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Chapter 571: 2 stupid thieves

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"Commander, according to reports from the outside, there is already chaos outside, and those local hooligans are going everywhere to pick quarrels and cause trouble. The temporary military courts have also started trials, and more than 500 people have been sentenced to death in accordance with military law, and they are still going on. Chief Huang Hua once said that he wanted to crack down hard. But this time, I heard that Huang Hua reminded us that these gangsters did this to cover up their actions, and I think they just wanted to assassinate you." Natasha Said.

Wang Guorui said indifferently: "According to the news from 'Qin Hui', those guys from Manqing are still unwilling to give up and still want to assassinate me. This time, they really can't afford to lose money. Most of them will I wanted to take advantage of the chaos outside to secretly transfer the guards around me, and to get away from the mountain. However, they were seriously negligent, and there were other guards around me. They wanted to assassinate me, but they didn’t It's so easy. They think that after assassinating me, Taiwan will also fall into a power struggle. Unfortunately, they don't know that our power has spread all over the world. And you and Tan Ya are on duty every day. It is impossible to successfully assassinate me."

"That woman Tanya has been sent by you to guard the secret passage of the palace. The secret passage is really well hidden. If ordinary people can't know it! If Tanya is not proficient in blasting engineering, then he really can't find it. You shoot Tanya went to defend the secret passage, and let me protect you, so I am more worthy of your trust?" Natasha said with a wink.

Wang Guorui couldn't take it anymore, and said directly: "You'd better go upstairs and take a good look. If there is any suspicious person, report it to me immediately. If someone threatens my life, you can shoot it. You're welcome!"

"It's really boring. I don't even want to get close to you." Natasha said unhappily.

Reluctantly, Natasha came to the commanding height tower of Prince Qing's Mansion. This tower is the commanding height, and a sniper rifle can be used to observe and snipe inside Prince Qing's Mansion. Putting Natasha on this commanding height can completely prevent some thieves from sneaking in.

And in a dark place, a man dressed in black was drilling a tunnel into Prince Qing's Mansion. And here is a dog hole. Ordinary people will not be able to get in, only those who are particularly thin or who know the legendary bone shrinking skills can get in. And this man is the type of person who can shrink bones. However, it was precisely because of this that the guards ignored this dog hole, which was less than two fists in salute.

"Oh, you really squeezed me to death, Zheng Zhicai, I'm not done with you!" The man was still cursing in a low voice.

However, just as the man was about to emerge from the dog hole. And there is a person coming from another place. In a room, the ground in this room suddenly opened with a "click", and most people would never have thought that there would be a tunnel here. And in this tunnel, a woman in black clothes also came out. Although this woman is not a stunning beauty, she can still be said to be so pretty, and she has received some fine needles and other things from her body.

The woman opened the room quietly, and he wasn't worried about anyone in the room. Because many servants in the huge Prince Qing's Mansion have already been sent away. This is Wang Guorui's headquarters, which is usually the staff of some troops. And Wang Guorui didn't leave any servants to take care of his life, because he was afraid that everyone in the capital would be traitors! The Manchus have been in the capital for many years, and their hearts are still there, so they can't rashly leave the locals to work here, otherwise it will be easy to leak the secrets.

"Crack!" "Not good!" The woman suddenly screamed in a low voice, because he made a sound from the door.

And the man who just got in from the dog hole. He is also the senior mazi Nong Siyu, a subordinate of the head of the east of the city, and he also heard the sound in this room. Immediately turning his head to take a look, he found that a rather pretty woman from that time had come out of it.

"No, I was discovered!" The two said together in their hearts.

"It must be silenced!" The two thought together again in their hearts.

Soon, both sides rushed towards each other. Obviously wanting to silence the other party. The two of them didn't say a word, then Nong Siyu took out his dagger and was about to stab the woman. And that woman also regarded Nong Siyu as Wang Guorui's guard, so neither of them wanted the other to make noise or raise the alarm. As for Nong Siyu, they regarded this pretty woman as Wang Guorui's concubine or maid, so they also chose to silence each other to avoid being exposed.

Nong Siyu was about to slash at that woman's neck with a dagger, but your woman dodged it easily, directly came to a squat, and by the way came to sweep the legs. Nong Siyu was also taken aback, since he has specialized in martial arts, he has some skills, but now he can't do it with just one blow? And the other party is just a woman, and this martial art looks pretty impressive.

