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Chapter 572: no way

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In a secret passage of the imperial palace, this is the tunnel entrance specially controlled by the Qing royal family. Since the Manchus entered the customs hundreds of years ago, although they have mastered the land of China, they did not regard themselves as Chinese in their bones, they only regarded themselves as conquerors. But they know that they are too big a factor to take advantage of the country. They know that it is not that they have really defeated the Chinese, but that the Han people in China do not want to fight. When decades of disasters have caused the Han people to kill each other , and then everyone was tired, and then the timely introduction and popularization of sweet potatoes finally made Manqing pick up this country inexplicably.

However, the Manchu royal family has always been in a very uneasy situation. In order to ensure their own peace, they chose to let more than half of the Manchu Eight Banners guard the capital, which is also called the Eight Banners of the capital. The other Eight Banners are scattered to the local areas to monitor the local people, and they are called the Local Eight Banners. And they have been preparing. From the fact that they drove the Han people out of the inner city of the capital, and all the Manchus lived there, it can be seen that they do not believe in the Han people in their bones. They have already planned that if the Han Chinese come over, they can use these trusted bannermen as protection to prevent them from betraying. And their Manchu royal family can guarantee safety as much as possible, and they can even escape in time. The reason why they chose to set the capital in the capital is that they hope to return to their hometown Liaodong at any time in the future.

However, no one knew that this gang of Manchu emperors Aixin was terrified. The Jueluo family also dug a tunnel hundreds of years ago. And this tunnel came out from the palace and went straight to the outside of Beijing. Those who knew about this tunnel back then have all been silenced. There are even many hidden weapons in the tunnel, so it is guaranteed that no one will be able to easily know this tunnel. And this tunnel has been handed down by word of mouth from the Manchu royal family, and no written records will be left behind. Only in times of crisis. Only then will this tunnel play its role. However, it should have been passed on by word of mouth among the emperors, but since Cixi took control of the power decades ago, and the emperor was still young, this secret was also known to Cixi.

Cixi never thought that this tunnel would be reopened. And now Wang Guorui controls the capital. Then the Manchus will be able to "give way" immediately, and the Manchus will perish at that time. At this moment, Cixi also ignored it, and was about to use this tunnel.

"Father Emperor, is this tunnel the last retreat for the Qing Dynasty?" Guangxu asked.

"Yes, let's go! After we go out, we will take the outside, go directly to the west, and take the area around Gansu and Shaanxi. Then we will regroup and restore the country. We can only leave at this time, while Wang Guorui, the traitor, is fighting desperately with foreigners Only then will we be able to leave as soon as possible! As long as we arrive in Shaanxi, we will all have a chance to regroup. At that time, Wang Guorui should not be allowed to take over our Qing Dynasty smoothly, so that we can gain a center and let the hearts of the world gather again. No matter what Whether Wang Guorui can be assassinated today, regardless of whether Wang Guorui is dead or not, then we must all go to Shaanxi." Cixi said.

"Father Huang, why are you still going to assassinate Wang Guorui? As long as you assassinate Wang Guorui. Then I can easily accept Wang Guorui's influence, and then..." Guangxu said naively.

"Slap!" Cixi slapped Guangxu's face, and she was furious: "You fool, do you think that just assassinating Wang Guorui can solve the problem? Wang Guorui and his men are not like us. All the way. The Ai family is also learning some things from Westerners, especially in the past few years. They have read books by Westerners. The Ai family understands. Wang Guorui represents the interests of those merchants, and our Qing Dynasty It represents the interests of those landlords. It is impossible for the two of us to really come together. After assassinating Wang Guorui, they can still choose someone to come out. As long as the merchant interest group behind them is not destroyed, then they must also They will be able to re-elect a person."

"You said. If their new leader comes out, what will happen to us? At that time, in order to show that the new leader took over the rebel Wang Guorui, they will definitely avenge the old leader. At that time, we will all Unlucky, do you understand? So, killing Wang Guorui won't solve the problem. Aijia just hopes to seize the opportunity and go to the northwest as soon as possible. In short, no matter what, you can't stay here, and the capital is not safe. In case Wang Guorui dies Well, those people fight with each other, it's easy to hurt us. Even if they don't fight and find someone to take Wang Guorui's position, then their new leader will naturally avenge the old leader, so he won't Will let us go. So, we must run no matter what."

