Red Alert 1895

Chapter 574: The gangster is also the uncle of the country

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"Zheng Zhicai, you are suspected of assassinating our lord Wang, so please come with us!" Huang Hua, the chief of the Beijing Public Security Bureau, said to Zheng Zhicai.

Tonight is destined to be a night that will be recorded in history. Because today the gangsters in the capital took to the streets one after another, and then they started to provoke troubles, making countless people in the capital miserable. Not enough, under the decisive disposal of the Taiwan Guards Division, these gangsters were severely suppressed one after another, and then they were immediately tried quickly, and then sent to the gallows. Tonight alone, more than 600 people were sent to the gallows. And those who were sentenced to life imprisonment and fixed-term imprisonment are countless, no less than 2,000. The cells in the capital were overcrowded immediately, almost from the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, the prison of Dali Temple, and even the cell of the admiral of the Nine Gates back then. In this case, because of the overcrowding, the quality of life of the criminals in those cells was suddenly reduced again, making them miserable.

The reason why it is so miserable is that it is currently under military control, so criminal offenses are dealt with in accordance with military law, which has caused such misery. Today, more than 600 corpses on the gallows have been completely shocked. In the capital city, those who eat free food, those who molested women, and those who violated laws and disciplines were all empty. And now they are all caught in prison to serve their sentences, and after they come out, maybe this country can change the world, and even rebuild it into a powerful country.

"It's really cheap for them. After you come out, you can directly enjoy the status of being a citizen of a big and powerful country, and you don't have to fight with us. Damn, what is this called!" Huang Hua said with a bit of envy.

But Li Guodong smiled back and asked, "Why don't you go too!"

"Forget it, I'll be my police chief!" Huang Hua said.

However, Huang Hua immediately said loudly: "Bring that Zheng Zhicai up immediately!"

"Bring it up!" Some soldiers from the Guards Division escorted Zheng Zhicai up.

That Zheng Zhicai came in front of Huang Hua and Li Guodong, and suddenly his knees gave way, and he knelt down and shouted: "My lord, please forgive me!"

"Zheng Zhicai. Nong Siyu, the assassin we sent to assassinate our lord Wang, has been captured by us. Moreover, your so-called backer, the court minister of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, failed to escape. After today, what should we do?" How about it, so your prince's dream has completely disappeared. According to Nong Siyu's confession, you are instigating all of this. You use him, his wife, and the child in his wife's belly as threats. Threatened him to assassinate our Lord Wang, so you are the mastermind of all these things, you should think about it yourself! What is the identity of Lord Wang, and you dare to assassinate him, isn't this courting death?" Huang Hua said coldly.

And that Zheng Zhicai immediately cried: "My lord, I was also deceived by the lard for a while, so I made such a result. So, please spare my dog's life, my lord!"

Zheng Zhicai is a gangster like him, he knows very well the truth of bullying the weak and fearing the strong. If he is successful, then he is naturally very tough. But now he failed. Naturally, it means "softening", choosing to surrender and hoping to get a dog's life. However, it never occurred to him that neither Huang Hua nor Li Guodong planned to let him go like this.

"Next, what should our guy do? Send him to the court for trial?" Li Guodong asked.

But this made Huang Hua, who is familiar with the law, hesitate a bit. Huang Hua said: "If it is sent to the court, then I am afraid it will be nothing more than an attempted murder. Even according to the military law, the attempted murder is not enough to be a life sentence. Because according to our Taiwan According to the current law, there are only homicide and murder, and there is no so-called assassination of political figures. According to the law, Mr. Wang has not ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor, so he can only be judged according to homicide, and he still attempted to kill, so Generally speaking, the heaviest punishment is life imprisonment. Mr. Wang attaches great importance to the law. He will not easily exceed the law, so he will not take the initiative to ask for an additional sentence. This will be troublesome. Do I have to let Is this guy free and easy in prison?"

This made them all a little troublesome. Could it be that he was sent to trial like this, and finally let him spend his life in prison? Of course, for someone like him who assassinated Wang Guorui, the future emperor. Being able to stay in prison for a lifetime is considered to be getting away with it. In ancient times, the crime of assassinating the emperor was the crime of punishing the nine clans! But in the end, he could only be sentenced to life imprisonment. This obviously made these subordinates feel that they were wronged for Wang Guorui, and they actively hoped to increase the punishment for Wang Guorui.

