Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 999: personal

Of course not.

Who knows how long it will take to repair the damaged soul, how many years? Decades? Or hundreds of years? Even if it was only a few years, Li Meng was unwilling.

Can it be so?

Li Meng was a little helpless, if he could, he would not return to the body.

Because once he returned to the body, Li Meng would bear all the pains in his body, and that would be uncomfortable.

Back to the human body, it is impossible to do things as cheaply as the "spiritual body".

Because people will be hungry and thirsty, and there will be more troubles.

After enjoying the convenience of the "spiritual body", the thought of returning to the human body made Li Meng's mental pain more intense.

Now is not the time for willfulness, Li Meng understands that now he has no choice.

With a slight sigh, Li Meng said softly: "That's it! Return to the body."

The master's promise undoubtedly gave the master a sigh of relief.

She is very clear about the character of the person in front of her, seemingly rational, but sometimes very willful.

Knowing that I can't do anything, I just want to do it.

With such a character, he has suffered a lot in another world.

Speaking slightly, the main brain whispered: "I have notified "Wendy" and will pick up the medicine later, and Sakiya, she has now left the base in the city and is coming to the temple. I believe she will soon To."

It seems that the main brain has been prepared.

Li Meng has been too lazy to see the mastermind.

Glancing at the owner on the reclining chair again, the beautiful figure of the main brain slowly disappeared and finally turned into nothingness.

Li Meng didn't feel anything about the disappearance of the mastermind.

Because Li Meng knew that as the brain of the brains AI, all the instruments in the temple that can connect to the Internet are her eyes.

In the pavilion, in the courtyard, and in the entire temple, there are projectors. Although it is small, it is not only a projection device, but also an eye.

Maybe the main brain is spying on him with a projector on the network.

Although this is not necessary, because Zhinao AI is only a part-time job for the main brain, her body is still connected to Li Meng. Anything Li Meng does, even what she thinks in her heart, cannot be hidden from her.

After the master left, Li Meng had to wait.

Fortunately, Wendy didn't let Li Meng wait long, but within a quarter of an hour, Wendy hurried into the courtyard.

Wendy's beautiful face softened slightly when she saw the familiar figure on the lounge chair of the pavilion.

Stepping into the pavilion, Wendy knelt on the ground in front of Li Meng and whispered: "Master!"

Looking at Wendy who was kneeling on the ground, Li Meng smiled slightly and said, "Get up!"

Standing up, Wendy stood up and looked at her master with soft eyes.

Staring at that soft gaze, Li Meng carefully looked at the people in front of him.

It has been a long time since Wendy left.

Among the women around Li Meng, apart from Sakuya, I am afraid Wendy has been with Li Meng for the longest time.

People are not grass and trees, who can be ruthless, get along day and night, close to skin, Wendy has become an indispensable existence in Li Meng's heart.

Standing up, Li Meng came to Wendy's body, and stretched out his right hand to caress the white face.

Looking at the beautiful person in front of him, Li Meng said softly: "I will trouble you in the future!"

Of course Wendy knew what this meant.

From the master's mind, she learned everything.

Shaking slightly, Wendy said softly, "This is what Wendy should do. I can do what General Sakiya can do."

Hearing this, Li Meng smiled dumbly.

Gently tapped on the forehead, and said helplessly: "You are stronger."

In the past, when Li Meng was still a human, Sakiya had always taken care of him.

Since Li Meng's consciousness broke away from the human body and possessed the "spiritual body", Sakuya also became the "Scorpion Princess" and became the general of the First Army. Since then, he has left Li Meng for the development of the First Army. And work hard.

Returning to the body again, although Sakiya is not by Li Meng's side, Wendy is still there.

"Let's go!"

After speaking, Li Meng took a step forward, passed Wendy, and walked out of the pavilion.

Wendy followed the owner's departure, and the two disappeared in the courtyard one after another.

Leaving the courtyard, the two came to the sleeping hall of the inner hall.

This is not unfamiliar to either of the two.

For Li Meng, this is his bedroom, so how could he feel unfamiliar.

And Wendy often accompanies her master, and often stays in the bedroom.

But there is one thing Wendy doesn't know.

Entering the bedroom, Li Meng took Wendy into the bedroom.

On one side of the bed, there was a tall mirror, and Li Meng stopped in front of the mirror.

Under Wendy's gaze, Li Meng stretched out a hand and plunged into the mirror.

The mirror didn't seem to exist, but the mirror surface was like a wavy water surface, rippled, and the master's hand passed through the mirror surface.

When stretched out, a thin black figure was pulled out of the mirror by the owner.

What kind of scene will it be like when you see yourself and still hold yourself?

Fortunately, Li Meng was used to it, and he held his body gently on the bed.

Looking at himself on the bed, Li Meng's expression beside the bed was quite complicated.

Wendy looked at the owner next to the bed for a while, and then looked at the owner of the bed. Although Wendy knew what was going on, this scene still surprised her.

Two masters...

Only one is awake and one is asleep.

With a sigh in his heart, Li Meng no longer hesitated.

I saw the black death force surge, Li Meng beside the bed turned into a little death force and dissipated.

After a few breaths, Li Meng on the bed opened his eyes.

The long-lost weakness, the long-lost pain, and the heavy feeling made Li Meng's brows frowned.

But soon recovered.

Back to the human body, the only benefit should be that the mental tingling disappears.

In the brain, the damaged mental power is recovering, although it is slower, but at least not getting worse.

With his hands on the bed, Li Meng wanted to sit up.

Halfway after getting up, the right hand supporting the bed suddenly became weak, and Li Meng fell down again.

Fortunately, Wendy's eyesight was quick, and a few steps came to the bed and held Li Meng's back.

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