Red Alert 1895

Chapter 550: reinforcements arrive

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While Wang Guorui was dealing with affairs in the capital, the battle in Tianjin was also at its last moment. Those Taiwanese urban guerrillas have also reached the most dangerous time. They have resisted these foreign devils for a full month. Although they resisted desperately, it was not easy for them to resist for a month. They also paid a high price, and Taiwan has a senior undercover agent in each military team, which allowed them to resist for a full month, otherwise they would have collapsed long ago.

"Brothers, how are you doing?" Tian Lihui asked.

Tian Lihui's face is also dark now, obviously smoked by the flames of war. Since the battle became fierce half a month ago, he didn't have time to wash his face, and he didn't even take a bath for half a month. Wang Guorui's order to them must be delayed for at least a month, but their fundamental strength is too weak after all, and Tian Lihui can only command desperately to delay it.

"Lieutenant Colonel Tian Lihui, we are about to fail." Someone said immediately.

Immediately, some people said: "Lieutenant Colonel Tian Lihui, we have persisted for a month. Since half a month ago, our battle has entered a fierce battle. We soldiers of the Boxer Regiment are no match for foreigners! During this period of time , We have already lost tens of thousands of people."

And everyone was silent for a while, because this time it was very difficult for them to delay the task of various military forces. In Tianjin, they had to delay the invasion of more than 100,000 troops from various countries, which was not an easy task. In addition, their army is not a regular army, but some ordinary Boxer soldiers. They have not undergone much training, so it is impossible to effectively provide combat power. And they don't have many weapons and equipment, they are all smuggled in by relying on the relationship of those Hongmen youth gangs, and they can't provide them in large quantities. Now they are not only short of weapons, but also obviously short of personnel. In order to stop these foreigners, they have lost almost tens of thousands of people. Of course, there is still a lot of water here, all because the boxers are not strong enough to fight and have little strength. If it is Taiwan's regular army to perform this task. The loss of completing the same task will definitely not exceed 2,000 people.

And the soldiers in the hands of the advance officers who were sent to the mainland were changed one after another, and many of the soldiers they developed at that time were all lost. However, Wang Guorui promised. Even if the soldiers they develop lose this time, they can be rewarded and promoted according to the number at the peak time, and they can also be given an additional share of military exploits.

"Lieutenant Colonel Tian Lihui, the Japanese are attacking again!"

When Tian Lihui heard that it was Japanese, he immediately sighed: "Fortunately, it is Japanese!"

Why did Tian Lihui say that? Because he knows that the Japanese are the best to fight. Although on the surface. The American army of these various armies is the strongest, but Tian Lihui discovered an important problem. Although the Japanese army is strong, it is the most powerful army. However, the commander of the Japanese army seems to have been directing blindly. Every time the Japanese army attacked the place where the Taiwanese guerrillas had the strongest defense, and every time they attacked until the guerrillas could barely hold on, They all retreated immediately.

Tian Lihui also felt strange. Why did the Japanese attack so many times that they were so anticlimactic? However, this does not prevent Tian Lihui from drawing a conclusion, that is, the Japanese seem to be very powerful. The quality of individual soldiers is also very strong, but there is a commander who is like a pig. Because this pig-like commander is commanding the Japanese army, the Japanese army is the worst. The U.S. is different. The U.S. Army is really trying its best. They are really attacking, which is much more powerful than the anticlimactic situation in Japan. Therefore, Natian Lihui breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that the Japanese army was coming to attack, knowing that the Japanese would not be able to break through his defense line this time.

In this regard, Akashi Genjiro smiled without saying a word.

"Get ready to meet them! Our reinforcements will be here soon. Everyone support me!" Tian Lihui shouted.

"Kill it..." A regiment captain of the Japanese army immediately shouted.

"Onboard!" The Japanese army rushed up immediately.

The Japanese army immediately shouted "onboard" to charge, but when they rushed up, they were hit hard by the guerrillas.

"Papa papa..."

The Taiwanese army fired a few shots, and then the Japanese lost a little.

"Come on. Go fight them hand to hand." Tian Lihui shouted.

At present, the guerrillas are running out of bullets, so they must save bullets and go to fight the enemy immediately. And Tian Lihui was also betting. He bet that the "pig-like" Japanese commander would "be stupid" again at a critical moment, and then order the retreat of the superior Japanese army? Now Tian Lihui can only resign himself to his fate, pinning his hope of stopping the enemy on that "pig-like" Japanese commander. besides. Tian Lihui had no choice.

