Red Alert 1895

Chapter 497: Bad relationship (Part 1)

Soon, the news about Taiwan's death penalty for its citizens spread to the UK, which immediately caused a great stir in the British political circle. However, compared with the political sensation, other places are not so good. Because ordinary British people don't care about politics. This period is the most rampant period of the world's capitalists. They continue to exploit workers, and then a worker works for more than twelve hours a day, and even a few extreme ones have to work twenty hours. Hour. And the wages and benefits are very low, they are all cheating. And the British people in this period are so busy and tired every day, how can they have time to care about politics! As for those Taiwan in this newspaper who sentenced people from their own country to death, they really didn't have much thought to think about it. Anyway, in the eyes of ordinary people, it is normal for a murderer to be sentenced to death, so most ordinary British people also think so. After all, there are still a lot of kind people in this world, and they all agree that murder is sentenced to death .

But this has caused a huge sensation in the British high-level. Because Taiwan actually does not recognize the effectiveness of the "Nanjing Treaty" in Taiwan. Although many provisions of the Nanjing Treaty have existed in name only in Taiwan, especially the economic provisions have long been useless. However, the British still believe that consular jurisdiction should be retained. After all, this represents the status of the British and their strong position. But now Taiwan actually directly tried the citizens of their country, and they were going to execute them, which shocked the British immediately. The British cabinet, in particular, immediately convened a meeting to prepare for a parliamentary inquiry.

"Everyone, this is a great insult to our British Empire. They don't recognize the treaty that our soldiers in the British Empire bought with their blood and sacrifices. They just make the treaty empty. It's a great insult to us. Our British Empire should be like this Do you want to endure this insult? So we should immediately declare war on China to protect our interests." A congressman said.

Obviously, some people are not willing to lose their benefits, so this is definitely not tolerable. So he immediately took the initiative to come over and hope that Britain will go to war against Taiwan. Only in this way can they obtain sufficient benefits and maintain the face of the British. Therefore, this made them all feel very angry. If there is no war, it will not give them face.

But since there are those who support the war. Of course there are those who are against going to war.

"I object, Taiwan is only the first province of China, we just lost the so-called consular jurisdiction and economic power in a province of China, but in fact we did not lose much, if we for the benefit of this province of China Start a war and declare war on China. Will that cause China's central court to be forced to stay warm with Taiwan, and then come together? Therefore, this is also a very important issue. When we defeat Taiwan, how much manpower and material resources will it cost? , this is obviously not worth it. So, I don't support going to war, I support using political means and deterrence to solve these problems. You know, we were able to defeat China in the past, there were many flukes, so if we still Expect it to be like this every time. That's impossible. So, we might as well use deterrence to solve it, which is the best."

"There is another most important reason, that is, we are engaged in a war with the Boers. We cannot stop the war with the Boers and launch a major war with Taiwan. In this way, we are definitely not worth the loss because we are preparing for the Boer War. It has been a long time, and it is difficult for the British Empire to wage war with two countries at the same time. On the one hand, the Boers are relatively weak, and the Boers have the largest gold mine in the world, accounting for more than half of the world's gold. Then of course we must pay attention to this gold mine. Therefore, we might as well focus on dealing with the Boers first, and then we can think about other things. At least, we cannot start a desperate war with Taiwan until the war with the Boers is over. .If we go to war with Taiwan, then we must bring other countries together, otherwise we will lose more than we gain.”

Soon, both sides also quarreled, obviously feeling that they had their own reasons for this. But generally speaking, there are more people who support not going to war, because their losses are not as great as imagined. After all, Taiwan is only a province. Not all of China, losing the privilege of a province was not enough for the British to go to war on Taiwan. A war against Taiwan cannot be carried out without thorough preparations. After all, Taiwan is not a soft persimmon. If it is not well prepared, it may be able to fight effectively. To deal with Taiwan, we must treat it with the attitude of facing the first-class European powers, and if the British want to break out of war with a big power, they will definitely not **** a person foolishly, and will definitely bring many countries to go with them. This time they are going to war against Taiwan, not only because they are not prepared militarily, but also politically. They have not yet reached an agreement with European countries. Naturally, it is impossible to go to war with Taiwan for some petty gains.