Nong Siyu jumped up to escape the sweeping legs, and then thought to himself: "A concubine or maid of Wang Guorui actually has such martial arts? Could it be that she is the legendary Tanya?"

And Nong Siyu subconsciously took this woman as Tanya, but there were too few people in the capital who had seen Tanya, so they didn't know that Tanya was a foreign beauty with blonde hair and blue eyes. However, Nong Siyu didn't even know that if he met Tan Ya, Tan Ya would definitely not talk nonsense with him, and just shot him to death. Although Tanya is very good at fighting, Tanya prefers to use guns. Fighting is just an auxiliary skill for Tanya.

The two debunked each other's moves a few times, and both sides were very anxious, because both regarded the other as Wang Guorui's person, so they both thought that they had to be silenced. But when they found that each other's martial arts were beyond their imagination, they were all very surprised because they didn't know what to do. Both parties were worried that the other party's voice would alarm the guards at the headquarters in Prince Qing's Mansion, so they didn't send any business, and hoped to kill the other party as soon as possible, so as to prevent the other party from making a sound.

"Whoosh!" The woman kicked Nong Siyu's crotch, and Nong Siyu Dunsi immediately dodged.

"Damn it, you bastard, you actually kicked me here? Believe it or not, if it's possible, I'll definitely make you look like you!" Nong Siyu said angrily in a low voice.

The woman didn't say anything, and kicked a series of kicks, all towards Nong Siyu's crotch, and Nong Siyu dodged in time.

The two were fighting here, but they didn't realize that someone on the nearby tower was pointing at them with a sniper rifle at any time. If they dared to assassinate Wang Guorui, Natasha would shoot.

"What two stupid thieves, they actually beat ghosts by themselves!" Natasha thought amusedly.

After receiving Natasha's report, Wang Guorui also laughed loudly: "The two guys are actually fighting ghosts here, and this assassination plan has completely failed. I really didn't expect that after a good assassination, there would be two guys Knowing ghosts and ghosts? The two of them, who belonged to them? Who belonged to that woman, and who belonged to that man? Why did some people assassinate me besides Man Qing? However, the two of them assassinated me Plans, the results interfered with each other, did not communicate with each other, so the ghost fight failed."

"Cousin, I never thought Wang Guorui would have a concubine like you? Are you Tanya? If I'm here to assassinate Wang Guorui this time, I'll be killed!" Nong Siyu scolded.

After hearing this, the woman immediately asked, "Are you also here to assassinate the rebel Wang Guorui? Me too!"

"What? You're not Tanya?" Nong Siyu asked.

"I am Gege from the Qing Dynasty. I hate this rebellious Wang Guorui to death. I was ordered to assassinate this rebel Wang Guorui, and you are too?" asked the "Gege".

Both of them are like ten thousand "grass mud horses" passing by in their hearts. Both of them have the same purpose. They should be allies and partners, but now they are fighting on their own. Want to complain.

"Let's go, let's kill Wang Guorui together!" Nong Siyu said.

And the woman also stopped in time, and the two of them moved towards the distance to leave, and continued to assassinate Wang Guorui.

"You two, since you are here, if you don't come in for a glass of water and wine, is that the way to treat guests? Otherwise, those who don't know will think that I, Wang Guorui, have neglected the distinguished guest!" A voice suddenly said.

The two were shocked immediately, they were both regretting, the behavior just now had alarmed Crack! "

Natasha fired a shot, and then shot into the courtyard. A bluestone slab near their feet was instantly torn apart. And the two assassins were also very scared. If this shot hit him, wouldn't he be dead? This Natasha's bullet is extraordinary, it can shatter bluestone slabs.

"do not move!"

A group of Wang Guorui's guards, with submachine guns in their hands, aimed at the two stupid thieves, and obviously wanted to catch them.

"It's all you stinky woman. If it wasn't for you, I would have succeeded a long time ago! Now I have come to such a fate. Stinky woman, if there is a chance, I will definitely put you in a 18-way appearance." Nong Siyu faced the The woman said angrily.

And the woman also countered: "If it weren't for you, I would have succeeded, you are my sinner!"

"Okay, if you have anything to say, go talk to the agents of the General Intelligence Agency, I believe they are already interested in hearing what you have to say slowly!" Wang Guorui said. (to be continued...)

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