Red Alert 1895

Chapter 553: put pressure on

When the generals of various countries did not intend to release the civilians, Wang Guorui also got the news, because Wang Guorui's telegram had already been set up in the headquarters in the capital. ⊙, and Wang Guorui's headquarters was placed in Prince Qing's palace, which made Prince Qing feel mixed. Because Wang Guorui set up a headquarters in his palace, it meant that Wang Guorui "trusted" him, and choosing such a behavior represented Wang Guorui's recognition of Prince Qing's credit. Of course, there is also a downside. That is to say, after this time, all fools knew that Prince Qing Yikuang had cheated on Wang Guorui, and those old and young people of the Manchu Qing Dynasty would definitely blame Prince Qing for the demise of the Manchu Qing Dynasty. At that time, Prince Qing would definitely be hated by the elders and children of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, and he would not be able to return to their side.

At that time, he can only rely on Wang Guorui and Wang Guorui's protection, otherwise he might be shot black by the old and young of the Manchu Qing Dynasty. This made Prince Qing Yikuang feel like 10,000 mud horses passing by in his heart, and Wang Guorui actually set up a headquarters in his home. In order to ensure safety, Prince Qing and his family were also sent to a luxury hotel, so that they could live temporarily. Wang Guorui was just so domineering, he drove the owner to the inn and occupied the place himself.

"The foreigners don't agree to return the people, so what should we do?" Zheng Hong, who was beside Wang Guorui, asked.

Zheng Hong is the director of the General Political Department, and he can be regarded as an officer, and he has the rank of lieutenant general, so there is no reason not to come this time. This time, it can be said that the central government of Taiwan will be arranged on the mainland, so a group of senior civil and military officials will come here, which can be regarded as an early preparation.

"Hmph, then we will put some pressure on them," Wang Guorui said.

But Zheng Hong asked: "How to exert pressure? Will those foreign devils be afraid of us? We are hostile to them, and they may not pay attention to our words."

"It's very simple, just use barbarians to control barbarians!" Wang Guorui laughed.

soon. Quite a number of British and French journalists went to the front line in Tianjin, and then asked to see Seymour, commander-in-chief of the Eight-Power Allied Forces, and asked to interview Seymour.

"Reporters, this is already a confrontation area on the battlefield. We may break out into war at any time, so please leave as soon as possible!" Seymour's adjutant said.

But those reporters quit. He immediately stated his purpose of coming here.

"We want to interview General Seymour. We heard from the Chinese that your Eight-Nation Allied Forces actually used ordinary Chinese people as hostages to force them to surrender?" "Yes! We want to ask General Seymour, but the Eight-Nation Allied Forces have almost twenty Thousands of troops, but you actually use this method to force the other party to surrender? Isn’t it too chivalrous, and even violated the chivalry?” “We Westerners are all civilized people. When we have the advantage, we still have to use Isn’t this kind of hostage method for the people of the enemy’s country too low?”

"General Seymour. Are you ashamed of your status as a soldier by doing this?" "Yes! Civilians should not be involved in war, and civilians are innocent." "You use civilians to threaten the opponent's army to surrender , This is really embarrassing." "Yes! We are British, but when I heard that our army of the British Empire gathered the Eight-Nation Allied Forces and threatened to surrender the people in the occupied areas as hostages, This makes me feel extremely ashamed. Is this the style we should have as the world's most powerful country?"

These reporters began to speak one after another, and the adjutant who made Seymour immediately said, "We have nothing to say about this matter!"

And in the barracks of the Eight-Power Allied Forces. Seymour was really furious, and cursed: "These Chinese people use this method to persecute us. It is really unreasonable. Also, those reporters, where are you sitting? We are from the same country anyway. People, you actually favor those foreigners?"

And the generals of those countries also looked embarrassed. This time they are self-proclaimed civilized people in Europe. However, doing such a thing of using hostages is really inconsistent with the mainstream European moral concepts. What's more, the British Empire also has the pride of the British Empire. The world's most powerful country actually did something like using hostages to threaten the enemy. This is too chivalrous.

"General Seymour, why are your reporters so disobedient? If it is in our big Japan, this kind of crime can completely charge him with treason!" Da Shanyan was angry.

