was very fierce. Although those Japanese ninjas are good at sneak attacks with darts. But they cherish their lives very much. They are not afraid of death, but because they think it is not worth it, let themselves die together with some ordinary soldiers of the enemy. This is obviously not worth it. So once they encounter a large number of enemies, they will also choose to give up.

After all, although they could kill a dozen or more people in one sneak attack, they couldn't kill a company of enemies at a time. Once the remaining enemies counterattacked, and even took out their submachine guns to shoot, the fate of these people would be very miserable. At that time, I am afraid that they will all be shot to death by submachine guns. Although they are ninjas and special soldiers, they are even more flesh and blood. Can't face the power of bullets at all. In front of bullets, these people are not indestructible. Therefore, they will give up when they encounter enemies with fierce firepower and large numbers of people. What's more, what they do is also this kind of sneak attack, so naturally they will not foolishly fight the enemy head-on. This is not bravery, but stupidity. Ninjas are born to attack. Not to fight head-on.

"Hatto-kun, there is a patrol ahead. It seems that there is only one squad. We can sneak attack it easily." Someone said.

"Hatbu-kun, what a great opportunity! Hurry up and kill them, we haven't started work for two days!" Someone responded immediately.

The ninjas have not made any new gains in the past two days. They are eager to get new gains, which can damage the morale of the Taiwan army. If the results cannot be achieved for a long time, then once the morale of the Taiwan army is restored. Then their work will be in vain. But every time those Taiwanese troops dispatched a company, this made them very helpless. But now they finally met an enemy who was alone in the squad, which made them very tempted. So they are all earnestly hoping to obtain results.

"Wait, is there a scam? The Taiwanese are so strict. Could it be that they deliberately let people come to lure us?" Hattori-kun said.

"Hatbu-kun is right, but we just need to use darts to sneak attack, we don't need to get close. If we are sure that there is no one, we will come out again. How?" Someone said immediately.

"Okay, let's sneak attack with darts. See if we can scare the snake!" Hattori-kun said.

Soon, the more than thirty ninjas also took out darts, and ten of them threw darts. And the ten darts soon hit the patrolling soldiers, and the soldiers immediately fell down. But those ninjas didn't come out right away, they were waiting nearby for someone to come out and search for them.

"Ten minutes later, none of them came out, and no one came to collect the bodies of their comrades in arms. These people should be alone. Let's go up and see if there is any information on them!" Someone said .

It has been ten minutes since they killed the patrol team. At this time, no one came to help the patrol team collect the body, and they all thought that there should be no one nearby. Those more than 30 ninjas also rushed up, and then began to search the **** Taiwanese soldiers, hoping to obtain some information.

"Crack clap clap!"

With four gunshots, the four ninjas immediately fell down.

"No, there's an ambush!" Hattori-kun immediately shouted.

Those ninjas immediately left the body of the Taiwanese soldier, and then dispersed skillfully, using the surrounding trees to cover themselves. They took cover with the trees and started to see who the enemy was.

"Don't think you'll be fine just hiding behind the trees, look how powerful my bullets are!" Tan Ya snorted.


As Tanya fired two more shots, the two ninjas hiding behind the trees were killed, and the not-so-thick trees were also interrupted.

"Such a powerful pistol, it's Tanya, the banshee from the Taiwan Strait!" shouted Hattori-kun who was hiding behind a boulder.

"What? Tanya, the Banshee of the Taiwan Strait?" Those ninjas gasped.

Tanya's prestige is very terrifying in the hearts of ordinary Japanese soldiers, because Tanya alone killed more than two thousand Japanese soldiers by various means on the battlefield, what a terrifying number. Since ancient times, how many people can claim to have achieved "thousand people beheaded"? And Tanya achieved it easily. Although they used guns and explosives, no matter what the reason, more than 2,000 Japanese soldiers went to meet Amaterasu because of Tanya's willingness, which is enough to show Tanya's strength. The so-called people who are worthy of fame, those ninjas gasped when they heard that Tan Ya was coming.

"Miss Tanya, you are really ruthless! In order to lure us out, you sacrificed ten of your soldiers. You are so ruthless!" Hattori-kun shouted from behind the stone.

"It's worth it to lure you out!" Tan Ya said.

"..." Hattori-kun was speechless, and then said helplessly: "As expected, she is worthy of being a banshee in the Taiwan Strait, she is ruthless enough! Not only is she ruthless to the enemy, but she is also so ruthless to her own people!"

But Hattori-kun actually misunderstood Tanya, what Tanya said was worth it was actually worth it in terms of cost. These ten Taiwanese troops are actually not natural persons, but clones of Red Police soldiers. Tan Ya deliberately selected ten clones as a means to lure the enemy, and those ninjas killed these Red Police soldiers, and they inevitably came to check the corpses, hoping to obtain information. And Tanya just took advantage of the fact that these ninjas hadn't obtained results in two days, and urgently needed to obtain results, and then deliberately sacrificed a dozen clone soldiers, so that they could also lure them to show up.

As for the value, that's because ten clone soldiers cost only two thousand silver dollars, but if they can exchange for the lives of more than thirty Japanese ninjas, it's all worth it. And for these cheapest clones who hardly have much wisdom, they are mostly consumables, Tanya will not be too sad.

Hattori-kun on the opposite side obviously misunderstood, he thought that Tan Ya deliberately sent ten natural people to die, and then exchanged for the opportunity to annihilate them. So Hattori-kun also admires Tanya's ruthlessness, not only for her enemies, but also for her own people. This is also the result of different thinking. Those ninjas don’t know that these are consumable clone soldiers, but in Tanya’s eyes, these are the cheapest clone soldiers, costing less than two thousand silver dollars. The natural cost of annihilating more than 30 elite ninjas is unreasonable.

What's more, using a small number of people in the army to lure the enemy is also allowed by the military laws since ancient times. In war, some people always have to make sacrifices, for example, some people have to make sacrifices to lure the enemy. If he died, he would be regarded as a hero who died in battle and could receive a pension. And it's good that Tanya didn't use natural people to lure the enemy, so those who died were all ordinary clones with the lowest intelligence, so there wouldn't be too much loss.

Sure enough ninjas also showed up, they didn't expect that Taiwan would sacrifice ten lives just to attract them to appear. As a result, this exposure was immediately exposed to Tan Ya's eyes, and as a result, six people were beaten to death at the beginning of the game.

"Tanya, let's just have fun today. Today I want to see how capable you, Tanya, the banshee of the Taiwan Strait are! Since we have the opportunity to compete with the banshee of the Taiwan Strait, we must not miss it." This kind of opportunity is probably only once in a lifetime. Either you die or I die. Today, even if I die at the hands of you, the banshee of the Taiwan Strait, I will not regret it. At least, as a new generation of Hattori Hanzo, I don’t Being able to embarrass my ancestors! Even if I die, it is an honor to die in the hands of you, a banshee of the Taiwan Strait! However, if I can kill you and avenge the thousands of heroic spirits of my Great Japanese Empire, then I am the hero of my Great Japanese Empire!" Hattori Hanzo laughed.

After listening to Hattori Hanzo's words, Tanya replied; "I would like to see how capable this generation of Hattori Hanzo is, as the successor of the legendary ninja!"

"Okay, let's start! Everyone use Wooden Dunjutsu!" Hattori Hanzo shouted.

Soon, the remaining 27 or 8 ninjas also started to move around, but there seemed to be no one in the woods. (to be continued)

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