Red Alert 1895

Chapter 593: 8 countries changed to 7 countries (middle)

"Haha, they were blown up by us and couldn't hold their heads up!" said the French general. ※%※%,

Just when the French general was feeling extremely proud, he suddenly heard a dull sound coming from a distance. And when he heard this voice, his face suddenly changed, because as an old artillery commander, he was very familiar with the characteristics of the sounds of various caliber cannons. And at this moment, he could tell that there were quite a lot of these cannons, about one artillery battalion, that is, about one artillery brigade. And when he heard this voice, his face suddenly became very defeated, obviously he probably realized something.

"It's not good for the enemy's large-caliber heavy artillery, everyone run away!" The French general shouted.

The French generals knew that at this time, they could only run as fast as they could, and they could run as far as they could. He knew that this was not the time to love to fight. Once the enemy's large-caliber heavy artillery came down, there would be no grass within a radius of tens of meters. This was a very terrible result, which was almost half a football field. If they don't run away quickly, then the enemy's first artillery battalion will definitely bomb them all. At this time, you can count as far as you can run, and you can count as many soldiers as you can keep. Don't expect the whole army to retreat. This is also the experience of an old artilleryman, the experience of an artilleryman facing the enemy's heavy artillery.


A round of large-caliber heavy artillery was also smashed down, and the surrounding area suddenly became a sea of ​​flames, which made it too late for the French troops to run away. In the first round of shelling, more than a thousand Frenchmen died in battle, but they were mainly infantry, because those artillerymen were still behind, they were only affected by the air waves, and were not directly hit. But those infantry were different. The infantry suffered heavy losses. Especially the infantry in the middle and rear sections were almost wiped out. This is the hardest hit area by Taiwan's artillery bombing.

"Quickly, quickly retreat, disperse and retreat. Everyone disperse and retreat, don't gather together. Quickly!" shouted the French general.

At this time, the French generals no longer aim to concentrate on fighting together. They just hope that the soldiers can disperse and retreat, so that they can keep as much as possible. Although a scattered retreat would cause chaos, it could keep a large number of soldiers from being bombarded by artillery, and ensure that most of the soldiers survived.

"General, our Miss 75 has not been able to get away yet!" The artilleryman shouted immediately.

"Bastard, life-saving is the most important thing at this time. Don't think about cannons. You artillery are our most precious wealth. Not these cannons, understand?" the French general shouted.

As a general who was born in artillery, it is understandable that he is reluctant to bear cannons for those artillerymen. But he deeply knows that artillery is the most precious wealth of the country, and there is no need to keep those cannons for burial. This is like a pilot. Most of the superiors will ask the pilot to parachute when they encounter danger, so don't force yourself. Because pilots are the most precious asset, not those planes. Even the cost of training a pilot. It is much higher than building an airplane. This is the importance of talents.

"Go!" shouted the French general to the artillerymen.

Those artillerymen just ran out more than a hundred meters. Those large-caliber heavy artillery also fell on the artillery positions one after another, and those Miss 75 cannons were blown up immediately, turning into a pile of scrap iron. If the French general hadn't made a decisive choice, they might all have been buried together for this cannon.

And the soldiers who were ambushing in the room couldn't help being terrified when they saw this scene. Because the power of these large-caliber heavy artillery was the first time they had seen it. Not all Taiwan troops will be able to see the power of heavy artillery, because Taiwan's heavy artillery units directly under the Artillery Command are rarely dispatched, and they are one of the least dispatched troops, even less than special forces. And now I actually saw the power of this heavy artillery, which is incredible.

"Commander, this heavy artillery will not fall on our heads, will it? If it falls on my door, the anti-aircraft holes will not be able to defend it! This kind of heavy artillery will be a big hole once fired. Even if we are defending Everyone inside the blast hole will be killed!" Someone said in a terrified voice.

"Haha, don't worry, the soldiers of this heavy artillery brigade are selected artillerymen from our army. They are all very elite soldiers, and they are not afraid of any accidents. They are less likely to have accidents than our other troops. The artillery is much lower. This is the soldiers directly under the heavy artillery brigade, they are very powerful!" said the head of the regiment.

