Red Alert 1895

Chapter 688: Crazy World (Part 1)

"Master Wang, just received a telegram. Commander Chen Liyan of the Northeast Military Region issued a telegram to the whole world, saying that they have regained the territory that was ceded to the Russians in 1858 AD, which is the eighth year of Xianfeng in China. Lan Pao, the Northeast Military Region will take it as their own responsibility to recover the lost land, and continue to work hard under the leadership of Lord Wang to defend the country and regain the lost land. Commander of the Northeast Military Region Chen Liyan, Chief of Staff Song Yang."

"Did Chen Liyan take back Hailanpao? Call an emergency military-political joint meeting immediately!" Wang Guorui asked.

Wang Guorui convened this military-political joint meeting, then called all the senior civil and military officials, and told them the news that Chen Liyan had taken back Hailanpao. Then Hu Wei's face became a little weird, Zheng Hong was a little indifferent, but the eyes of the major-general and colonel-level generals below were shining, obviously feeling a burst of excitement.

Lieutenant General Hu Wei has long been an old fritter, so naturally after thinking about it for a while, he can understand the benefits of Chen Liyan regaining the country this time. That is to say, Chen Liyan has a very huge political capital, and then Chen Liyan can use this capital to become the third leader in the army except Wang Guorui, the political leader, and is truly qualified to stand on his own. In the past, Chen Liyan was the number two under Hu Wei, but now that he has this opportunity, he is qualified to stand on his own. Once Chen Liyan established himself, he would definitely bring a group of Hu Wei's men over there, and Hu Wei's forces would definitely suffer a lot.

As for Zheng Hong, she also pretended not to know. Anyway, it was Hu Wei who was unlucky this time, and it had nothing to do with him. However, Wang Guorui soon thought of this, that is, the army will change from two giants to a trident, which will make it safer for him to control the army. As for the triangle model, the three-legged confrontation has always been a very good situation, and it is the most stable and least likely to be broken. This is not only the principle of mathematics and physics, but also the principle of political science, and the three aspects play together. That is the most stable and safest. In this way, there are scruples on all three sides, but it is not easy to erupt direct conflicts. As a leader, it is not enough just to divide his subordinates into two factions, because once the two factions cooperate, it will be dangerous. Or maybe the two factions are fighting too hard. That could also be a mistake. Of course, the more dispersed the better, if it is too dispersed, it will easily cause partisan melee, which is not good for the development of the country and the real control of the top. So there are three legs. The trident mode is relatively the most stable, because the three parties have scruples, and they will not fight too fiercely directly. And it won't be too scattered, a plate of scattered sand cannot cooperate and cohere, so it is most appropriate to divide into three factions.

"In this way, I am relieved. At least until my academic faction and attendant faction have not really risen, they can still maintain a balance. After my attendant and academic faction rise, they can gradually squeeze their living space .” Wang Guorui thought.

When everyone thought about it for about five minutes, Wang Guorui, who presided over the meeting, first said: "This time, Chen Liyan took the initiative to recover the lost ground. What do you think?"

Hu Wei immediately said: "Master Wang, I think Commander Chen's behavior is good! Although he didn't ask for instructions in advance, the general's military orders abroad are not accepted, and the military situation is urgent, and the opportunity to fight is fleeting, so it is understandable for him to do so. .Since he is the front-line commander, he must have sufficient command authority, so although he did not ask for instructions, it is still within his authority!"

Hu Wei also felt that he had a toothache. This Chen Liyan had obviously betrayed him and planned to set up his own family. But I had to grit my teeth to help him excuse. Because this time Chen Liyan was regaining lost ground, which was what a soldier should do. If Hu Wei criticized Chen Liyan for his mistake in recovering the lost land, wouldn't this be a slap in the face for the soldiers all over the world? This kind of behavior of denying others to regain lost ground cannot be done as a soldier. At that time, he was really going to become a public enemy of the whole army. Recovering the lost land is inevitable. If even regaining the lost land will be criticized, then what is the meaning of their existence? So even if Hu Wei was slapped in the face now, because of his status as a soldier, he had to help Chen Liyan. Among other things, as long as he is still wearing a military uniform. Even after retiring from a military position, it must be considered from the perspective of a soldier.

Zheng Hong also said: "Husband, Chen Liyan did a good job this time. He regained the lost ground. What a credit that is, it should be commended emphatically."

