Red Alert 1895

Chapter 395: Night Hunting (Medium)

The ninjas led by Hattori Hanzo also started to move around, and they were obviously moving around in the woods. Ordinary people can't see the figures in this forest at all, because these ninjas seem to be mixed in there, blending with the surrounding environment as if. And in this dark night, it seemed impossible to judge the exact position of the other party. As for the following, they all continued to move around, and then it was like a gust of wind blowing leaves. It was impossible to judge which were leaves and which were ninjas.

"Hmph, small tricks!" Tan Ya snorted.

"Crack clap clap!"

Tanya quickly fired four bullets, and four of those ninjas immediately fell from the trees and fell to the ground.

Of course Tanya will not be deceived by this situation, because the so-called "wooden escape" by these ninjas is actually nothing magical. These ninja's so-called evasion techniques of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, in fact, once people know the inside story, they will not feel anything strange, but those who don't know the inside story seem to be very mythical. However, she was deeply aware of the so-called Five Elements Escape Technique, Tanya's instilled memories of these Five Elements Escape Techniques also had corresponding content, so naturally she would not be fooled by these ninjas.

And this so-called wood escape technique, they actually used the leaves in the forest, and then put on a set of colorful clothes on their bodies, so that they could hide their figure in the trees. And the colorful clothes of this ninja are actually the prototype of camouflage uniforms. Tanya is a special soldier in a special soldier. A superhero who can be as good as one thousand, her eyes are very vicious, and it is very easy to tell whether those are camouflage clothes. Tan Ya can even see through those camouflage uniforms that have been camouflaged by the high-tech of later generations. Then how could these original camouflage uniforms be able to hide it from Tanya? In Tanya's eyes, these original camouflage uniforms are no different from the ordinary British "lobster soldiers" in bright red clothes. Therefore, Tanya easily killed four ninjas with a pistol.

"No, Wood Dungetsu is actually useless to this woman, let's throw darts!" Hattori Hanzo shouted.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

Dozens of darts flew over, but Tanya took her time and dodged immediately. These darts are highly poisonous. Even Tanya couldn't really catch this poisonous dart, so Tanya had to hide. But Tanya has one more great advantage. That is, he has a space-time belt, which can return to the past state. With this space-time belt, it is equivalent to an extra life, so even if Tanya is poisoned. He can also use the space-time belt to save himself once. However, this space-time belt needs to be recharged for three days every time it is used. This is the only shortcoming. However, the current enemy has not been able to make Tanya really use the space-time belt, because the war at the end of the 19th century and the wars in Tanya's memory are simply "playing house".

"Hey Hey…"

Tanya kept dodging these darts. If he couldn't dodge, he would use the pistol in his hand as a block. Tanya's pistol is made of a special alloy that transcends the times, and its hardness is extremely high, otherwise it would not be able to withstand the power of this special 12mm caliber pistol bullet! So don't talk about using this kind of high-hardness pistol to block some cold weapon darts. Even if it is placed in the explosive pile of this era, it is not afraid of being blown up. Darts are cold weapons after all, and their flying speed is not as fast as bullets, so Tanya can easily block them. No dart could hit Tanya.


Tanya sneaked in and fired two shots, and immediately two more ninjas fell down.

"Go! Go into the woods!" Hattori Hanzo shouted.


Those ninjas gave up throwing darts at Tanya, then turned around and ran towards the woods. And Tanya saw this scene, and followed in without hesitation. Tan Ya's goal is also to eliminate these ninjas, so that the Taiwan army can solve the way of attack.

"Ka Ka Ka Ka..."

Tanya walked into the woods, and stepped on the dried leaves. There was a clicking sound.

"Where did you go?" Tanya looked around and muttered.

Tanya came to the forest. Then I looked around and saw the trees, then the ground. And the ground seems to be a flat land, and there seems to be no prominent place. Tanya slowly began to search, but she was always listening to the surrounding sounds quietly with her ears to prevent the enemy from suddenly releasing darts. Then move forward step by step.