"The commander of the heavy artillery brigade in the rear said that they asked us to prepare to attack. They will stop the shelling in two minutes, and then the rest will be your battle. Those French are already defeated, and you should be able to easily Pack them up and capture them alive. I'm afraid that many French people are also scared out of their wits, so you should be able to clean them up easily. Next, it is your own responsibility. I hope you can catch the prisoners well. "

And the infantry commander immediately smiled wryly and said: "This time our infantry should have been the main attack, but now it has become an assist. The artillery brigade has only fired so many shells, and it has scared the French to death." Be brave, this is simply unbelievable. This kind of heavy artillery, we can stand it there!"

"Rush to me immediately!" The group leader shouted.

Soon, the charge horn began to sound, and the soldiers of the infantry regiment came out of the artillery holes, and then began to rush towards the French offensive position. The French were indeed frightened by such a heavy artillery, because they never thought that the Taiwanese would dispatch such heavy artillery for them.

And that French general passed by like 10,000 grass mud horses. In order to deal with his "mere" 5,000 people, he actually dispatched a heavy artillery brigade. Isn't this heavy artillery brigade killing chickens with a sledgehammer? A heavy artillery brigade should be formed at least at the level of the counter-army, or even as a strategic reserve. It is impossible to use it without a battle of hundreds of thousands of people. But now they have an artillery brigade for a reinforced regiment. Isn't this letting them die without a place to bury them?

How could they bear such a fierce artillery!

"General, the Chinese are catching up. We don't have artillery, so we can't bombard them!" A soldier said immediately.

"What? Damn it, these Chinese people actually came here to take advantage of the fire?" the French general said angrily.

"Follow me and wipe out the French!" shouted the commander of the infantry.

But this time, the French general cursed: "That spy, that parishioner is definitely a spy. I will never let him go. If I go back, I must give me the person who brought us false news Kill him, skin him alive!"

However, he didn't know that Nong Siyu had already left at this time, and with the method of that big liar Nong Siyu, he could easily escape. But now the French general still has to face the pursuit of these Taiwanese troops, which is the most terrifying.

"Order, calculate the coordinates, provide artillery support to the front-line infantry, and block the French from advancing and escaping!" said the artillery brigade commander.


"Check the elements!"

"The first battalion is over!" "The second battalion is over!"...



The French general heard this voice again, and immediately shouted: "The enemy's large-caliber heavy artillery is about to fire again, lie down!"

This time, many of the French also fell down, but they were not hit, and their artillery fire hit the distance, on the road they were about to retreat. This made the French general feel cold. As a general who was born in artillery, could he not know the tactics of artillery blockade? Is this tactic actually an artillery blockade, and then prevent yourself from retreating?

"There is no way out, and there are pursuers behind? Damn it!" The French general finally couldn't help but curse.

"Brothers, the artillery has supported us, let's fight me!" Many infantrymen immediately shouted.

"Come on!"

The infantry charged faster. They knew that the artillery had helped them make the best cover this time, so they didn't have to worry about anything at all, and they could just capture them.

"Don't Hand in your gun and don't kill!" "Hand in your gun and don't kill!" "Surrender quickly, or I will send you to see the king of Hades!" "Not to see Hades, they don't believe in this, but to see God !”…

Seeing this scene, those French soldiers who had no fighting intentions also put down their weapons and surrendered. The French's will to fight is not too strong. In the two world wars, the French were the easiest to surrender on the battlefield. Therefore, each of them is very proactive. Once they encounter a situation where they cannot win, they will also choose to save their lives. They will not take the initiative to choose to fight to the end, and most of them will choose to surrender. This is also the fighting literacy of the French. Once it is time to do nothing, they will not choose to fight to the death. They will not be as "stupid" as the Chinese, knowing that they can't do it. Therefore, they happily chose to surrender,

"Okay, caught them all? Didn't let any one go?" Hu Wei asked.

"That's right, the more than 5,000 French soldiers were either killed in battle or captured, and none of them were left!" the regiment leader said directly to Hu Wei.

"Okay, the artillery brigade and the infantry regiment have done a good job this time. They have made meritorious service this time. This time is of great significance. Not only did they annihilate a reinforced regiment, but they were able to successfully make the French army It has completely disappeared, and the enemy has changed from the Eight-Nation Alliance to the Seven-Nation Alliance.” (To be continued..)u

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