Coupled with the fact that they are at war with the Boers, if they start another war hastily, then the risk of the British will increase sharply. All wise military strategists and politicians will avoid fighting on two fronts. The risk of fighting on two fronts is extremely huge, so they are not willing to take this risk to immediately start a war with Taiwan. Their idea is to use deterrence to force Taiwan to compromise.

"Your Excellency, our parliament has always demanded that we must ensure the nominal existence of consular jurisdiction. That is to say, even if that Philip dies, he will die in the hands of our British Empire instead of being executed by others. Otherwise , The face of our British Empire can no longer be maintained. Therefore, citizens of our British Empire can die, but whoever dies has to be paid attention to." The member of the parliament said.

The words of this British congressman also illustrate the situation that the British want to save face. The British have nothing to do with Taiwan, but they still hope to maintain their poor face. They must at least ensure that the so-called consular jurisdiction has not been deprived, at least not in name, so that they can maintain the face of their British. If the face of the British is hit, I am afraid that their international status will be very embarrassing. As an overlord, you must first maintain your inviolable demeanor. If someone dares to violate them, they will definitely fight back. Even if you can't fight back, you still have to find a way to protect your face and prevent your face from being damaged internationally.

And now they have no way to clean up Taiwan, so naturally they hope to maintain the face of the British. As long as Taiwan is willing to hand over Philip to the United Kingdom for disposal, then on the surface, it still maintains consular jurisdiction, which is not unacceptable to the British.

"Hey, this time I failed to convince the parliament to agree to our war against Taiwan," said the Marquis of Salisbury.

The Marquis of Salisbury was a little helpless. This time he was unable to speak for a while, hoping that the parliament would agree to go to war against Taiwan, which made the Marquis of Salisbury's hopes come to nothing. If the parliament can be persuaded to agree to a war against Taiwan, then the capitalists and nobles in the parliament can do the work of communicating with European countries, and then let them contact other countries to fight against China together. In this way, a situation in which multiple countries besiege China together will greatly increase the chances of winning.

All the bigger countries will be very cautious once they choose to go to war. The bigger the country is, the less it wants to fight, because fighting means redistribution of the world structure. All big countries have vested interests. They don't want to start fighting again, and then face losing their dominant position. All big countries hope to maintain their status and not break out of although the British want to strangle Taiwan, they don’t want to rush up alone in a daze. Otherwise, at that time, Germany People and French people will laugh. If the British go to fight Taiwan alone, the Germans and French will definitely fan the wind and light the will-o'-the-wisps, and then cheer on the side, but they will not take the initiative to come to help. After all, they hope that the British will have a bad nose in Taiwan, and this is the result that makes them feel satisfied.

Therefore, the British will not support going to war with Taiwan before they have established relations with other countries. If you want to fight Taiwan, you must unite all countries to fight together. You can't fight on your own stupidly. At that time, Britain will be at risk of declining. It's like the United States of later generations. They Americans seem to like to fight, but in fact they have to calculate the cost of war and choose good enemies. If the enemy is too strong, then they will not choose to fight. Just like China, the Americans will never provoke the future generations of China easily, because if a war breaks out between China and the United States, those other countries will definitely laugh.

"Since this is the case, we will be ready to go to war again in two years. Anyway, we are all currently at war with the Boers, and it is not suitable to go to war with Taiwan again. However, tell the Taiwanese that we can allow the death penalty , but the death penalty must be imposed by us, so that we can protect the face of our British people. We can allow the death penalty, but it must be imposed by us British people, and the Chinese will not be allowed to treat the citizens of our British Empire Sentenced." (To be continued.)

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