Red Alert 1895

Chapter 594: 8 countries changed to 7 countries (Part 2)

At the headquarters of the Eight-Nation Allied Forces, the high-level leaders of various countries now know that the French have actually left and were wiped out by the Taiwan army. ⊥, this surprised all countries, because they never thought that the French would take the initiative to attack, which made them very strange. And when they later heard about the few remaining French logistics soldiers staying in this camp, they immediately felt like ten thousand grass and mud horses passing by in their hearts. This Frenchman actually took the initiative to attack and was defeated? They received information from a person who claimed to be a religious person, and then discovered a loophole, so that they wanted to take advantage of this loophole to attack, but they fell into the trick of the Taiwan army and the entire army was wiped out.

And Seymour immediately said: "The French, do they still regard us as a whole? They took the initiative to attack in order to grab credit, so they fell into the enemy's conspiracy. If they can discuss with us earlier , then we will definitely find out that this is a conspiracy by the Chinese! However, it is too late now, the French army has been wiped out, **** it!"

And this Seymour started to act as an afterthought here, and shifted the responsibility for the French general's annihilation to his French general. Anyway, he was just shirking responsibility and was unwilling to take the blame for the French. Anyway, the French didn't obey orders, and didn't share information at critical times. This simply violated the obligations of their allies. This is really cheating, so why did Seymour take the initiative to take responsibility for them? This is also a big problem for the coalition forces of various countries. It is impossible for the coalition forces of all countries to be truly united. Once they encounter benefits, they will flock to them, and if there are no benefits, they will shirk responsibility. Once in danger, it's a matter of dead friends and poor people.

The Eight-Nation Allied Forces originally thought that they could easily attack the city of Beijing and force the Empress Dowager Cixi to sign various traitorous treaties on her own initiative. But now even Tianjin can't get through, which makes them very depressed.

"Now, what about the French? Tell the French to keep sending troops over?" Seymour asked.

"Well, let the French continue their obligation as an ally, and let them continue to send troops over!" Seymour said.

And when he sent the telegram to the French government. The French government also started meetings one after another, and then quickly came to a conclusion.

"Your Excellency, President and Prime Minister, we think that we, France, cannot continue to send troops. We should not involve France in this meaningless war. We may not lose any benefits if we lose. But we may not be able to gain anything if we win. Benefits. Our going out to fight the Chinese this time does not actually mean much. Instead, it will cause our soldiers to continue to lose. This time we might as well take advantage of the loss of soldiers and get out!"

"What? Then how do we guarantee our interests?" Someone asked immediately.

And the French official said: "In fact, we don't have much interest in China. At most, we have more interests in Vietnam. And as long as the Chinese don't violate our Vietnamese interests, why should we fight with them?" Life and death? Vietnam is also a thing of little use to us. Once the Chinese Wang Guorui realized the control of the central government of China, and then he carried out a reorganization of the central government or directly usurped the central government, Then the new China he established must be a very powerful country. And will we still allow us to dominate in Vietnam at that time? At that time, the territory of the Chinese will extend from Nanyang to the Taiwanese, and then to the mainland. "

"There used to be an emperor in China who said, how can others snore on the side of the couch? So our Vietnam is actually on the side of their country. If we continue to occupy Vietnam, then what we will pay will be a A very powerful opponent. In order to protect this interest, we will pay a huge price, maybe the loss outweighs the gain. Although we had an enmity with China in the past, we once ransacked the Yuanmingyuan, the royal garden of the Chinese, but are these important? We used to We have never really occupied a single bit of China's territory. What we robbed were all floating wealth. The Chinese would not really try their best to settle accounts with us. Although we seem to have so-called privileges in China, the fact is that There are not many of these privileges, and we can give them up gradually. If the Chinese are willing to redeem them gradually, we can put some of them back gradually through the deposit method. For these useless things. It is wrong to fight against a new and powerful country. It's not worth it."

