Red Alert 1895

Chapter 689: Crazy World (Part 2)

Soon, Li Enfu held a press conference as a spokesman, and then found those reporters. △↗, those reporters came here in a hurry, because they also received news about the Northeast Military Commander Chen Liyan sending troops to recover Hailanpao, and everyone has their own ideas about this matter. Of course, the Chinese journalists were very happy, because they knew that China had finally regained the lost territory for the first time. Although the recovery of the lost territory did not seem to be stable this time, as long as it persisted, it would be recovering the lost territory. Takuto was even happier. Because they used to bully Lulan and Spain in the past, so that they all thought that they were actually being bullied and then went to bully a weaker one, which made people feel uneasy! But now they have snatched something back from Lao Maozi's hands, and this is what makes them happiest. If you want to say that the foreign country that China is most familiar with is Lao Maozi, from the Nerchinsk Treaty in the Kangxi period to the present, the most profound invasion of China is the Russian Lao Maozi.

So now that China has snatched back those lands, even if it is only a small piece, that is enough to be happy. And they all began to think that this was the beginning of China's recovery of lost ground, so everyone also hoped to come over to inquire about Wang Guorui's thoughts, and let Wang Guorui see if he wants to continue to recover lost ground?

However, some foreign media are more sensitive, because this time the Taiwan army took the initiative to recover the country. Does that mean that Wang Guorui does not intend to recognize the unequal treaties in the past, and does he intend to abolish the treaties? Britain, France and Russia have huge interests in China, and all have their own spheres of influence in China. Originally, the Germans also wanted to join, but the rise of Taiwan made them give up their plan to cut flesh from China, and chose to make friends with Wang Guorui. As for the United States, they are now raped and raped, and they are beaten and humiliated.

So only Britain, France and Russia have huge interests in China. Although the relationship between the three countries is not good, there are no eternal friends and enemies between the so-called countries, only eternal interests. They are relatively united with China. They all have huge interests in China. If the interests of one of the countries suffer serious losses, then the other two countries will come to help. After all, the lips are dead and the teeth are cold. If the interests of one country in China are not guaranteed, then the interests of the other two countries are also in jeopardy. In this respect, they are grasshoppers on a string.

They were afraid that Wang Guorui would take the opportunity to abolish all unequal treaties by taking back Hailanpao this time, so they had to express their concern. And these foreign journalists also came here to show courtesy first and then soldiers, intending to come and test Wang Guorui's future new government's plans for these treaties left over from the Manchu Qing Dynasty, whether they intend to abolish or continue to implement them, and so on.

"Excuse me, Spokesman Li Enfu, I heard that the commander of the Northeast Military Region recently sent troops to recover Hailanpao? Do you have any special purpose?" A Chinese reporter immediately asked.

Li Enfu replied: "This is a military matter. I belong to the government, so I don't know much about this news. If necessary, I can interview Commander Chen Liyan another day, because he made this battle plan, and he is currently They are all resisting the military invasion of the Russians. And I am not a military personnel, I don’t know much about this aspect, maybe this is a part of his battle plan, maybe, I don’t understand the military.”

"Excuse me, Spokesman Li Enfu. You invaded the territory of our great Russian Empire this time. Do you Chinese want to deny the treaty signed in those years? You invaded our Russia without authorization. Do you want to provoke a war?" An old-fashioned reporter asked.

Li Enfu countered and said: "Where did the Russian soldiers in our northeast and Mongolia come from? Did they fly from the sky? Aren't you afraid to start a war? If you want, then we will accompany you. If you want to fight, We will fight with you too!"

"Okay! That's a good word, man!" Many Chinese reporters shouted.

And the Russian reporter didn't seem to have figured out the situation yet. He originally thought that he was a tried-and-tested method by Western countries. It's not working? We must know that every time those Western diplomats threatened to provoke a war, the Chinese diplomats were also discouraged and chose to humble themselves. But now Li Enfu actually counterattacked directly, and even said the words "If you want to fight, I will fight". This instead made him cowardly. Because he is just a reporter and has not been authorized by the country to declare war on China. Although the Russians and the Chinese are already fighting each other, they have not declared war. Although it is one thing to start a war, it does not mean a declaration of war. How could he, a small reporter, dare to declare war on behalf of the country? Even the Russian Minister to China would not dare to make this decision casually. Even the Russian envoy to China dared not declare war even after getting up! Declaring war is a political issue, and fighting a war is a military issue, and the two are not equated.

