Red Alert 1895

Chapter 592: 8 countries changed to 7 countries (Part 1)

When the French team gradually followed the plan and arrived at the place where Nong Siyu confessed, they found that there was a "loophole" in this line of defense. ︿︿, there will be a loophole in this line of defense at 4:25 every evening, and that is when these troops change their defenses. This loophole lasted about twenty minutes, not too long. But if someone seizes the opportunity, they can attack from this loophole. In particular, this is the junction of the two first-level units of the Taiwan Army. This is the junction of the Temporary Second Army and the Temporary Third Army, which belongs to a blind spot in defense. If it is possible to attack in this place, there will be a certain inertia for the Taiwanese troops on both sides. Maybe they all think that this is the opponent's defense zone, or both sides have a feeling of dependence, so it is very easy to attack.

And here are the gaps when the Taiwan army changes defenses, so they can completely seize this opportunity.

"Hurry up and attack, we only have 20 minutes. If the 20 minutes pass, the Taiwanese army will find us!" The French general shouted.

"Yes, sir!"

The French team passed this place very quickly, and now it is time for the army to change defenses. The army that had defended for more than ten hours in front, now it was the turn of the troops in charge of the night shift to be on duty. Taiwan divides the army into two shifts, one shift is from 1:00 pm to 5:00 am the next day, and the other is from 5:00 am to 5:00 pm. The two shifts are responsible for 12 hours each, so that both parties can ensure that they have enough energy to rest without being too tired. The French just discovered this joint, and then they will be able to come here.

"General, why didn't we notify all the troops to attack together?" Someone asked immediately.

"Hmph, if they are notified, they will probably take the credit. And I think our here should be a very important credit. If we French can break through here, then we French will be the biggest contributor to defeating Taiwan. At that time, after I return to China, I can go a step further. If I give it up to someone else, what will happen?” said the French general.

This has to be said to be a tragedy. When troops from multiple countries join forces to fight, they will definitely compete for credit when they win. After failure, they shirked responsibility and even retreated early on the battlefield. This is true for the armies of the same country, let alone the armies of these different countries? When encountering benefits, they rush forward and even fight. Once there is no benefit, they will push back and forth and want others to fight. And once in danger, everyone will let people from other countries go to die with the idea that dead friends will not die poor people. Therefore, the multinational coalition forces may not be able to strengthen the combat effectiveness, but often reduce each other's combat effectiveness!

"The French are coming. Hit me!" shouted a regimental commander in charge of the ambush.

"Da da da da..."

All kinds of firepower began to shoot, and the French were shot immediately. However, although the French general was a little surprised, he panicked and recovered quickly.

"Have the Chinese discovered us? No, no, this time it was the Chinese who had ambushed! The so-called religious people are fake!" said the French general.

"General, then our Christian is a fake? But he is now at our coalition headquarters. We are going back to deal with him! Then what should we do? Shall we retreat?" the adjutant asked.

"Hahahaha, the Chinese. This time they were clever but were misunderstood by their cleverness. They wanted to ambush us, but they didn't have much strength. You see, these are all residential buildings, and they are all hiding in the residents Ambushing us inside the building is actually an urban street battle. In this kind of urban street battle, they did not send many soldiers to ambush me. There are not many soldiers in their buildings, so their firepower density is not high. High. You see. Although they are shooting desperately, their firepower density is not as high as we originally speculated. This is because it is difficult to set up positions inside the building."

"At home they made a very serious mistake. They fired too early. They fired before our troops were fully inside their ambush circle. At most they killed us less than twenty In the end, the losses in the rear were not large. Our loss was only more than 50 people. But they exposed their firepower, and they were nothing more than the strength of a regiment. A regiment, according to my alignment* The * team understands that their regiment has only one artillery battalion. In this way, their firepower is definitely not my opponent." The French general said confidently.

The French general then said: "Order the artillery battalion, prepare for the bombardment!"

However, when the French ordered the artillery battalion to prepare for the bombardment, the commander in charge of the command in the building also immediately ordered.

"Order all soldiers to hide in the newly dug anti-aircraft holes in the room."

