Red Alert 1895

Chapter 554: watch out for hail

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When Japan was very reluctant, the people in the occupied areas of Tianjin were also sent back to the Taiwan army for reception, because Japan faced pressure from those Westerners. Although Japan has the largest military force, their international status is not high. This kind of multi-national coalition forces competes on who has a higher national status, so even though the Japanese have the most soldiers, they can't compromise. Those Westerners are afraid that the news that they take hostages as a threat will spread, which will be bad for their future. So they all chose to give up, and Japan chose to succumb under the pressure of other countries. However, the method of plucking the wild goose's hair was brought into full play by the Japanese, and they took away all the wealth of the people in the occupied areas, and they couldn't bring a little wealth out. In this regard, even Hu Wei is very helpless. It is not bad to be able to save his life, so don't think about wealth for now. Regarding this Japanese characteristic, Akashi Genjiro did not stop it, because he knew that he could not stop it. Instead, he exposed himself for these wealth. Expose yourself.

"In this battle, who will play the striker first? Go meet those Taiwanese first, and see the strength of the Taiwanese?" Seymour asked.

Seymour looked to Japan and the United States, because these two countries had the most troops. This time the Eight-Power Allied Forces Germany, Italy, and the Austro-Hungarian Empire were fighting for soy sauce. The British army was used as an emergency. The French army was small and did not intend to reap too many benefits. The main force of the Russians is not in Tianjin, so the only ones who can fight are the Americans and Japanese. He took the initiative to look at the United States and Japan and let them come out to take the lead.

But this time Akashi Genjiro didn't take the initiative to speak up, because he knew that he had done too many things. If it was waterproof again this time, it might arouse everyone's suspicion. Before, Akashi Genjiro had to take the risk of directing the army to waterproof, it was to prevent the Eight-Power Allied Forces from attacking Beijing prematurely, and if those guys from the Manchu Qing Dynasty ran away, it would affect Wang Guorui's plan. Therefore, Akashi Genjiro had to fight to be able to request the Japanese army to fight, and he was seriously waterproof during the command process. If you can fight hand-to-hand, you will never use bullets, and if you can retreat, you will never attack. Therefore, the efficiency of the Japanese attack is very low. But now Taiwan's regular army has come over, and it has the capital to resist the various military forces. So there is no need for him to take such a risk to release the water.

So this time Akashi Genjiro didn't take the initiative to fight, and gave the opportunity to others. Anyway, someone who should go to die will take the initiative to go out to die. For example, the American Jared, his performance desire is also very strong. Since he wants to die. Then Akashi Genjiro will not stop it, and Akashi Genjiro will be responsible for stealing important information at that time.

"We Americans are going to meet these Taiwanese and let them know how good we are!" Jared said.

But everyone present laughed in their hearts, thinking to themselves: "You Americans are amazing. Everyone knows that you are the best in America, but you are the last one in Europe."

The strength of the US military is known to the whole world. If it is not for a geographical advantage, they are separated by the Atlantic Ocean and far away from the powder keg of Europe, then they would not be able to develop. even

but. Jared obviously knew that he was bragging. He immediately said: "We have special tactics that can defeat these Taiwanese. I believe that with our special tactics, these Taiwanese will definitely be defeated by us." When the time comes, you will just wait to celebrate our Americans! China, a backward country, cannot be my opponent. I can let them know when the time comes, that their yellow-skinned monkeys will never be able to Compared with us Westerners. We Westerners are always better than yellow monkeys."

Akashi Genjiro immediately said angrily: "What did you say about Sang and Huai?"

"I'll say whoever is angry," Jared said.

Dashanyan and Akashi Genjiro suddenly flashed with anger. Only then did everyone know that Jared took the opportunity to satirize the Japanese. What Jared said about yellow-skinned monkeys, isn't this referring to them Japanese? The Japanese are also of the yellow race, they are all "yellow monkeys"! What's more, the Japanese are shorter in height. More like a monkey!

"Okay, stop talking, let's see what this new tactic is." Seymour said.