These Western journalists actually did not help their own country’s army when they were fighting in their own country, but instead helped foreigners. If this kind of thing happened in Japan, even in China, it would not be impossible to label them treasonous. They use the people as hostages, so what, then you can't help foreigners to condemn your own country's army? Don't you know that it's rare to be confused? People in the same country don't help each other and hide from each other, and you actually want to help foreigners get out, embarrassing the army of your own country. Anyway, it wasn't your family members who died, so why are you so anxious?

Dashanyan really didn't know which nerves of this kind of reporter were miswired, and even the whole of Europe was also miswired. Da Shanyan really doesn't understand those Westerners, what kind of freedom of the press and freedom of public opinion are used, and then the government of various media often sings against it, and often exposes the shameful things of the government. Even now, they don't help the army of their own country, but help those foreigners. If it was in Japan, Dashanyan would have killed these guys on the spot.

"General Seymour, quickly detain these reporters, lest they do bad things!" Da Shanyan said.

But Seymour immediately said: "No, no, if the journalists are detained, the problem will be even bigger. At that time, these journalists will go to expose this matter one by one, and my life will be over. We in the West pay attention to freedom of public opinion. There is freedom of the press, so you can’t mess around.”

"Then let's not stop at nothing, just wipe them all out! Anyway, the mouths of dead people can't open their mouths!" Akashi Genjiro said "smartly" taking the opportunity.

But Jared immediately said: "Akashi Genjiro, these reporters here are not as Japanese as you, so you are talking nonsense here! You must know that there is no impenetrable wall in this world. Our more than 100,000 troops can guarantee all Are people’s mouths tight? When the news spreads, the face of our eight countries will be completely discredited. Killing a reporter is a very serious crime in our West, and I’m afraid we will all be sent to military courts. Unless , you can find a way to ensure that our nearly 200,000 troops can keep their mouths shut."

Akashi Genjiro did not speak, and guaranteed that the 200,000 troops would keep their mouths tight. How is this possible? Is there no one with a big mouth here? So this cannot be guaranteed at all.

Seymour finally sighed and said: "Okay, we agree to hand over the Chinese in our occupied area to the squadron."

Seymour planned to compromise, because he knew that his Western reporters had come this time, so he might really have to give up the practice of taking Chinese as hostages. If these reporters go back and talk nonsense, I am afraid that Seymour's life of wisdom will be ruined. Therefore, Seymour intends to compromise.

"However, we will lose a lot of soldiers in this way!" Da Shanyan said.

But Seymour said: "We British are all knights, and we must abide by the spirit of chivalry."

"Stupid chivalry, aren't you afraid that you won't be safe at the end of the festival?" Da Shanyan cursed in his heart.

Seymour is already sixty years old this year, and if he follows the routine, he may not be far away from retirement. And Seymour is also a lieutenant general now, belonging to the stage of neither going up nor down. If you work hard, you might have a chance to get promoted. Maybe he commanded the Eight-Power Allied Forces to invade China this time, and that was the last chance. If he can't seize this opportunity, he will probably stay as a lieutenant general for the rest of his life. Whether in politics or in the military, age is a big issue. Maybe you didn't seize the opportunity once~ You may be a few years late for promotion. And a few years later, you will be older. When the time comes, when the boss chooses officials, they will actually prefer to use younger officials. After all, they are young and energetic and have a brighter future. Even the boss's choice of successors tends to be young, which is good for both public and private.

Seymour is already sixty years old, and he wants to fight for more status and retire, so that his military career can have a perfect end. This Eight-Nation Allied Forces is probably his last chance, not only to win, but also to win beautifully, without any stains. If the hostages are used to threaten the squadron this time, it would be fine not to be stabbed out, but once he is stabbed out, it will be regarded as a huge stain. Even if he wins, he will be impeached as an excuse. He must have been scolded.

Official positions and military ranks are like carrots and pits. If you get it, I won't be able to get it, so everyone wants this thing. As long as you get caught making excuses, how is it possible not to be lashed out at you for using them?

Seymour hoped that his future and festival would be perfect, and he naturally didn't want the reporter to poke it out and leave a huge stain, so he decided to give up the idea of ​​using hostages. Although this will cause greater losses to the soldiers of the Eight-Nation Allied Forces, does this have anything to do with me? The British, French and Russians are the most numerous among the Eight-Power Allied Forces, and the number of the British Army is actually not that many, so he doesn't feel too sorry for the lives of those foreign soldiers. (To be continued..) u

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