Red Alert 1895

Chapter 573: Tan Ya is in charge, Wan Fu is not allowed to open

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What appeared in front of the Empress Dowager Cixi was a blonde woman. And the Empress Dowager Cixi looked at the woman with the gun, and immediately became surprised. Obviously, she didn't expect that there was another woman who could stop her here? And how did this woman know about this secret way? You must know that this secret way is one of the top secrets of the Manchu and Qing imperial families. So how could outsiders know about this secret path? This time, the people Cixi brought were all the confidantes of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, the most trusted people of the Manchu Qing Dynasty. Most of the guards were guards from the Shangsanqi, and many of them were from noble families. It made Cixi feel very scared.

"Madam Queen Mother, are you surprised, why am I able to wait for you here, and how can I prepare here? It's actually very simple, although your secret passage is an important secret, and it can even be said to be one of the top secrets." 1. If I don’t know that there is such a secret path, then naturally I won’t be able to find it for a while. But as long as I know the existence of this secret path, then it is inevitable for me to find this secret path. Although this secret path is very secret , but after all, it has a history of two hundred years. In two hundred years, the times have changed too much. The technology of building secret tunnels may be the most advanced. But now engineering, mechanics, and various engineering knowledge have appeared .After generations of research, engineering has become a very well-established discipline. It is no coincidence that I am proficient in architectural engineering, have the title of professor-level engineer, and I am very familiar with blasting. As long as I know this secret The way exists, so I can follow the buildings in the palace to investigate. The commander knows that you will take the opportunity to use the secret way to escape, and you, the queen mother, will definitely take the opportunity to check the existence of the secret way. And I can It is very easy to observe the places you, the queen mother, often go to. We have not restricted your personal freedom, so that you can also check the secret passages. And we analyze the places you often go these days, and then I will use engineering It is easy to infer the starting point of the secret passage. And after inferring the starting point of the secret passage, I am asking the commander to let me command the engineer battalion of the Guards Division. I will soon be able to pass the engineering on the ground. Reasoning to calculate the direction of the secret path. As a result, I will stop you here!"

"Madam Queen Mother. Please go back!"

After hearing Tanya's words, Cixi immediately asked, "You are the only one to stop us?"

"That's right, I'm enough. You're not worthy of Mr. Wang sending an army over. You're not enough, you're just a turtle in a urn." Tan Ya said.

Cixi immediately asked, "Are you Tanya or Natasha?"

"The queen mother has also heard of my name, Tanya? Very good. Since you know my name, you should know my ability, so please go back!" Tanya said.

Immediately, a noble guard from the Qing Dynasty shouted: "I don't believe it, you Tanya is as powerful as the legends say! I don't believe it, you can outrun bullets!"

The noble guard just wanted to draw a pistol from his waist. But Tanya was faster. Tanya drew the gun several times faster than him, and then shot very quickly at the hand he was about to draw the gun. And this 12mm special pistol bullet broke his arm instantly.


The guard of the Manchu Qing Dynasty just touched the pistol, and immediately felt a sharp pain in his arm, and then he didn't know anything, obviously passed out from grief.

"Hurry up and go back, maybe this person can be saved by then, and if it's too late, maybe he will lose too much blood and die." Tan Ya said with a "kind heart".

But Cixi saw this situation, and immediately said to all the guards: "Let's go together! She has only one person, and you have more than a hundred people. Are you still his opponent?"

"Cha!" Everyone said together.

The more than one hundred guards immediately pulled out the sabers around their waists together, and then rushed forward to fight Tanya. When they rushed up, Tanya couldn't help shaking her head.

"Hey, it really is a 'guard with a knife', what age is it, and it's actually a 'guard with a knife'? Now is the age of guns!" Tan Ya said.

Tanya took out a submachine gun from behind, and the guard walking in the front immediately shouted in shock: "Be careful, she has a stun gun!"

People in the Qing Dynasty called Maxine an electric gun, and this submachine gun was also called a hand-held electric gun.

"Da da da da..." More than 20 guards of the Qing Dynasty were knocked to the ground immediately.

"Don't mess around, there are no bullets in her magazine. Keep charging!" the guard leader shouted.

Sure enough, these Manchu guards were very loyal, and they continued to rush forward, apparently without being affected too much. But Tanya wasn't afraid either. He pulled out a shotgun again and fired at them.

