Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1003: Ruthless order

Back to the surface, the journey underneath is the last paragraph.

Although his departure is unclear, Li Meng believes that Ai Moore will not let him down.

When I see her next time, I believe everything will change.

Before dark, the news of Li Meng's return had spread.

This is undoubtedly good news for anyone in the First Army.

Especially Natasha, who was thousands of kilometers away from Bentley, breathed a sigh of relief when she heard the news of her owner's return.

In any case, Natasha was extremely disapproving of the host's underground trip.

She hoped that in the future, the owner should not be involved in any dangerous matter.

The huge First Legion can lose anyone, except the owner.

Once the owner is lost, then everything ceases to exist.

The powerful First Army will disappear into this world like a flash in the pan.

Turning off the tablet on the table, getting up, Natasha came to the window.

She was dressed in black bloodline armor, a hood and a black cloak.

Looking at the whole person, it gives people a very ancient and mysterious feeling, full of power like an ancient warrior.

Looking out the window, Natasha's expression was very calm.

This is Marani City, the military commander's mansion on the outskirts.

It is quiet here, not as noisy as the city.

After the First Army entered the city, Natasha settled here.

The scene outside the window is a green courtyard, with only some green belts and winding walkways.

Of course, the black figures standing guard in the courtyard cannot be ignored.

Wearing black armor and holding large swords, they guard the commander’s mansion like ancient warriors.

They are the most special existence "ghouls" in the First Legion.

In the Bentley war, the First Army suffered more than 3,000 casualties. Excluding the wounded and dead, more than 700 of them were successfully resurrected as "ghouls" and continued to serve for the First Army.

Although the strength of the ghoul is not as good as the corpse, it is also a very powerful existence for ordinary people.

If the "Zhou Ji" is a comprehensive existence, then the ghoul is focusing on the "body".

The power of death can be used flexibly, but the ghoul can only be used to strengthen the body and strengthen the defense of the armor.

This gives the "Ghoul" a very strong physique, amazing defense, and powerful strength.

In the future, ghouls are destined to be a very special force in the first legion.

Fighting with them is a kind of "terror" existence for any enemy.

At this moment, the office door was knocked suddenly, and a dark green figure pushed in.

It was Yevrich, and only Yevrich would look for her at this time.

Walked into the office, came to the desk, looked at the figure in front of the window, Jevrich said: "General! The army has set off and is marching towards Voda City. It is expected to arrive in three days. Also, Voda We also got the defense map of the city's fortifications."

"What's the situation in Voda City?"

Withdrawing her gaze from the window, looking at Jevrich, Natasha asked.

Yevrich said: "The whole city is under martial law. The military government controls all the supplies in the city. All non-combatants have been expelled from Voda City. The nearby town has been ordered to take over them, but..."

In the helmet, Jevric looked slightly upright and continued: "The news came just now that the civilians who were expelled from Voda City were attacked by contaminated beasts and suffered heavy casualties. I have sent orders to the troops stationed in the nearby town to let They went out of the city to **** the civilians."

After returning to her desk, Natasha sat down again.

Natasha supported the order of Yevrich.

There are quite a few civilians in Voda City, with more than half a million.

Think about the civilians outside the city, even Natasha was a little surprised at this order.

It's really ruthless, hundreds of thousands of civilians are expelled when they say they are expelled.

Without the protection of the city wall, how could those civilians escape the attack of the polluting beast on the road in the forest?

If these hundreds of thousands of civilians are not protected by armed forces, half of them can reach nearby cities.

If you encounter a large group of polluted beasts, the entire army is likely to be wiped out.

Are you going to resist desperately?

From this order, it is not difficult to see the plan of the military government.

It is nothing more than using the materials in the city to carry out a protracted war.

Without the food and drink of hundreds of thousands of civilians, the materials in the city can be completely provided for the army. In this way, as long as they can hold the city wall, they can hold on for several years or even longer.

After thinking about it for a moment, Natasha said to Yevrich, "Order to block the fleet of Voda City, and let them find a way to protect the civilians outside the city."

The more than half a million civilians can't just disappear. The military government can be ruthless, and the First Army can't be innocent or incompetent. If these hundreds of thousands of civilians can survive, they are also citizens of the First Army.

This responsibility must be undertaken by the First Army.

Outside the port of Voda City, the battle fleet of the First Army had already arrived.

Now, only the fleet at sea is the closest to Voda City, and only the fleet can protect civilians outside the city in the first place.

"Yes! I will send an order to the fleet immediately!"

After speaking, Jevric turned and left in a hurry.

After Jevric left, Natasha turned on the tablet again and entered the data terminal.

Natasha remembered that in the fleet outside the port of Voda City, there was a ghoul, although the number was small, only more than fifty.

This is the basic equipment of the fleet. The powerful individual power of the "ghoul" will sometimes reduce the risks faced by the fleet.

In the First Legion, although the number of ghouls is small, they are distributed among all the troops in the First Legion, whether it is the army or the navy.

Even the army stationed in each small city has a small group of "ghouls".

Natasha didn't have much thoughts, just wanted to confirm it.

If the fleet has a ghoul force, the loss of civilians outside the city will undoubtedly be greatly reduced.

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