Red Alert 1895

Chapter 532: Willing to be a strong country 1 small people

"Dear soldiers, Britain, Germany, France, Russia, the United States, Japan, Italy, and the Austro-Hungarian Empire have sent troops and landed in our Tianjin city. They are about to attack our capital city, At that time, our imperial court will be forced to sign an alliance under the city. As Chinese soldiers, can we promise them?" Wang Guorui shouted loudly.

"No!" More than 100,000 troops shouted together.

And this sound made many people feel that it was loud, and more than a hundred thousand people shouted the same sound. That sound was deafening, and it could be heard more than ten miles away. And this situation has made many consuls stationed in Taiwan feel scared. Because what is shouted out of the more than 100,000 troops is not only the courage to stand up, but the real courage and self-confidence! If it was the army of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, there might be a small number of them who were not afraid of death, and there might be some people who were willing to sacrifice for the country. But their shouts seemed very tragic, and they seemed very helpless. Although they are very courageous, although those martyrs are very patriotic, but there is not much self-confidence in their shouts. They themselves do not believe that they will be able to defeat the enemy, nor do they themselves believe that they can defeat foreign aggressors. They just hope to exchange their lives for the peace of the country, and express their feelings with a very tragic voice.

This situation continued until the period of the Anti-Japanese War. Although countless martyrs died on the battlefield, and they all died generously, they failed to fight with confidence. Years of war failures have made them lose confidence in winning the enemy. Although they are patriotic and willing to sacrifice, they do not have much confidence that they can defeat the enemy.

However, these foreign consuls have heard a lot of different things from this Taiwanese army. These Taiwanese troops are not only full of courage, but also confident. This confidence is based on the victory of several foreign wars, and on the fact that Governor Wang Guorui of Taiwan will never compromise with the outside world. This is the temperament of a citizen of a big country, confident that he is not weaker than anyone else, confident that he is a citizen of a big country, and that he is not inferior to others. Any big country. The will of each of their powerful countries will be able to integrate into every common people. The self-confidence and self-improvement of a big country will make the citizens of this country full of self-confidence and self-improvement. After all, the countries of this world are composed of human beings. Only the people of a confident and self-reliant country can make the country stronger. develop more rapidly. If the people of a country lose confidence, self-respect, self-confidence and self-improvement, no matter how developed the country's economy and technology is, it will eventually decline.

Wang Guorui came to this world. He found that Lu Xun's words were correct. What the Chinese people lack in this era is neither technology nor system, but a spirit of self-confidence and self-improvement. Technology is invented by humans, and systems are designed by humans, but once people lose their hearts, what is the use of these two things? As long as people's hearts are still there, the system can be redesigned, and technology can be slowly accumulated. The country will never perish. The decline of China is also a process of losing its aggressiveness. The Manchus trained the Chinese to become slaves, which made the Chinese generally lose their aggressiveness. However, if China wants to be prosperous and strong, technology and military alone are not enough, and a strong heart is also required. Power ultimately comes from the hearts of the people. If there is no confidence and self-improvement in the hearts of the people, the country will decline sooner or later. China has fallen from the peak of the world to the bottom, which is such a process of losing its aggressiveness, self-esteem, self-confidence and self-improvement, and technology and systems are just an appearance.

"Soldiers, our capital is in danger. North China is in danger, and China is in danger. Our Chinese soldiers must shoulder the heavy responsibility of resisting the invaders. If we cannot resist the invaders at this time, who will defend our country? Who will defend Our family and people. So if we don’t fight the invaders at this time, what will happen to our country? So we must go to fight. Only when we can drive out these invaders can we be truly stable. Everyone understands Is it?" Wang Guorui asked.

"We understand!" The soldiers shouted together.

Next, Wang Guorui gave another speech.

"I am today. I will not say anything complicated, I will talk about my ideal." Wang Guorui continued.