"Papa papa!"

Tanya fired three shots again, and the guards were all beaten to the ground, and there were only thirty guards left. Only then did Tanya put down her gun, and took the initiative to fight with them.

"Ka Ka Ka..."

Tan Ya made one move at a time, directly attacking the vital parts of the Manchu guards. What sun**. What throat, what various vital parts Tanya also directly attacked them, not to capture them alive. Tan Ya's martial arts are also those means of killing the enemy with one move. Although these thirty or so guards are loyal, they don't have the means of killing the enemy with one move. These one-stroke killing methods are all based on anatomy. Only with anatomy can these martial arts be developed. And those people in the Qing Dynasty didn't have any anatomy at all, and they even relied on inheritance and accumulation, so they were obviously not opponents of Tan Ya's black technology martial arts. Orientals respect the dead very much and dare not conduct autopsy. Even if some people want to do so, they will be labeled as aliens. The West is different. The West has a relatively high tolerance for this anatomy, which allowed them to create anatomy, and then developed a set of one-stroke killing skills that specifically attack the enemy's vital points. Tanya learned these skills to fight .

The Empress Dowager Cixi watched Tan Ya alone defeat more than a hundred people on her side, which made them all feel terrified. More than a hundred guards were killed in this way, and after all, Cixi was a person who had gone through a storm, so naturally she was not afraid. However, Emperor Guangxu vomited in disappointment. Obviously, the **** look made him feel scared. As for the concubines of Emperor Guangxu, such as Empress Jingfen, Concubine Zhen, and so on, all concubines who had experienced these things were disappointed.

"Madam Queen Mother, do you still want to go there?" Tan Ya asked.

Cixi looked at all this and knew that the breakout was a failure. More than a hundred of his own guards were also killed, and the other party was a woman, so they stopped them just like that. More than a hundred guards have died in the line of duty, and the rest are some female relatives. And there are only a few men, that is, Emperor Guangxu, Li Lianying, the chief executive, etc. These people can serve others well, so they can't be opponents in a fight. As for Emperor Guangxu, let's save it. Don't expect this emperor to be useful. Doesn't he vomit in this situation?

"Madam Queen Mother, do you still want to go there?" Tan Ya then asked.

Empress Dowager Cixi looked at Tanya who was guarding here, and said silently: "Let's go back!"

And Cixi also chose to compromise, and Guangxu, a weak emperor, had no choice but to turn around and leave. Now everyone knows that the last hope of the Qing Dynasty, the last retreat, has been cut off by Taiwan. Once this path is cut off, there will be no way for them to escape. And in the future, they can only wait for Wang Guorui's disposal. Whether they will live or die will be in Wang Guorui's hands, and there will be no chance of freedom at all.

When the Manchu royal family retreated back to the palace, Tan Ya also left through this secret passage. But Tanya took out a remote control, and lightly pressed the red button on the remote control.


A huge explosion sounded, and the tunnel was completely blown up. The power of Tanya's special c4 ** package is very powerful, even a battleship can be sunk, let alone an ordinary tunnel. This tunnel was bombed so badly that it could no longer be repaired and continued to be used.

"Hahahaha, Tanya, well done, this time they blocked them back, so they can take care of them. This time, the real Tanya is in Fu Don't open it!" Wang Guorui said.

But Natasha said coquettishly: "Commander, I helped you today. If I didn't protect you on the watchtower, you don't know what danger you encountered?"

"Hmph, you're just going to stay here, and you won't get any credit once you get there." Tan Ya said sarcastically.

And Natasha also said: "Protecting the commander, this is the biggest thing, can you deny it?"

"Natasha, you stinky woman..."

These two women also quarreled again, and then Wang Guorui suddenly whispered: "The two women are so quarreling, and I will rule the whole country next, Lily should come out, then will it be staged?" Romance of the Three Kingdoms?"

"What did you say? That stinky woman who wants Yuriko is coming too?" Tanya and Natasha asked together.

"Sure enough, these three beautiful heroes from different countries have all kinds of contradictions among them! It seems that when Lily Zi comes, the Romance of the Three Kingdoms is inevitable." Wang Guorui thought in his heart Face Tucao Road. (To be continued.)

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