Red Alert 1895

Chapter 496: Trial of Foreigners (Part 2)

When everyone heard what the German said, they immediately had an idea in their hearts, that is, the foreign devils themselves were causing internal strife. These two foreign devils actually took the initiative to help the Chinese testify, which is obviously too surprising. Because in the eyes of many people, foreign devils are the same as raccoon dogs, how could they come to help the Chinese to testify! Therefore, now there is a German who came to help the Chinese to testify, which obviously makes them feel strange. However, since foreign devils helped the Chinese to testify, I am afraid that this evidence is very convincing.

That Robert looked at Kissinger, and almost cursed again in his heart, that foreigners helped Chinese to testify, which obviously made him very depressed.

"No, this is a German. The relationship between our British Empire and the Germans is very bad, so I think the Germans are suspected of helping perjury." Robert said.

But the German Kissinger immediately cursed: "We Germans are famous all over the world for our honesty and rigor. I use my personality to guarantee that I will not do such things as perjury, so my Testimony should be credible."

"No, judge, I question this German. He gave false testimony because of the conflict between Germany and our British Empire. Please judge not to accept it!" Things are really complicated.

The public prosecutor, Jin Nong, immediately asked, "Then what kind of people do you need as proof?"

"It is necessary to have people from countries that have no conflict with our British Empire, otherwise our British Empire will deeply doubt their testimony." Robert said.

Robert is playing a rogue. Anyway, citizens of countries that are in conflict with the British Empire are likely to give perjury. Anyway, he directly threatened with the British Empire, this is to tell Ning Quanli, if there is no evidence that the British Empire can recognize it. Then it is impossible for them to admit Philip's crime. And this is actually a deliberate problem, so anyway, it's just such a trap, disrupting the order of the trial.

"That's good. Next witness please! Aldridge from the British Empire." Jinnon said.

Soon, an Englishman actually came to the witness stand. This surprised both Robert and the British consul. They did not expect that there would be an Englishman to help the Chinese to testify. This was simply too surprising for them. If the witnesses were British, they would have no excuse to deny the evidence.

"I have met Mr. Judge. I am a nobleman from the British Empire. I have the title of Lord. My name is Aldridge. My ancestors were knights. Our family has always upheld the spirit of chivalry. So I saw such a violation at the time. The matter of chivalry is really infuriating. So now I take the initiative to testify. At that time, I saw that the traffic policeman quarreled first, but the traffic policeman was very polite and did not curse. Although I heard I don't understand what they are talking about, but the traffic policeman has always been very polite and never swears. So the so-called swearing and insulting our queen is somewhat unreasonable."

"Later the traffic policeman wanted to remove the car keys, but when the traffic policeman got into the car, that Philip pointed a pistol at the traffic policeman's back and shot him. As a result, the traffic policeman was killed on the spot. However, the lawyer just said that Why did he shoot while yelling at the queen of our country, so I think it should not be true. At least after he shot. The other party did not yell, and even the traffic police were very polite during their contact, without violence and An outrageous act."

"And this Philip actually directly killed a very polite traffic policeman. I really can't imagine this. And as a knight family, I think that we should be merciful and can't kill indiscriminately. And this kind of behavior of attacking from behind is even more serious. It is extremely vicious, so I am willing to come out and testify. This is what I, a member of the British Empire, should do, and I am also a knight, so I must abide by the spirit of knighthood. Be honest, do not tell lies, and have mercy on the weak. So I think I You should come out and testify. I have finished my testimony, please accept it, Mr. Judge," Aldrich said.

And the public prosecutor Jinnon immediately looked at the British lawyer Robert. Immediately ask: "Mr. Robert, do you have anything else to say?"

Robert was silent for a long time, and then said: "I have a question to ask this Lord Aldrich!"

"Please speak!" Ning Quanli said.

But that Robert immediately cursed: "Lord Aldrich, I want to ask you, are you still British?"

"Protest, the other party is threatening a witness!" Jin Nong shouted.

Ning Quanli immediately said: "The protest is effective, please lawyer Robert, don't say such threatening and intimidating language again, or I will drive you away."