However, some people still said: "If this is the case, aren't we going to let a powerful eastern empire rise? At that time, it will affect our Western hegemony! Shouldn't we take the initiative to kill them?"

"Let's kill this country. What benefits can we gain? Maintain our Western hegemony? Is it to maintain the British hegemony? The Germans didn't do such stupid things. Would we French do such stupid things? The British would like to let us All countries are going to fight with the Chinese. If I really go to fight with the Chinese, the Chinese have a population of 400 million. If they are pushed into a hurry, they can raise 40 million troops according to the limit. That is enough to sweep the world. Rabbit They bite people when they are in a hurry, and jump over the wall when they are in a hurry! For the benefit of the British, we went to fight with a country with a population of 400 million, and it is still dominated by the main ethnic group. Isn’t this another stupid thing? They Unlike the UK, Karma claims to have the largest population in the world, but they are not the main ethnic group, they are all colonial people. Therefore, we cannot fight such a country, and such stupid things cannot be done. At that time, laugh They must be British." Someone hummed immediately.

"Then when China rises and threatens our Western hegemony, so what?" Someone immediately asked.

However, some people still say: "So what? The rise of a great power is not such a simple matter. It is impossible to achieve it without decades or even hundreds of years. The rise of a great power has never had any means of cheating. It is not only about being able to provide some industrial technology It can be done. He must start from technology, industry, military, etc., and even the people of his own country have the consciousness of being a citizen of a big country, otherwise he is not a big country at all. So there is no time for hundreds of years, China cannot return to its previous international status. As long as we don’t seek death, then I can completely limit the speed of China’s rise. As for decades to a hundred years later, time has changed, and I am afraid that everyone we are doing will invest in God sooner. embraced. At that time, what else can we care about?"

"One generation has the responsibility of one generation. Things will change a hundred years later. We can't predict what the world will be like in a hundred years. So why should we think so much? Let's worry about our current interests in France. Yes. We still have one of our biggest opponents, which is the Germans. If we don’t solve the threat of the Germans, how can we go against China, a big country that is rising in the future? So, instead of focusing on peace In the desperate situation of the Chinese, it is better to settle accounts with the Germans."

"We don't have any deep-rooted interests in China. Although we have had a lot of unhappiness with China, we just robbed some floating wealth and don't have too many core interests. The British are different. The British have too many interests in China. We have a lot of interests, so they can't give up. Our interests are not big. If the Chinese are willing to pay a certain price, then we can't give up. And after more than a hundred years, China will rise and become the world leader. Who knows this What? Who knows what will happen in these few decades? We can't calculate things that will happen more than a hundred years later, so we don't need to think about these things."

"So, I suggest to the President and the Prime Minister that we should not continue to mix in this war. The reason why the Germans only sent 500 soldiers out is actually very I don’t want to tell the Chinese to fall out. Don’t we know about the deals between the Chinese and the Germans? The Chinese wantonly used the resources in Southeast Asia to exchange some backward technologies with the Germans, and then consolidated their technological foundation. Then The Germans have obtained a large amount of resource reserves, and they have gradually realized the accumulation of resources. So, if we continue to persecute the Chinese, will they increase their cooperation with the Germans? We must understand, what is the It is an immediate threat. The Germans are our biggest enemy at this stage, not the Chinese. The rise of the Chinese will be decades to a hundred years away, and it will be our next generation or even the next two generations. Things. We can do well for our generation. If we let the enemies in front of us let them develop for the sake of the tasks of the next generation, then we will be the sinners of France. If we do not even have these main tasks and secondary tasks If we can’t tell the difference, can we still be qualified politicians?”

"Well, we will not continue to send troops to participate in this battle with the Chinese. However, we will not sign any agreements with the Chinese. We still have to fulfill our obligations as an ally. However, the future battles , it will be handed over to the United Kingdom and other countries, and we will not participate." The French Prime Minister said.

After Seymour received the telegram that the French would not continue to send reinforcements, he yelled at the British who are famous all over the world: "Fuck squid!" (To be continued.)

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