Soon, the soldiers who were ambushing also found the anti-aircraft holes they dug in the room and hid in them. These houses are actually houses where ordinary residents live, not high-level fortifications. They just carried out some rough machining, and they didn't go through God's special machining. But it is also very safe here, because there is a blast hole.

In this era, all kinds of houses are actually not the kind of buildings that came later. In this era, the vast majority of houses in Tianjin did not use cement, which was not like the reinforced concrete buildings of later generations. That kind of building not only has to dig a deep foundation, but the ground is also very hard. And here are just some bluestone slabs, as long as the bluestone slabs are turned over, there will be some soft soil underneath, which can directly dig a blast hole. If it is a reinforced concrete building like that of later generations, then there is no way to dig anti-blasting holes, so it is still a very difficult terrain at present.

"Boom boom boom boom..."

The French artillery fire began to bombard, and a large number of their shells fell into the defense zone of the Taiwanese army. However, because many soldiers had already dug anti-gun holes, they did not receive much loss.

"Bomb me, kill them!" said the French general.

"Commander, does this Frenchman really only have one artillery battalion? Why do I feel like they are a reinforced artillery regiment!" Someone asked immediately.

"That's right! Their cannons are really evil. If we rashly start a war with them, then we won't have enough firepower! My guns can't suppress them at all, and we will suffer heavy losses," said the regiment leader.

The head of the regiment felt that it was dangerous and dangerous. If he had ambushed them at that time, I am afraid that these French would also use cannons to fight back. At that time, if Taiwan's artillery fire could not suppress the anti-ang artillery fire, then the losses on our own side would be very heavy. At that time, the French cannons could bombard the Taiwan army indiscriminately, and it was impossible for the Taiwan army to counterattack effectively, and they would be completely suppressed by these enemies. This is not just talking casually. I thought that the Miss 75 artillery used by the French like you only has one battalion, but in fact it should be treated as an artillery reinforcement regiment.

"Why didn't our artillery fight back?" A subordinate battalion commander immediately asked.

"What's the rush? With our little firepower, counterattacks are useless. Maybe our artillery will be exposed, so it's not worth it. This time our infantry is only responsible for assisting, not the main attack, so You don't have to worry. The real protagonists are those artillerymen!" said the head of the regiment.

The French saw that with the artillery bombardment of their Miss 75, the Taiwanese army was unable to shoot one after another. This immediately made them very happy.

"Hahahaha, these Chinese people know how powerful we French are, right? Our French cannons can clean you up completely. Our French cannons, we French are the masters of cannons. .I, the French, are real cannon experts, and I have laid the foundation since the Napoleon era. So, you won't talk about our opponents! Hahahaha..." France came laughing.

"Boom, bomb, kill them all!"

"That's great. This Miss 75 is really powerful. It's really great. With this kind of cannon, why don't we worry that France can't become the most powerful army in the world? Our France will definitely become the most powerful army in the world again , What Germans, what Taiwanese, everything is going to step on our feet." The French general said.

And the French general didn't know The rangefinders of Taiwan's First Heavy Artillery Brigade immediately began to estimate and measure the trajectory of the French.

"According to the French ballistic calculation, they are about 820 meters away from us, we can prepare!" said the rangefinder.

"Haha, it's finally our heavy artillery brigade's turn to play. Since our heavy artillery brigade was established, we haven't really played in the field. According to other troops, we 'kill a chicken with a sledgehammer', but where do we come from if we don't stand up? This time, we must deal with this group of Frenchmen well, just to kill chickens with a sledgehammer!" The brigade commander of the 1st Heavy Artillery Brigade shouted.

This kind of heavy artillery brigade is generally a big killer and will not be dispatched easily, which makes them very depressed. If they don't go out, how will they gain military exploits, so it's hard to go out now, let them all seize this opportunity, show off their status as a heavy artillery brigade, and then they can really get the conditions that others value.

"Check the yuan!"

"The first battalion is over!" "The second battalion is over!" "The third battalion is over!"...

"Okay, shoot me, shoot me hard, give me a blast!" (To be continued...)u

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