The public prosecutor, Jin Nong, took the initiative to salute Aldrich and said, "Mr. Aldrich, you are a true knight, and I want to pay tribute to you!"

Soon, Jin Nong immediately said: "Your Excellency, the facts this time are very obvious, that is, the British deliberately killed people in public, and the British helped to testify, so I think the evidence is very obvious. And this British Philip was arrested by the police. They were arrested and did not turn themselves in. During the trial, instead of confessing their crimes, they covered them up and used unreasonable treaties to gain benefits for themselves. Therefore, they have no intention of repenting and should be given a heavy sentence. So I suggest the court Sentencing the death penalty is to avenge the deceased, and it also represents the justice of our Taiwan law, which does not favor anyone, even foreigners."

"Yes, the death penalty, the death penalty!" "Yes, the death penalty is the death penalty!" "Judge, let the death penalty be imposed!"...

There was a burst of calls for the death penalty, but Ning Quanli did not pronounce the sentence in line with "public opinion" on the spot, but said: "Now, let's adjourn for half an hour, and our collegial panel will discuss the sentencing opinion!"

Half an hour later, the trial judge Ning Quanli appeared on the stage, and then said, "Now, I will pronounce the sentence, everyone stand up!"

Soon, everyone including Wang Guorui was about to stand up.

"As for the criminal Philip, the evidence for killing our country's traffic policeman is solid, the facts are sufficient, and there are many witnesses. And the witnesses are from different countries, so it can be done. The evidence is indeed valid... Therefore, our collegial panel believes that Philip is guilty this time, And when Philip was arrested, he showed no remorse, so our collegial panel discussed together and decided to sentence Philip to death, and he will be executed by lethal injection five days later. This decision is made by Taiwan’s Supreme Court and is final, so it cannot be appealed.”

"No, you can't kill me like this. I'm a citizen of the British Empire. You can't just kill me like this. I'm a citizen of the British Empire. How dare you kill me? You can't judge me. I have consular jurisdiction." Philip Shouted with all his might.

But he was immediately suppressed by the bailiff, and he couldn't mess around.

"Stay here. After five days, we will verify your body and carry out the lethal injection!" Ning Quanli said.

"Papa papa..."

A series of applause suddenly sounded, and then obviously very satisfied with it. And those people who watched the trial felt a huge breath of evil in their hearts, because they finally breathed a sigh of relief after years of pressure, because they felt that their hearts had been liberated. Especially those who are not as good as foreigners in my heart, and those who are bullied by foreigners, etc., have been released today. So they all feel very relaxed now, because this foreigner will finally accept the trial of the Chinese, and he will be punished by the Chinese for killing someone in China. Therefore, everyone felt a burst of relief in their hearts. Now the mountain that has been pressing on us for decades has finally collapsed.

"Silence, silence!" the guard beside Wang Guorui immediately shouted.

Wang Guorui took the initiative to stand up, and then said to the crowd who had just calmed down: "My compatriots, the days when foreigners violated the law in China and violated the safety of our Chinese people's life and property without punishment are gone forever!"

"Long live my lord!" "Long live, my lord!" "Long live, my lord!" "Long live, my lord!"…

Soon, as the shouts sounded inside, those outside who were waiting for the result also knew the result, and immediately followed suit. Because they know that the criminal has received the punishment he deserved, instead of being able to get away with being a foreigner, so they all feel very relaxed. I felt a burst of relief, and the heaviest shackles that foreigners put on the Chinese people have since been lifted.

And soon, the whole of Taipei fell into a sea of ​​joy, because they all felt that this was a victory, a victory for the whole people. How hard-won this victory was, it was even the result of the joint efforts of the whole people. Although this victory seemed easy, it represented the victory won by countless people who threw their lives and blood. Since then, foreigners are no longer superior to others in China, and they will be tried and punished for breaking the law. And the Chinese are no longer pariahs, they are a group of fair people, they are all people who can hold their heads up in front of foreigners and treat them equally. And this victory is more exciting than any victory on the battlefield.

This victory is destined to be more important than any victory in any battle. It means that China has begun to rise, and it means that China is no longer the country that is humiliated by foreigners casually. The Chinese can "stand up" from now on. (to be continued)

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