And the Chinese reporters also felt a bad breath, obviously Chinese diplomats have never been very manly, they feel as if they have eaten an ice cream in summer, and they feel comfortable in their hearts.

"Spokesperson Li Enfu, will China, under the leadership of Mr. Wang, abolish all kinds of unequal treaties?" a Chinese reporter asked.

"Yes! Does the prescription abolish these unequal treaties?" "Spokesman Li Enfu, will China abolish these unequal treaties next?"...

These Chinese journalists immediately started making noise, obviously hoping to get Li Enfu's words about the complete abolition of those unequal treaties. They seemed to have had their blood pumped just now, so they were a little excited now, and asked Li Enfu to answer this question regardless of the situation.

But Li Enfu was not stupid, of course he knew that he could not answer this question casually. Whether to abolish the treaty, and in what situation the treaty should be abolished, even the high-level leaders have not come to a discussion result. Even Wang Guorui knew that he had to be more cautious in abolishing the treaty, not abolishing it just because he wanted to. If you can use this as a slogan before ruling the country, but after you actually rule the country, then you have to consider it comprehensively. The abolition of the treaty is certain, but we still need to figure out how to do it together. It is not that the upper lip touches the lower lip and just abolish it. There were two reasons why our party dared to abolish it directly when it established New China. Because many of these treaties have been gradually abolished during the Republic of China, and there is another reason that is their national nature, so it is impossible to get together with the West in a short period of time. In this case, anyway, it is the idea that if there are too many lice, it will not itch, and if there are too many debts, it will not worry. If it is said to be abolished, it will be abolished.

Today's China has not yet reached the point where there are too many lice and no worries about debts, so there are still many scruples. Wang Guorui has not yet reached the point where a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water, so naturally he can't do whatever he wants. This is the biggest difference between the so-called opposition party and the ruling party. The opposition party can throw out any slogans to win votes from voters in order to get in power, but once it gets in power, it really has a lot of scruples and can't just mess around. In the past, Wang Guorui separatist regime, although the purpose was to eliminate the Manchu Qing Dynasty and proclaim the emperor, but in fact they belonged to the opposition party, and the opposition party could of course say any slogan. But now that they are about to become the ruling party, of course they dare not speak nonsense, and they have to think twice before saying anything.

"About this matter, our attitude is to eat us, and sooner or later we will make him spit out all the profits!" Li Enfu replied.

After Li Enfu finished speaking, he was about to leave the scene. When Li Enfu said this, many Chinese reporters also cheered, because in their eyes, what Li Enfu said was to show them that they would not recognize those unequal treaties and would not allow foreign countries to continue to operate in China. There's such a huge interest out there. And those foreigners who understand this sentence look ashamed, and those who don't understand the meaning of this sentence quickly ask the translator next to them, and everyone gets the answer they And these news also It was passed on to various forces, and then the ministers stationed in China couldn't sit still anymore. They immediately ran to the Prime Minister's Office, hoping to get a clear reply. The Prime Minister's Office has now been taken over by officials in Taiwan, so although the sign of the Prime Minister's Office of International Affairs is still hanging, in fact the people inside have been replaced. If those foreign envoys don't know what Li Enfu means by these words, it means that sooner or later they will spit out their money with profit.

This statement sounds like an indication that China wants to abolish the treaty, but in fact it’s okay to fool the reporters with these things, but for those who have been in the political arena for a long time, they certainly don’t think such a sentence is an indication manner. This sentence seems to be of great importance, but in fact, after careful analysis, it is useless. It does not express Taiwan's future attitude towards these unequal treaties in detail. Exactly how Wang Guorui intends to make them "vomit it out" is worth studying. Just vomiting it out doesn't mean it can explain Wang Guorui's attitude. There are still many things that need to be analyzed in detail. Of course, it is impossible to solve it casually.

However, when those foreign envoys to China came to the Prime Minister's Office of International Affairs, they found a situation that made them angry, which made them very angry. (to be continued.) u

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