Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1000: Magical medicine

"Master! Are you okay?"

The pale, feeble appearance of the owner in front of him worried Wendy.

Facing Wendy's worried gaze and feeling the soft touch of his left arm, Li Meng shook his head and said, "It's okay! Probably because of a long period of inactivity, which caused the body to become rigid and weak. Just recover , Help me up."

Is it just that?

Wendy can only hope so.

She carefully helped Li Meng get up from the bed.

With Wendy's help, Li Meng moved in small steps in the bedroom.

Although the movements were stiff, fortunately, with Wendy as a support point, Li Meng would not fall.

After a little movement, it felt like it was almost, Li Meng motioned Wendy to let go of him with his eyes.

With the master's gesture, Wendy can only let go carefully.

Follow the master without leaving a step and be ready to catch the master at any time

Leaving Wendy's support point, Li Meng walked cautiously in the bedroom.

After only a few steps, Li Meng's forehead was already dripping with cold sweat, and he felt a heaviness in his chest, and his breathing became very rapid.

Seeing her master's pale, cold sweaty face, and weak appearance, Wendy couldn't help but rushed forward and hugged the master from her back.

"Master! Forget it, Wendy will take care of you, don't force it."

The softness and whispers behind made Li Meng smile slightly.

This body is really a waste. Is it possible that he will be a waste in the future?

Li Meng patted the white back of the hand on his belly lightly, and Li Meng comforted him: "Okay! I'm not forced to do it."

Although he didn't want to, Li Meng had to admit that his body was useless.

Only when his mental strength recovers can he escape the shackles of this body again.

Until then, be a patient honestly.

"Master! Sit down first, wait for Qinqian and the others to come, take the medicine first, three times a day, once can not be less, take it twice today, take it once now, and take it once before going to bed at night."

Wendy said as she gently pushed her host onto the bed and sat down.

As soon as Wendy finished speaking, there was movement in the hall outside the bedroom.

It's the sound of footsteps.

Hearing the movement outside, Wendy guessed that it was Qin Qian and the others.

Hurriedly said to the outside: "Come in!"

In Wendy's voice, two slender figures walked into the bedroom.

It's Qinqian and Pasha. The two of them are holding a tray. Qinqian's tray is filled with water and a white medicine jar, and Pasha's tray is a towel and a basin of water.

Qin Qian and Pasha knew what their master looked like now.

Because the previous owner was just this sickly appearance, but now his sickness is more serious.

Under Wendy's service, Li Meng ate the white granular medicine in the white jar.

Perhaps it was an illusion that after the medicine was taken, a stream of heat seemed to flow throughout the body, and the whole body was relieved a lot.

The feeling of powerlessness disappeared, and some faint illnesses disappeared.

Li Meng has never felt such a relaxed feeling.

Getting up, Li Meng got up from the bed.

The strength of the legs is very clear, not as weak as before.

Moving slightly, Li Meng took a few steps.

Li Meng breathed a sigh of relief in Wendy's worried and hesitant gaze.

What a miraculous "medicine", it works so quickly.

After walking a few steps, Li Meng was relieved to see that there was no major problem.

"This medicine is amazing, and the whole person feels a lot easier after taking it."

For his changes, Li Meng praised the efficacy of the medicine.

Turning around, Li Meng said to Wendy beside him: "Let's go, Sakuya should be here, I want to ask her about something."

After speaking, Li Meng walked outside.

Wendy had no choice but to keep up.

When leaving, Wendy told Qinqian and Pasha: "You will be responsible for the owner's medication in the future! The first batch of medication has been put in the warehouse. After you pack it, you will check it out."



Qin Qian, Pasha responded in unison.

They are still very happy to accept this task.

After an exhortation, Wendy hurriedly chased her master.

Coincidentally, when Li Meng took Wendy in front of the courtyard, he encountered Sakuya in the corridor on the way.

Li Meng and Wendy's destination is the courtyard, and Sakiya's destination is the bedroom.

The encounter is just a coincidence in time.

"Don't ask, don't worry, I'm fine!"

With Sakuya's hesitant and silent appearance, Li Meng knew what the woman in front of him was thinking.

His Highness's words silenced Sakiya.

Although she didn't know what happened to His Royal Highness in the underground space, now that His Royal Highness regained his body, it was enough to show that the trip to the underground space was not smooth.

Why regain the "person"?

Sakuya didn't know, but she had guessed the reason more or less.

Not to say it doesn't mean she doesn't know.

After meeting Sakuya, Li Meng had another tail behind him.

Coming to the courtyard, entering the pavilion, Li Meng sat down on the large lounge chair.

Wendy stood aside, and Sakiya sat down on the stone bench.

With a light gaze, she carefully looked at the long-lost Royal Highness.

This long-lost not only refers to His Highness, but also the person.

Sakiya knew the body of His Royal Highness best, and knew how fragile His Highness's body was.

Since coming to this world, Sakuya has been with Her Royal Highness. She knows the human body of His Royal Highness better than anyone else.

Sakiya was undoubtedly happy when His Royal Highness separated from the body.

Because His Royal Highness will not be suffering from the pain, but now, everything is back to the starting point.

If it can, Sakiya would like to know why.

How could Li Meng not feel Sakuya's eyes staring at him?

Li Meng also knows what Sakiya wants to know.

It seems that I can't say it, otherwise Sakiya may tell him how to say it.

Now his body can't stand the toss.

From the stone table, Li Meng picked up the palm computer, put it on his lap, and opened the data terminal.

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