Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1004: Bawei city

Once the fleet is ordered to protect civilians outside the city, it will send ghouls, and only ghouls.

Because the fleet outside the city of Voda is a combat fleet, there are not too many soldiers.


The wind was blowing, making the dense forest seem to come alive, and the branches and leaves were swaying gently.

The swaying of the branches and leaves also made the wind make a "whoop" sound.

At the junction of the forest and the sea, the huge Voda City is located on the coast, with one side facing the sea and three sides surrounded by forest.

The nearly seventy-meter-high city wall surrounds Voda City like a dam, keeping it away from the threat of polluting beasts.

For the civilians of Voda City, the tall city wall is a prison and their patron saint.

Although they are not free, they can protect their safety. In the past, this wall was a natural danger they could never pass.

However, today, they are free and come out of the cage, but at the same time, they also lost the protection of the patron saint.

Looking down from the sky, the huge city of Voda is like a fortress standing in the middle of the forest. The tall walls are square and square, and the length of each wall is no less than five kilometers.

There is a river outside the north gate of Voda City. The river is nearly 100 meters wide. A huge bridge extends from the north gate to connect the opposite bank. The bridge is tall and big, white, and it is not spectacular.

However, on the white bridge, there was a black figure surging.

It is a sea of ​​people, an endless crowd.

The black crowd stretched from the north gate to the depths of the forest, and at a glance, it was densely packed.

Whether on the bridge, on the highway, or on the river bank, everything is covered by black figures.

In the surging figure, on the bridge, on the highway, a large number of vehicles of various colors moved slowly amid the beeping of horns.

More than half a million people were completely expelled from the city in a full day.

Just now, the huge gate was closed.

The front end of the huge crowd outside the city has stretched dozens of miles into the forest.

The civilians who finally left the city, they stayed under the wall, reluctant to leave for a long time.

The anger on their faces has long since disappeared, leaving only numbness and fear.

The tall forest is a monster that eats humans, once it enters it will only be swallowed up.

On the tall city wall, some soldiers in uniform uniforms looked down.

Looking at the black figure below the city, their expressions were very complicated.

There is compassion and helplessness.

As soldiers, they can only follow orders from above.

Their hearts do not hate, but there are some cruel people.

For their own sake and their families, they can only obey orders.

On the bridge head facing the forest, a bloated bus was parked.

A petite figure was standing on the roof of the bus, looking bitterly at the crowds around him.

On the road ahead, in addition to people, there are vehicles beyond sight.

There are too many people crowded on the highway, which has blocked the movement of vehicles.

The vehicles and the crowd moved little by little, very slowly.

The size of the bus is too big, they can only park on the side of the road, let the crowd go first, so as not to cause more serious congestion.

At this moment, a little head stuck out from the bus window.

She yelled to the girl standing on the roof of the car: "Julie! Get down quickly, we are about to start."

The cry from Alice made Yuli, who was frowning on the roof of the car, stunned slightly. With a look of joy, she quickly turned over and jumped off the roof, holding the edge of the car roof by hand, with a small figure from the open window. Zhong entered the bus.

When Yuli jumped into the car, several pairs of eyes glanced over.

"Are you going to leave?"

Yuli who returned to the bus quickly asked her companion.

There are four companions in the car. In addition to having a good relationship with Yuli, Ai Li also has Ai Li's brother Kaiwei and Qi Wei.

Kaiwei is acting as the driver in the driving seat, while Qiwei is standing by the door of the gate

Outside, someone knocked on the car door from time to time, trying to come in.

Qiwei's task is to reject those who knock on the car door.

It's not that they are ruthless, but that there are too many people outside. As long as they let one person come up, everyone will come up.

Once the car is fully loaded, people who have not come up are likely to riot.

In response to Yuli’s question, Kaiwei in the driver’s seat replied: “Come on! The crowd outside is slowly becoming sparse, and the cars in front have basically driven into the forest. We can leave.

Beside Ai Li, Yu Li sat down.

For this news, Yuli is undoubtedly happy.

They have stayed at this bridge for a long time.

Thinking about this trip, Yuli felt very depressed.

The president took them to Voda City and said that he had met an old friend, but he did not expect that his old friend had already left on a pontoon. The chairman could only let them go back and take the pontoon by himself." Kyoto".

Although in wartime, as martial artists, they will not delay their affairs due to war.

The only thing they didn't expect was that the military government of Voda City even ordered the expulsion of all non-military personnel in the city, including their martial artists.

As a last resort, they could only leave Voda City with a crowd like refugees.

Thinking of the military government in Voda City, Yuli said angrily: "Who gave the order to expel the civilians? Isn't this asking the civilians to die? The civilians outside are unarmed, how could they reach fifty kilometers away? Bawei City?"

The polluting beasts in the forest, even if they are martial artists, sometimes avoid their edge, let alone these civilians.

Once in the forest, how could the crowd like the tide not attract the attention of the polluting beasts.

How **** is this fifty-kilometer journey?

That kind of horrible scene, Yuli had already thought of it in her mind.

Qiwei sneered at the car door and said coldly: "Who else can be the army commander of course, and only he can do this kind of thing. Among the three army commanders in Bentley, his character The most cruel and ruthless, the people of his territories are restricted to freedom like slaves. What's weird about giving this order?"

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