"However, we have to deal with him legally. If it is not legal, then we will be very troublesome! Mr. Wang attaches great importance to the rule of law, so if we are not legal, then we are really very troublesome, so we will definitely face very serious problems. Maybe I will lose my job and be dismissed, or even we will go to prison instead," Huang Hua said.

Li Guodong also hesitated a little, how to deal with this guy next, how to deal with this guy, but it is a difficult problem. How to kill Zheng Zhicai "legally" is a very important question. They wanted to vent their anger for Wang Guorui, but they didn't want to be left behind, that's why they felt such a headache. If Zheng Zhicai could be "legally" killed, then everything would be fine. At that time, Wang Guorui would also reward them. According to Wang Guorui's thinking, as long as everything is legal, Wang Guorui will not punish them, but will reward them.

"Well, we might as well lock them up and send them to the prison. We once again take the opportunity to provoke the criminals in the prison to riot and escape, and coerce him to escape together. In the end, we can take advantage of the trend and kill them on the spot. Because according to the law, as long as you cross the If we cross the cordon, we can fire a warning shot first, and then kill him on the spot, so that we can all deal with him well," Huang Hua said.

Li Guodong immediately gave a thumbs up and said: "Yin, yin, it's really insidious! You guys are so insidious in practicing law. I heard Mr. Wang once said in private that a person who robbed a year of wealth by blocking the way No lawyer can get as much in one lawsuit!"

"Hey, hey, what are you talking about here? Apologize to legal workers across the country!" Huang Hua scolded with a smile.

However, when the two of them are bragging here, that Zheng Zhicai will immediately become unstable. He heard that these two guys are going to send him to prison, and then instigated the criminals under his command to riot and escape from prison, and then they all started to shoot and kill this Zheng Zhicai . In this way, Zheng Zhicai can be killed legally. Although the reason is a bit far-fetched, it can barely pass the legal level. As long as everyone keeps their mouths shut, there won't be too many problems.

"Come on, suppress him, send him to prison, and follow the plan!" Huang Hua said.

However, Zheng Zhicai immediately shouted: "Don't kill me, I'm Uncle Guo, I'm Uncle Guo. I'm your Lord Wang's uncle, don't kill me!"

"What? Master Wang's uncle? How is this possible?" Huang Hua asked.

"That's right, I'm your Lord Wang's uncle, don't kill me, don't kill me!" Zheng Zhicai shouted immediately.

Zheng Zhicai was pulled back very quickly, and he immediately said: "I am the uncle of your Lord Wang, and I am the elder brother of your Madam Zheng!"

"Impossible, Lieutenant General Zheng Hong doesn't have any older brothers! Otherwise, it wouldn't be her daughter's turn to inherit the Tiandihui!" Li Guodong quickly debunked this statement.

"Cousin, cousin, I'm cousin!" Zheng Zhicai said immediately.

"Cousin? Within a few generations?" Huang Hua asked.

Zheng Zhicai immediately said: "My ancestor is Guo Xing Ye, and I am from the line of Zheng Cong, the second son of Guo Xing Ye. And Mrs. Zheng Hong is from the line of Zheng Kuan, the sixth son of Guo Xing Ye, so we are cousins!"

"After going around for a long time, they are actually such distant relatives!" Huang Hua and Li Guodong also almost fainted.

This relationship is really far enough, I don't know how many generations have passed. Cousins ​​in this relationship, isn't it too far away?

"Old What do you think we should do?" Huang Hua asked.

Li Guodong said very bluntly: "If you want me to say, why do we take such a long-distance relationship seriously? Who knows if what he said is true or not? If anyone surnamed Zheng pretends to be What is a foreign relative, so do we still need to do things? So, just follow the original plan."

But Huang Hua's political talent is obviously higher, he said: "We'd better be cautious, if what he said is true, then we are not human inside and out? At that time, what will Mr. Wang think of us? Let's ensure stability first, we don't know how Master Wang will deal with it, this is also a big problem!"

Huang Hua is obviously an old fritter, and he obviously knows this, so he immediately plans to hand over the conflict, and let his superiors resolve it. Regardless of whether it is true or not, he must first correct his attitude, so that these problems can be solved. And next, everyone must solve it properly, and then they can avoid being burned by their relatives. You must know that all dynasties and generations have relatives, and relatives are an important political force. If I just let my relatives clean up casually this time, will it affect me then? Therefore, if you can avoid the problem, you still have to avoid the problem, so as to avoid being thrown into trouble by your relatives at that time! (To be continued.)

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