Red Alert 1895

Chapter 533: Urban Guerrilla Warfare (Part 1)

"Invulnerability, invulnerability, invulnerability, invulnerability..."

In the urban area of ​​Tianjin, countless Boxers also shouted that they were invulnerable, and they were forced to rush in the direction of the foreigners. ↗, and they yelled that they were invulnerable, just to cheer themselves up, as they knew that they were not invulnerable. Behind the Boxers, there were many officers and soldiers from the Manchu Qing Dynasty who were monitoring them and forcing them to fight against the foreigners. Because these Manchu soldiers and officers hated these Boxers very much. Not only did these Boxers burn, kill and loot everywhere, but they also made chaos in the capital by relying on the empress dowager's tiger skin, and there was no peace everywhere.

It's not that the officials and the army of the Qing Dynasty didn't want to take care of it, but if they took care of these Boxer affairs, then what was waiting was the Queen Mother's order to strictly investigate and even execute them. No one dared to take care of these boxers anymore, which made the people in the capital miserable. But now it's all right, these Boxers are finally about to suffer retribution, and when the foreigners come, they will be on the front line. And the Queen Mother issued a decree, asking these Boxers to resist the invaders, so that the officers and soldiers of the Manchu Qing Dynasty immediately forced these Boxers to resist the various armies.

Of course those Boxers didn't do it, but many of them were killed by Manchu soldiers as a way to stand up. As for who they went to find the queen mother's people, the queen mother's people ignored them at this time. Because the reason why the Empress Dowager Cixi allowed them to be so presumptuous was to hope that they could fight. If the Empress Dowager Cixi wants to use them now, they will naturally have to think of ways to resist foreign enemies. If they enjoy the benefits given to them by the Empress Dowager Cixi, but don't think about how to resist foreign enemies, what else does the Empress Dowager have to take care of them?

And in this case, the Boxers were forced by various armies to resist the invaders. As for the Empress Dowager Cixi, she would not help them anymore, and they all began to become desperate. Had to go forward to resist. And they know that they are not invulnerable, but they have to use their flesh and blood to meet the weapons of foreigners, which must make them very painful. However, who made them do so many bad things, so their retribution came, let them enjoy the feeling of being hit by the enemy.

"General Seymour. There is a large group of magic sticks shouting invulnerability. What should we do?" Immediately, a staff officer asked Seymour, commander of the Eight-Nation Allied Forces.

Seymour immediately asked, "Who's going to clean them up?"

"We Americans are willing to deal with them. These low-level guys actually want to fight against us? I don't believe that we Americans can't deal with them!" said Lieutenant General Jared, an American general.

"Since the Americans are so willing to deal with these Boxers, there is no need for soldiers of our Great Japanese Empire to go out and kill chickens with a sledgehammer!" Akashi Genjiro said.

The American Lieutenant General Jared heard the English words of Akashi Genjiro, but at first he still didn't know what the phrase "how to kill a chicken with a bull's knife" meant. But later a translator told him in detail. Jared couldn't help but gave Akashi Genjiro a vicious look, obviously very angry.

Akashi Motojiro's words are really irritating, how can you kill a chicken with a sledgehammer? Of course, to deal with this kind of Boxer is to kill chickens with a sledgehammer, even if the Americans come, they can easily defeat them. But although everyone knows that the fighting power of the Americans is weak! How to kill a chicken with a sledgehammer, that is to say, the Japanese army is a sledgehammer, a powerful "knife". The American army is just an ordinary "killing knife", not as powerful as the Japanese's knife. so. This is clearly raising the Japanese army and belittling the American army!

Because of this, the American general Jared was very angry. He glared at Akashi Genjiro. But Akashi Genjiro didn't seem to see it at all, he continued to close his eyes and meditate calmly. But Akashi Genjiro was thinking about how to provoke the relationship between these eight-nation coalition forces. This time the Eight-Nation Allied Forces are actually a group of bandits in partnership. Although they cooperate with each other, they are actually on guard against each other, obviously afraid of being blacked out by others. In addition to the Austro-Hungarian Empire, there are two soy sauce companies in Italy, and the Germans did not work hard. Don't expect much benefit. Other countries hope to gain benefits, so this is where Akashi Genjiro can use his talents. As long as they can sow discord among these eight-nation coalition forces, it will be a good thing for Diu and Wang Guorui. At that time, their internal conflicts will deepen, and Wang Guorui can take the opportunity to cooperate with Akashi Genjiro, which can cause problems within them.

