Red Alert 1895

Chapter 551: coalition discord

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Taiwan's army came over and immediately began to take over the defensive positions. The coalition forces of those countries also stopped, and then began to discuss how to deal with the next more powerful opponent. However, not everyone from every country is eligible to participate in the discussion, and not everyone has the same right to speak. First of all, it is not Seymour, the commander-in-chief of the Eight-Power Allied Forces, who has the greatest voice, but in fact the Japanese, American and Russian generals have the greatest voice. Because Japan sent three divisions, a total of more than 100,000 troops. However, not all the Japanese troops have reached Tianjin yet. At present, only one and a half divisions of the Japanese army have actually arrived, and another one and a half divisions are being sent over from China.

But the Americans have all been sent here. The strength of more than 30,000 people looks good, and they can each have a gun, and the artillery is relatively complete. However, the training level of the U.S. Army is really not flattering. After all, the Americans have not fought for too long, and there are no major enemies around them, so their army is also very deserted. They sent people over this time, just hoping to bully the Chinese and gain a market. Anyway, they have no worries and don't have to worry about anything.

Although the Russians have also sent troops, the main force of their troops is not here from the Eight-Power Allied Forces. The main force of their troops is in the north. The main force of their troops was mainly from Mongolia in the north and the Northeast area, and 130,000 of them invaded from the north, not with the Eight-Power Allied Forces. Now the Russians have just arrived at the border. After all, the Siberian Railway has not been fully repaired in this era, and the Russians cannot quickly deploy troops, so they naturally cannot obtain enough resources to quickly invade China. However, when the war reaches the next stage, it will gradually start to attack.

"Everyone, now that the Chinese people have come, what should we do? This time, the Chinese people did not come to Tianjin to confront our navy head-on. Instead, they went to Shandong, instigated the Beiyang Navy from the mainland, and then landed from Shandong. Only then did they rush all the way I came here. Although the distance is quite far, it is safe. This time we did not expect that the Beiyang navy in mainland China would actually take refuge in Taiwan, and Shandong was also taken by others without firing a single shot. The Taiwanese army of the Chinese people swallowed it. This is something beyond our plan." Akashi Genjiro said.

But the American general Jared immediately said bluntly: "Who made the guarantee before. The mainland Chinese government is stricter in guarding against Taiwanese than us, and they will definitely send most of their troops to prevent Taiwanese from entering the mainland. They will let us go? Who suggested that we ignore the landing of the Taiwanese and let the Chinese fight the Chinese themselves? But now it is such a result that they came to Tianjin for support almost without spending a single shot?"

Akashi Motojiro had suggested it before. The naval fleet of the coalition forces of various countries should not stop Taiwan's army, so the Manchu government on the mainland will be very wary of Taiwan's Wang Guorui's army, and the Manchu Qing will definitely send a large army to stop Taiwan. In this way, when the Chinese fight the Chinese, the Allied Forces of the Eight Nations are more likely to break through Tianjin's defense line, so that they can all attack as soon as possible. But the actual result is that instead of being blocked, Taiwan directly broke through the various lines of defense of the Qing Dynasty without expending a single shot along the way. . This completely aborted the so-called plan of Akashi Genjiro, and instead allowed Taiwan to come over smoothly. If the Eight-Nation Allied Forces can send their navy to stop the Taiwanese, the result will not be certain.

So it ended up like this now. This obviously annoyed them all very much. This allowed Jared to shift the responsibility to Genjiro Akashi.

However, Akashi Genjiro certainly could not say that he did it on purpose. He immediately made an excuse and said: "How did I know that the authority of the central government of the Chinese people has dropped to such a point that their Zhili can no longer be controlled. Their Zhili The army in the region has disobeyed the order of the central government to stop Taiwan. This is a surprise to us. I did not expect that the central government of the Manchu Qing Dynasty of the Chinese had almost lost its authority, and the local army and local government officials in various places also They all started to be self-reliant one after another, so they will go their own way. This has given Taiwan a chance, so this cannot be completely blamed on me!"

And the faces of all countries are also bad. The reason why they believed Akashi Genjiro's words before is that no matter how low the authority of the Manchu Qing government is. Both should also be able to control Zhili's troops. If even the troops in Zhili cannot be controlled, does their government still have meaning? All countries actually wanted the Chinese to fight the Chinese before, but they didn't expect that the Chinese would not follow them at all, and the various troops in Zhili were directly neutral. Do not participate in the battle with Taiwan. This kind of thing cannot be done, once it is done, it will be infamous for thousands of years. There are even some **** people who will follow Taiwan to fight foreign devils, so Taiwan has recruited tens of thousands of people along the way!