And everyone also looked at Lieutenant General Jared expectantly, obviously hoping to see what new tactics Jared's US military has. You must know that in various countries, everyone is very troubled by Taiwan's intensive firepower. Such intensive firepower is completely difficult to break through. Therefore, the general means are very ineffective against the Taiwan army. This made them all look very depressed. Now this American is actually saying that there is a killer tactic against Taiwan, which makes everyone very surprised. If the Americans have figured out tactics, wouldn't they be able to easily defeat the Taiwanese? As long as the Taiwanese are defeated, I am afraid that China will not be afraid of it in the future.

Lieutenant General Jared of the United States looked at everyone's expectant eyes, and felt refreshed in his heart. Because he knew that it was time for the Americans to show their faces this time. Originally, these various military forces also looked down on the loose military discipline of the Americans, and their tactics were not good enough. But now they want to tell these various teams that they also have new tactics, and they can clean them up quickly.

"What tactics do you have?" Seymour also asked with concern.

Seymour also hopes to get Taiwan's tactics as soon as possible, so that the British can also have a way to deal with Taiwan's Wang Guorui army. You must know that Wang Guorui's army has no other tactics. In fact, they all use local tyrant tactics. At present, Wang Guorui is just those few "three axes", nothing more than machine guns and cannons. Taiwan uses dense firepower to block the enemy, and these tactics are actually known to all military forces. it's just

Jared was a little proud, and then said all his tactics. As a result, this really shocked all countries, because they did not expect this tactic.

"Great, there is such a tactic in entry, why didn't our British Empire think of it? Those armies are really idiots, didn't they think of this tactic?" Seymour shouted.

And the military officers of other countries were also shocked, thinking that the tactic of your Americans is really surprising and winning. They never thought that there is still such a way to defeat the Taiwan army. None of them had thought of this kind of tactic. If they could have thought of this kind of tactic earlier, I am afraid they could easily defeat the Taiwanese. All countries have also regretted why they didn't think of this tactic. If they could think of this tactic, wouldn't they be able to easily defeat the Chinese and clean up Taiwan?

"How, we Americans have good tactics, right?" Jared said a little smugly.

Jared was obviously carried away, and he announced his tactics without any scruples. Anyway, Jared thinks so too. As long as Taiwan is defeated, all countries will know about this tactic, so there is no need to hide it. And those sitting here are all senior generals of their respective countries, and they are the most trustworthy people. The people present here are all the lowest ranks and have major generals, even in the Austro-Hungarian Empire and Italy. After all, it would be inappropriate not to send a general for such an important event. Those who can become major generals are people who are trusted by all countries and will not betray them. And even if they wanted to betray, it was too late.

But Jared didn't know that Akashi Genjiro couldn't help but light up when he heard this tactic, and immediately passed the message to the Red Police base through Yuri, and then the Red Police base passed it on to Tanya again. Jared had no idea that the new tactics he had worked so hard to come up with were all sold by Akashi Genjiro. The so-called new tactics can only be used once, and few people will fall twice on the same stone. If this new tactic wants to achieve the greatest goal, it can only be used once, and other people will have preventive measures when using it later, so the effect will definitely be greatly reduced. This American has no idea that their new tactics have been sold, so their so-called new tactics must be a joke to Taiwan.

"Commander, now I have a piece of news to tell you. The Americans will adopt new tactics next," Tanya said.

"What? New tactics?" Wang Guorui asked in Tan Ya immediately explained the Americans' new tactics, and Wang Guorui also said suddenly: "It seems that the Americans didn't learn in vain. They learned trench warfare from us, but they immediately went back and developed their own new tactics, which is really not easy! However, it is incredible that the Americans first came up with the means to crack our tactics.”

"Send a telegram to Hu Wei at the front, telling him to be careful of the enemy's hail," Wang Guorui said.

"What? Mr. Wang, what is hail? It is already March, and there will be no more hail." A communications staff officer immediately asked.

Wang Guorui replied, "Just send it over like this and let Hu Wei know."

Soon, Hu Wei received the telegram.

"Chief of Staff Hu, Mr. Wang wants us to be careful of hail. What does this hail mean?" Someone asked.

After hearing this, Hu Wei suddenly remembered a metaphor often used by Wang Guorui before, and said: "I understand, I order all soldiers to pay attention to the lightning protection slot." (To be continued.)

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