"Next. Go ahead and beat these **** to me!" Jared yelled at the U.S. Army.

This time the Americans sent more than half of the country's army, hoping to benefit from this opportunity to follow the Eight-Power Allied Forces. Anyway, they don't have any enemies in the country, and they don't have any strong enemies in America, so they won't be afraid of anything. So now more than half of the country's army is also sent here, hoping to reap benefits. This kind of America is really a good place. Not only is it far away from the core of the world, Europe, but even though it is far away from the core of the world, it can develop here aloofly and not participate in any competition in Europe. Naturally, it will not lose national strength. Yes, sooner or later it will surpass Europe.


The Americans lined up and walked forward.

"Invulnerability, invulnerability!"

The Boxer soldiers continued to shout and then attacked the Americans.

"Raise the gun!"

The thousands of Americans walking in the forefront also immediately raised their rifles. For low-level guys like the Boxers, they didn't even need any special weapons or special tactics. They directly used this almost outdated weapon Queuing up and shooting tactics will do.

"Papa papa..."

Continuous gunshots rang out, and those Boxers were also killed, and then they were shot to death almost thousands of people. These Boxers are good at harming the people, but when it comes to fighting, they are nothing. They couldn't even defeat the corrupt and backward armies of the Manchu Qing Dynasty. How could they possibly beat these foreigners' armies?

"Hahahaha, these guys are totally vulnerable!" American general Jared laughed.

However, after that, no one noticed that a leader of the Boxer Regiment immediately began to mobilize troops.

"You guys, don't follow them to fight head-on. Not to mention us Boxers, even Taiwan's army has no way to fight them head-on! So you go around now, and then you can Go and attack their rear. Then you must fight if you can beat it, and run if you can't. Anyway, it is to delay their attack speed, and your goal is not to wipe out the enemy, understand?" Tian Lihui asked.

Soon, those Taiwanese officers who pretended to be Boxers immediately said: "Okay, let's prepare right away, conduct a sneak attack from both sides of the street, and then conduct guerrilla warfare?"

"That's right, we want to carry out urban guerrilla warfare in this kind of place, to ensure that we can delay the pace of these invaders as much as possible. What we have to do is to use the limited army in our hands, and then through harassment and other means, Then we can let those guys fall into our siege. At that time, we can let them all be delayed, as long as our large troops from Taiwan come to support, then we can all get great security."

"Remember, our goal is to delay the enemy's attack, let them attack the capital later, and try to delay until the arrival of our large troops. As for that time, our task will be completed, everyone Also, Dou E can follow Master Wang to ask for an official position." Tian Lihui said.

Someone immediately reassured: "Oh, it's just that we are not asked to wipe out the Then we are all at ease. We people can't even do it with a gun, so we may be able to do it if we are not hungry. To annihilate the enemy. But as long as we delay their advance, then we can still do it. We just want to delay them, so that we can wait until our rear reinforcements arrive. These foreign devils, I will let them see us in China human means."

Those guerrillas mixed in the Boxers also began to advance one after another. They were all Taiwanese military officers who developed from the Boxers. They were all young and middle-aged, and they were all very powerful people. When other Boxers went to rob and rape, they were seriously training. Although they are much worse than those who are professionally trained, they are able to seize the time to train very effectively, allowing them to continuously obtain training effects, and now is the time to test the effects. They were all training for urban guerrilla warfare before, and their purpose was to be able to conduct guerrilla warfare in the city and to be able to resist the enemy in the city. And the means of fighting the enemy in these cities are actually changed according to some tactics in street fighting in later generations. And the army of this era rarely has street fighting experience, and even they all advocate field fighting.

The armies in this era are all field armies, and they rarely fight in cities, so they must have no experience. This also gave Taiwan a chance to target them, and Tan Ya is very good at street fighting in the city, so it is definitely very good for Tan Ya to write textbooks. (To be continued..)u

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