Of course, Akashi Genjiro would never say anything that he already knew the result. As the number one super traitor, he naturally had to do his duty.

"Also. How are you idiots in Japan? Your Chief of Staff Akashi Motojiro commanded the army, and even withdrew several times when the enemy almost collapsed, giving the enemy a chance to attack. Otherwise, we would have been able to attack the capital long ago. , and then force them to sign a treaty, this war may be over." Jared said to Akashi Genjiro.

But Akashi Genjiro couldn't even say that he "released water" at a critical moment. He immediately said in reverse: "Our Japanese army is also very tired, so we should withdraw to rest."

"Then you gave up your rifles and artillery, and went to fight the enemy with bayonets, how stupid you are!" Jared said.

The reason why Akashi Motojiro ordered the Japanese army to fight bayonets was actually to hope that the Japanese army would give up their firearms, so that the gap in strength between the two sides could be narrowed. This is Akashi Motojiro deliberately abolishing martial arts. However, Akashi Genjiro immediately had his own excuses.

"We did this to reflect the bravery of the soldiers of our Great Japanese Empire. Our Great Japanese Empire pays attention to samurai spirit. If we dare not even fight with bayonets, how can we be a samurai?" Akashi Motojiro asked back road.

"Idiot? This is the first time I've heard that warrior spirit is achieved by fighting with bayonets. What era is it now, and people still pay attention to this?" Jared said angrily.

But Akashi Genjiro immediately became furious: "You actually insulted the samurai spirit of our Great Japanese Empire, which is unreasonable. Well, I want to challenge you, and I want to fight you!"

But at this time, Seymour, the commander of the Eight-Nation Allied Forces, couldn't sit still, and immediately said: "You two are idiots, we are all coalition forces, but why are you arguing? General Dashanyan, please take care of your chief of staff , don’t let him talk nonsense here.”

But Dashanyan from Japan said very coldly: "I will take care of my people."

In fact, Dashanyan couldn't help but be a little surprised by Akashi Genjiro this time, because his ability as the chief of staff is obviously not suitable for directly fighting on the front line. However, Dashanyan did not suspect that Akashi Genjiro deliberately released water to those Boxer guerrillas, because Dashanyan got the order of the emperor this time, asking him to let Akashi Genjiro take command properly, which is why he commanded before The Japanese army is not Dashanyan, but Akashi Yuanjiro.

However, Da Shanyan did not suspect that Akashi Motojiro was in private with Taiwan. Akashi Motojiro had previously served as a staff officer in the so-called Taiwan Governor's Mansion established by Japan. Da Shanyan's greatest experience as a commander was just a squadron leader. As for Akashi Motojiro, he has been serving in staff positions and intelligence positions since then. Therefore, Akashi Motojiro's first-line command experience is very lacking. After all, the largest unit that Akashi Motojiro has commanded before is just a Under the circumstances of commanding tens of thousands of troops, Akashi Motojiro commanded The problem is that it's not something abnormal, but very normal, and even Dashanyan can understand it. Under this kind of thinking, Akashi Genjiro made some low-level mistakes, which is not abnormal.

However, Da Shanyan received an order from Emperor Meiji to take charge of cultivating Akashi Genjiro's ability to command the army at the front line. Dashanyan didn't care about the lives of those soldiers. If he could use the lives of those soldiers to cultivate Akashi Genjiro's command ability, it would be possible. Anyway, since ancient times, one will be successful and the bones will be dry. This is also normal in the mountains and rocks. Anyway, Akashi Genjiro is the favorite general of Emperor Meiji, and it is even heard that he will be in charge of one side in the future, and may even be trained as a senior politician in the future.

Although Dashanyan is a veteran and the marshal of the empire, he knows that Akashi Genjiro may not have a lower future than himself, so he would rather sacrifice the lives of soldiers to train him. Anyway, at his level, a soldier's life is nothing more than a number, especially in a cruel country like Japan, they are cruel to the enemy, and they are also very cruel to themselves.

However, he didn't know that Akashi Genjiro is now a traitor, and he is trying to provoke conflicts among the various military units in the Eight-Nation Allied Forces, causing them to have their own internal problems, so that it will be easier for Taiwan to clean up. (To be continued.)

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