The same is true for Zheng Hong. Even if she is Wang Guorui's woman, as long as she wears a military uniform for a day, she must consider the issue from the perspective of a soldier. This time Chen Liyan regained the lost ground, no matter which faction he is in the army, whether it is the army or the navy, he must be kept. If soldiers must be punished for regaining lost ground, then what is the point of their existence? Therefore, Hu Wei, Zheng Hong, Li Yuanhong of the Marine Corps, Qiu Baoren, Chief of Staff of the Navy, etc. all expressed their opinions, representing their support for Chen Liyan. Although they have their own factions in the army, they are members of the same big faction, and they all belong to the faction of soldiers. This is also a question of hierarchy. This time it has risen to the question of military responsibilities. None of them can stand alone, and they must support Chen Liyan. If Chen Liyan was punished, it would be like slapping all of their soldiers.

"However, there will be problems this time! If this continues, will it send a signal to foreigners that we want to abolish all past treaties? You must know that countries are also very sensitive at this time. If we The situation made them mistakenly think that we are going to abolish all the treaties signed by the Qing Dynasty. Will they intensify their efforts again and invade us? You must know that all countries have a lot of interests here. If it is not handled well, then say Maybe we will let Britain and France put pressure on us again, or even send troops over again. Although we will resolve those unequal treaties sooner or later, there must be a way to solve them, and they cannot be abolished just by abolishing them. We regained Hailanpao this time, which is a start, will it arouse the sensitivity of high-level officials in various countries?" Li Enfu said.

Li Enfu's right to speak in the government has also gradually increased. If there is no accident, after Wang Guorui becomes emperor, he will be the first foreign minister. As for Yao Wendong, the original director of the International Liaison Office, he can also give him a relatively high-ranking title, and let him go to spoil his grandchildren. Now in Wang Guorui's diplomatic system, Yao Wendong is no longer in charge, and Li Enfu, the executive deputy, is in charge. Yao Wendong also probably knew his final result, so he chose to give in voluntarily, hoping to leave a favor, at least he would not retire naked after he retired, and he could go to some other more pragmatic positions for a while, and then it would be regarded as A safe and soft landing, and my offspring can have a better future. If he wanted to resist, the final result would probably be a chicken-and-egg fight, which would affect the future of his offspring.

"Are we afraid of him?" Hu Wei said.

"But if we have such deep conflicts with them, it's not suitable for our future strategic plan!" Li Enfu also said.

Wang Guorui thought about it for the last time, and then said: "First of all, as a soldier, it is inevitable and should be recovered. Although Chen Liyan did not report and get approval this time, this is also within the scope of his authority. What ultra vires. Moreover, he is the first general in China who has truly regained the lost territory, which has a different meaning. Chen Liyan can be authorized to wear the seniority badge at the Zhengda Military Region level, and how to reward it can also be resolved after a few months."

Wang Guorui rewarded Chen Liyan, because Chen Liyan had obtained a seniority badge at the Zhengda military region level, which is a comprehensive evaluation standard in the army. There are decorations such as rank, military age, etc. on it, and the addition of the Zhengda Military Region level means that it represents the level above the Zhengda Military Region level. At present, only Hu Wei and Zheng Hong have this qualification and originally, if you don’t Unexpectedly, Zheng Hong and Hu Wei would be promoted to generals after Wang Guorui ascended the throne, but Chen Liyan was not in this quota. But this time Chen Liyan had this credit, and he was the first to recover the lost ground, so he would naturally be rewarded heavily. So it's okay to break the rules, as for now, it's just wearing a badge of qualifications, and as for the military rank, it will be promoted together after Wang Guorui ascends the throne and proclaims himself emperor in a few months.

But with this seal of qualifications, it means that Chen Liyan can be qualified to sit on an equal footing with Hu Wei and Zheng Hong in the army, which is not so easy to obtain.

"Okay, since that's the case, then we can all deal with those media and ministers from various countries." Wang Guorui said.

Sure enough, Li Zhanfeng, the head of the attendant office, said immediately: "My lord, the reporters from outside are here. They want to ask us about the recovery of Hailanpao. Not only our Chinese reporters, but also some foreign reporters have come to inquire. They want you, Mr. Wang, to personally explain China's future thinking and attitude towards foreign countries."

"Hmph, these reporters seem to be those foreigners who came forward and tried to find out about our situation." Li Enfu said. (To be continued.)

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