It was only then that Guangxu showed a look of sudden realization, obviously only then did he understand these principles. But Cixi couldn't help being a little disappointed, this Guangxu was really useless. Cixi has held power for so many years, he knows that sooner or later she will ascend to heaven, but she is the daughter-in-law of the Aixinjueluo family after all, and it is only by virtue of her status as the daughter-in-law of the Aixinjueluo family that he can gain power. So she still cares about the interests of Aixinjueluo's family, and he already regards himself as a member of Aixinjueluo's family. So he knew that no matter how he grabbed power while he was alive, he would eventually return it to the Aixinjueluo family. Of course, this person from Aixinjueluo's family is not necessarily Emperor Guangxu, but may be someone else.

"It seems that even if Ai's family ascends to heaven one day, they won't be able to keep this kid Guangxu in his place. He is an idiot who can only kill Aixinjueluo's family!" Cixi suddenly thought viciously.

Since Guangxu's reform and reform, Cixi also looked down on Guangxu very much. Because this Guangxu was so "stupid" that he couldn't even understand the interests represented by his Aixinjueluo family. Emperor Guangxu made some reforms and reforms, but he didn't know that Aixinjueluo's family could be in this position. Wasn't it because of the support of those old-fashioned groups? An emperor who doesn't even understand the interest group he represents will be unlucky sooner or later. So as early as a few years ago, Cixi also moved his mind, but was stopped by foreigners. Now, Cixi also has a poisonous weed in her heart. Obviously, this Guangxu can't stay, because Guangxu is so stupid, he is a political idiot, and he can't even understand the interest groups he represents. It is harmful to keep this kind of person. The country is gone.

"Father Huang, why don't we go to Liaodong and return to our hometown? Also, we have so many bannermen in the inner city, don't we care?" Guangxu asked.

Cixi immediately said: "You, the emperor, are you stupid? Do you think that is our hometown, our hometown? Let me tell you, it is no longer our hometown, and the bannermen in the inner city may not know it." Stand on our side. Do you know? How many other bannermen can speak Manchu? I’m afraid, you, the emperor, can’t even speak Manchu fluently, right?”

Guangxu blushed for a while. As a Manchu emperor, he couldn't even speak Manchu fluently, so there was no need to think about the situation of those guys below.

Cixi suddenly finally lamented: "The ancestors have always been afraid that we Manchus will be sinicized. The ancestors have long known about the chaos in China, such as the Huns, Wuhuan people, Xianbei people, Rouran people, etc., all of them eventually died. It has been Sinicized. They absorbed this experience and chose to gather us Manchus, try not to have contact with the Han people, and let the Manchus not forget the stallion riding and shooting, and even raised them with flag salaries.”

"However, Aijia can't help but say that the plans of our ancestors have all failed. Now even the head of our Manchus can't speak Manchu. No matter how the ancestors controlled the Manchus below, they even made a mess. The rule of non-intermarriage between Manchus and Hans turned out to be impossible to stop in the end. You don’t know how the Manchus at the bottom are, don’t Aijia know? In fact, as early as in the Eight Banners in many places, it has long been a joke that Manchus and Hans do not marry. The standard salary of the people not only failed to allow the Manchus to concentrate on practicing bow horse riding and archery, but also allowed a large group of people to raise pigs. In the end, the life of the Manchus was very hard, and many of them were not as good as the Han people~www Even they have to go outside to work for the Han people, and many of them who have been in contact with the Han people for a long time have become Sinicized. So, you said that those Manchus will really help us Qing Dynasty like their ancestors?"

"This..." Guangxu was speechless.

Cixi finally said: "However, although we have integrated into the Han people, it is not without benefits. That means that the Han people have also recognized the orthodoxy of our Qing Dynasty. As long as we can leave the capital and go to Shaanxi and Gansu, then we can all Sitting on the northwest half of the country, and then ordering the princes of the world to attack and besiege the capital. And Aijia can cede land and pay compensation, and relax the conditions to let those foreigners support us to wipe out all the elites of Taiwan in this capital. A large number of elites in Taiwan have gathered here. We only need Besiege him from many sides, and once they are wiped out, they will not be able to threaten our country!"

"Hahahaha, Ms. Queen Mother, you really have a bit of ability, and you have a set of reasoning, but these plans are all based on the condition that you can go out. If you can't go out, wouldn't everything be discussed?" A woman said suddenly.

"Who?" Cixi asked.

"Madam Queen Mother, I'm really sorry, this road is blocked!" Tan Ya raised her pistol and pointed it at Ci Xi's group. (to be continued...)

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