Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1002: schedule

The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. Although the people of Bentley are disappointed in the military government, they do not want to be ruled by outsiders. They hope that the revolutionaries and the rebels will take over the new rights, but they are disappointed, because whether it is a revolution Both the faction and the rebels betrayed them.

Speaking slightly, Sakuya continued: "For Voda City, General Natasha already has a battle plan. Since yesterday, the army under General Natasha has marched towards Voda City in two ways, all the way inland. The inland army will attack the north gate of Voda City, while the army landing by water will attack the south gate. Five days later, they will attack Voda City."

So it seems that the war in Bentley is about to end after all.

Victory and defeat, the result is already very clear, how can only Voda City stop the First Army?

The destruction of Voda City is only a matter of time.

Sakuya's words came faster than the data from the data terminal. Although the details were ignored, Li Meng already understood the general situation.

With a slight movement of his hand, Li Meng put the palm computer on his lap on the stone table and looked up at Sakuya. Li Meng said, "After the war in Bentley is over, I will go to Bentley in person and leave the schedule to you. Up."

Go to Bentley?

His Highness' words made Sakiya look startled.

Very puzzled: "His Royal Highness! Your health is very inconvenient now. What is the important thing to go to Bentley? If you can, Sakiya can do it for Your Highness."

Li Meng knew Sakuya's worries.

But this trip is necessary.

Shaking his head, Li Meng explained: "Once the war in Bentley is over, post-war reconstruction, and the establishment of a new government are all top priorities. The new regime, the new laws, this new set of The application of the system requires a large-scale meeting. You are soldiers and belong to the military system. You should be completely separated from politics. You should also maintain some necessary distance. The First Army should send a representative to preside over this meeting. I'll be the representative."

It turned out to be like this...

Sakuya understood.

Indeed, after the war in Bentley, there are many things, big and small.

A new government, a new system, it is not an easy task to operate.

As His Highness said, they are soldiers. If they are allowed to implement and supervise the establishment of the new government, it will be purely militarized management.

Take the current state of Bentley as an example. Although the First Army has actually controlled the cities of Bentley, the management of the cities is still under the supervision of the previous military government. To the role of supervision.

There is no alternative, and the management of a country is not an easy task.

If you want to manage the millions of people in the Bentley country, more than twenty large and small cities, the grassroots and middle-level management must use local people. Only in this way can the First Army better rule the country.

Hearing what His Highness said, Sakuya is no longer persuading him.

That’s good. Although your Highness is in poor health, staying in the temple is not a long-term solution. It’s good for your body to go for a walk, as long as you take good care of it.


Looking at His Royal Highness, Sakiya asked: "Your Royal Highness! What status do you use for this trip? Do you participate as the top leader of the First Army, or do you name it?"

Hearing what Sakuya said, Li Meng reacted.

He really forgot about this.

People outside the system of the First Army are not aware of it, and they have not disclosed the position system.

In fact, the system of the First Army is very simple, and there is no obvious charter for various positions.

Of course, the military system is already very complete, and the particularity of the First Army does not require a complicated system.

In the past, Li Meng had thought of listing a position specifically to represent the First Army to contact the outside world. This candidate, Li Meng thought Li Muling could serve, that is, his sister. Although Mu Ling is small, she can be cultivated. After she grows up, she can take up the post, and her invisible defects can also prevent her from being contaminated by foreign objects and keep her pure enough.

It can be said that Mu Ling is a good candidate.

But now, Li Meng has given up.

Because now Mu Ling is asleep, the days before waking up are still very long.

Although Mu Ling was asleep, this position would not disappear, but Li Meng had not found a candidate yet.

This position cannot be a person from the "Ayre" side, and it is better not to be a "dead person". It can only be an original inhabitant, and sufficient loyalty must be guaranteed.

Although Li Meng's family members are very human-like, as a dead race, their personality is more or less affected, and they cannot have too much contact with humans, because this increases the risk of exposure.

Although the ghoul has the most human character, it seems to be the most suitable candidate.

But the power of death is an extremely aggressive element. If you don't pay attention, the nature of the ghoul will be exposed.

Once the nature is exposed, things will become out of control.

Without a good candidate, this matter can only be temporarily put down.

But this time, only Li Meng made a trip in person.

Although this trip is not necessarily necessary, Li Meng's appearance can be regarded as an attitude, showing that the First Army attaches great importance to Bentley.

To govern a country, some things in the situation must be cared about.

After thinking about it, Li Meng said, "Be a "special envoy" this time! A big identity is not necessary."

special envoy?

Although there is no such position in the First Army, Sakiya also knows the meaning of the word "special envoy".

It is also appropriate, as long as it can represent the First Army, no matter what position it is, it is enough.

After thinking about it, I calculated the time in my mind, and Sakiya said: "Your Majesty! Let's leave on the 25th, which is ten days later."

Unknowingly, one year has passed, and now it has entered the new year in January.

Li Meng lay back slightly, and Li Meng said comfortably, "Just this day!"

Li Meng didn't have any gratitude for the time. Since the itinerary was handed over to Saya, Saya had the final say.

When the time is set, things will be easy to handle afterwards.

Looking at the lazy-looking owner in the seat, Sakuya's eyes were quiet.

For Sakuya, the more casual the host was in front of her, the happier she was.

Because this is also a kind of "recognition."

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