"Wipe, wipe, wipe..."

The two sides mingled together, and then began to fight each other with cold weapons. Under the orders of a certain pig-like commander, these Japanese troops also began to show the "bravery" of the Great Japanese Empire. They chose to take the initiative to fight bayonets and did not continue to bully the guerrillas with guns. The Japanese voluntarily gave up the use of firearms, which meant that the weapon gap between the two sides was infinitely leveled, so that the Japanese's advantages in logistics supplies and bullet weapons were offset, allowing the Taiwan army to effectively persist. As long as the Japanese do not use their superior weapons to attack the Taiwanese guerrillas, the Taiwanese guerrillas will still be able to persist for a long time. Otherwise, if the Japanese concentrated their firearms to bombard them, the Taiwanese guerrillas would be very dangerous.

As the Taiwanese guerrillas fell one by one, Tian Lihui also became a little desperate. Although the Japanese commanders often "made mistakes" this time, after all, the Eight-Power Allied Forces are too powerful. This is the absolute strength The gap cannot be made up by one or two people who "make mistakes". The Taiwanese guerrillas were able to persist for a month, and that was only possible when the enemy "made a mistake", otherwise they would not have been able to persist.

"Forget it, fight them! When the time comes, Mr. Wang will not treat our family badly!" Tian Lihui shouted, and immediately continued to charge forward with a long gun.

"Papa papa..."

Following the sound of three cannons, there were several salutes from the west of Tianjin, which shocked everyone who was fighting at the scene.


With a sound, and then huge shouts of killing also rushed over one after another. This situation shocked both the Japanese army and the Taiwanese guerrillas, because they did not expect that someone would come later.

"Brothers, our reinforcements are coming!" "Brothers, our reinforcements are coming!" "Brothers, our reinforcements are coming!" "Brothers, our reinforcements are coming!"…

Tian Lihui yelled frantically, and those Taiwanese military officers were also bursting with joy. They finally waited for the day when the reinforcements arrived.

"The Chinese reinforcements have arrived, and Chief of Staff Akashi Motojiro ordered us to retreat!" A Japanese officer shouted.


The Japanese army also retreated quickly, because they knew the arrival of Taiwan reinforcements, which meant that they had completely failed this time. The arrival of Taiwan's reinforcements means that their opponents have changed. They are no longer these guerrillas. They are all facing Taiwan's regular army. Their enemies have finally arrived.

"Which unit do you belong to? I am Lieutenant Colonel Tian Lihui of the Taiwan Advance Guerrilla Army. We urgently need your help." Tian Lihui asked for help without being pretentious.

The Taiwanese officer saluted, and then said: "Lieutenant Colonel Tian Lihui, we are members of the third army, and now we have arrived to support you. Your mission has been successfully completed, and you can withdraw. Next, We will take over the defence, you can rest assured."

"Okay, thank you very much!" Tian Lihui replied.

Hu Wei, Chief of the General Staff of Taiwan received Tian Lihui, and then Hu Wei saluted Tian Lihui first, saying: "If it weren't for you this time, the foreigners would have already hit the capital. Lieutenant Colonel Tian Lihui, you owe a lot Wei! It seems that I didn't expect that you are not only a talent for intelligence, but also command and war!"

And Tian Lihui immediately said: " These are all bought by brothers with their lives. We have sent more than 100 advance officers, but now there are less than 30 left .Even many of our current officers are newcomers we have developed locally. These people are also fighting with us. I hope the chief of staff will not care that they are not our people."

"Of course, you are all heroes, we don't care. Even, they can ask for awards!" Hu Wei said.

"Hey, God bless this time! If it wasn't for the fact that the Japanese commander was an idiot and retreated several times when we almost collapsed, we wouldn't be able to persist until now. It can be said that it is luck and God bless! This time we can persevere, not because I am capable, but because I am really lucky." Tian Lihui said.

Hu Wei immediately said: "No matter what, this is all your credit, and luck is also a kind of strength. Well, you go and rest, and the next battle will be handed over to our regular army! Your task is also a kind of strength. Just take a good rest and wait for Lord Wang to award you honors."

"Yes!" Tian Lihui replied with a military salute.

Soon, Tian Lihui left with those heroes who had persisted for a month, and was about to be personally rewarded by Wang Guorui. (To be continued.)

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