Hearing Wang Guorui's words, many people also pricked up their ears to listen. Obviously they didn't know what Wang Guorui was talking about ideals at this time. Everyone is also curious, what is Wang Guorui's ideal? Is it more noble to save the country and the people, or do you want to be the emperor, the founder of the country? Or be a reformer, be a revolutionist, or what? And many foreigners also took the initiative to listen. Obviously, they also want to know Wang Guorui, and hope to see what Wang Guorui wants to say. This is a good opportunity to know Wang Guorui.

"Actually, my ideal is not that complicated. My original ideal was not to be an emperor, not to be a reformer, a revolutionist, and in fact, it was not to save the country and the people, to become a hero. In fact, my earliest ideal was actually very simple. , are also very simple, and can even be said to be very ambitious. My ideal is to become a small commoner in a powerful country, and to be a citizen of a powerful country. My ideal is to be a citizen of a powerful country, and then Even if you go to the whole world, you will be respected by others. No matter you go to any country in the world, he will always look up to you. I don’t want to be rich and honored for the rest of my life. I just hope that foreigners can look up to me. I just hope that when I can do business, I will not be exploited by foreigners or treated unfairly. I hope that even if my interests are violated by foreigners, the other party will also Being punished, not being able to get away with it. I hope that people from any country can show respect to us Chinese and treat us equally. I hope that when we go abroad, we will not be pointed at and say "yellow skin" monkey'.…"

"This, that is my ideal, is just an ordinary citizen in a big and powerful country."

Hearing Wang Guorui's "simple" ideals, countless people's eyes filled with tears, because isn't that what they hope for? No one understands the importance of these things better than the people of this era. Those of them who are international students, who can live, study and work abroad, know how difficult it is to be a citizen of a big and powerful country. Don't look at the fact that a citizen of a big country is just an ordinary person who doesn't have much wealth, maybe the son's income is not high, maybe he doesn't have the qualifications to enjoy wealth without worrying about food and clothing, but it represents the strength of a country. Citizens of every country are tied to the fate and future of this country. If your country is not strong, even if you have wealth, even if you have power in the country, you will still be looked down upon when you go to a foreign country. Those foreigners will not really respect you, no matter how rich you are, they will slaughter you as a fat pig.

If the country is not strong, no matter how rich you are, you will be judged and treated as a "yellow monkey" when you go abroad. A country has no dignity, and neither do the citizens of this country. This is not about wealth or power, but about whether the country is strong or not. Those international students who are able to study abroad can empathize with this even more. They can clearly feel that the country is weak and the people will be bullied.

And so many people participated in the revolution, so many people shed their blood for the country, but they didn't really ask for much. What wealth and power, in fact, the vast majority of people do not need these, they just hope to be able to gain the respect of others in any corner of the world in the future, and be able to gain the high regard of others. But it is not easy to achieve all this, because first of all, there must be a strong motherland. If you don't have a strong motherland, you will only be looked down upon and bullied by others in the end. Therefore, if you want to be a citizen of a strong country, you must build a strong country together.

"However, if we want China to become a powerful country, our enemies will not agree, and those invaders will not agree. They will not agree that we are rich and strong. They hope that we will always be trampled under their feet and bullied by them~www.wuxiaspot .com~ They want to maintain their arrogant eyes. So what should we do with them?" Wang Guorui asked.

Immediately, "Tuo" shouted: "Fight them hard!"

"Fight them hard!" More than 100,000 soldiers shouted together again.

"Yes, if we fight them desperately, we will fight them desperately! Therefore, these invaders who are invading our country now are also obstacles in the way for us to become a powerful country, then we must defeat them. For the sake of my big country and strong country The ideals of citizens are for everyone to become citizens of a big and powerful country in the future, and for our future generations to be respected, so we must work hard with them!" Wang Guorui shouted.

"Go hard with them!"

"Let's go!" Wang Guorui said.

Soon, more than 100,000 troops began to board the ship, and then rushed towards the capital in the north. They wanted to defend their capital and expel foreign invaders. Then, the next step is to work hard to become a powerful country and a small people. The purpose of the army is not for wealth and honor, but for a simple idea, that is, to be a strong country and a small people. (to be continued.) ()

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