And a ninja looked at Tanya, and then gradually approached here, and he held a dart in his hand, as if he was going to fly towards Tanya at any time. But he knew that he only had one chance, so he didn't rush to throw a dart. He knew that once he missed Tanya, that would be the time for him to be exposed, and he would definitely die at that time. So he was still very careful, and didn't rush to throw darts just because Tanya was in the light and he was in the dark. However, he had already pinched the dart in his hand.

"Huh? Yoshi, you actually took the initiative to get close to me, so I can just assassinate you directly, no need to throw darts. In this way, as long as your skin is scratched by me, you will definitely die!" The ninja thought in his heart.

Tanya looked at the ground, then came around and smiled.

"Since you like digging into the ground so much and took the initiative to dig a grave for yourself, then how can you do it if I don't help you?" Tan Ya muttered.


Tanya stomped **** a piece of muddy ground, and as a result, there was a scream from below the ground, and then there was no more sound.

"Papa papa!"

Tanya fired three shots into the ground again, and three **** arrows shot out from the ground, obviously there were ninjas hiding inside. But now they have been beaten to death. After all, if they were hit by Tanya's bullets, they would definitely die.

"This is also the earth escape technique? I didn't use this old-fashioned method more than ten years ago!" Tan Ya snorted.

The so-called earth escape in ninjutsu is to use the depression on the ground, and then quickly let yourself climb up, and then "fill" the hole at the fastest speed. It looks the same as a peaceful place. Just leave a hole to watch and breathe. And this technique requires fast speed, and you must quickly bury yourself when the enemy rushes over. And the technique of burying oneself should also be good, and it should be done very smoothly, so as to avoid being discovered by others.

But who is Tan Ya, she is a super special soldier, how could these ninjutsu techniques be hidden from her? He also received a lot of training in the training camp, and these "earth escape techniques" are not a thing at all. She can quickly analyze the soil which is new soil and which is old soil. Don't look at it's dark night, but dark night can't be a factor that reduces Tanya's combat effectiveness, so the "earth escape" of these four ninjas is useless at all, and was directly cracked by Tanya.

"Let's go!" Hattori Hanzo's shout came again from the distant forest, obviously wanting to move on and continue the next battle.

And this time the ninja has lost fourteen people, and the ninja's casualties have already reached about 40%. If it is an ordinary army, 10% casualties have already begun to retreat, and if the casualties are 30%, it means that they have lost their combat effectiveness. And 50% of the casualties means that this army has been completely disabled and has no combat effectiveness at all. But these ninjas are not ordinary people, nor can they be measured by ordinary troops. Although they have suffered 40% casualties, they still continue to fight, hoping to kill Tanya. And this Hattori Hanzo already had a plan, even if he sacrificed himself here, if he could kill Tanya, that would be a glorious defeat.

This woman Tanya is definitely a huge myth to soldiers all over the Among ordinary soldiers all over the world, they feel that the most powerful is not some general, but Tanya. Tanya has become the Goddess of War in the minds of ordinary soldiers all over the world. After all, this Goddess of War is a person who lives in this world. She has killed more than thousands of enemies by herself. This record is absolutely shocking. Soldiers respect the strong most, and Tanya's strength is also an important reason why countries dare not easily humiliate Taiwan. Once they attacked Taiwan, Tanya didn't need to protect Taiwan, but went directly to make trouble on their country's territory, and they would suffer huge losses. The two women, Tanya and Natasha, have been able to represent more than 30% of Taiwan's military strength. If Tanya can be killed this time, it means that Taiwan's military strength has dropped by more than 15% out of thin air. So this Hattori Hanzo thought that even if all his ninja teams died here, as long as he could pull Tanya back, everything would be worth it.

And Tanya saw the remaining 20 enemies continue to run into the depths of the dense forest, and she continued to chase after them without any hesitation. Tanya is very familiar with the methods of these ninjas. She has a lot of methods to deal with ninjas in her instilled memory. In fact, the methods of ninjas are not very mysterious. Tanya is very experienced in dealing with ninjas, because he knows what the so-called ninja's ninjutsu is all about, and it is not as magical and mythical as imagined. So Tanya knows that these ninjas are definitely not her opponents, and Tanya is not worried about what these ninjas can do to herself. (to be continued)

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