Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1005: Hard land

Bentley has three commanders, and each commander has his own territory.

Among the three army commanders, Musko and Messeger had a more moderate temperament. Although they implemented militarized management on their subordinates, they could move between cities in their own territory. It is also extremely lax in business, allowing businessmen to go out and develop themselves.

Commander Kenofo is different. Everything under his rule is nationalized. All assets belong to the military government. All businessmen are puppets of the military government. Foreign businessmen are not allowed to do business in any situation. They only receive foreign merchants to sell their territory. The products produced.

However, it was precisely because of the ruthlessness that Genover was the richest among the three commanders.

The military force under his command is also the most powerful, and more importantly, he has an absolutely loyal army.

No matter what kind of person he has, he has what kind of subordinates, and ruthlessness creates absolute loyalty.

Who knows what Kinof is like.

It's just because of his rights, even if he has shame in his heart, he dare not say it.

To Qiwei, Yuli said coldly: "Huh! It's better for people like this to be overthrown. With him in one day, I don't know how many people will be enslaved."

At this moment, Ellie on the side gently pulled La Yuli’s sleeves and whispered: "Sister Yuli! Don’t be angry. Anyway, Voda City will be captured by the First Army in the near future, and Commander Genover will also There will be no good end, it can be regarded as a kind of retribution."

"That's true too!"

Ai Li’s comfort made Yu Li feel better

If evil people like this are not sanctioned, then the world would be too unfair.

"It's not necessarily!"

Kaiwei in the driver's seat suddenly said, vetoing his sister's words.

Facing the gazes of the three of them, Kaiwei looked at his sisters Ai Li and Yu Li, and said: "Have you forgotten the airport? Although the airport in Voda City has been abandoned for a long time, since the war in Bentley, The airport was put into use again. Although the time interval between Airbus flights is very long, don’t forget, what kind of person is Kinof? The ruthless person will leave a way out for himself at any time, even if it’s wo When Dacheng falls, Commander Genov may not necessarily be in trouble."

Not necessarily something?

There is a possibility that the three of them look at each other.

And it's huge.

It's like Commander Musko and Commander Messegh, the capitals have fallen, and they are not equally okay.

Although people don't know where they went, there is no doubt that they must be alive.

Speaking of this, Kaiwei looked a little puzzled, and some did not understand: "I don’t know why. The First Army only has no defenses against the sky and allows floating boats to enter and exit. This makes it very easy for some people to escape from Bentley. ."

As for Kaiwei’s doubts, Qiwei on the side guessed: “It’s probably because the pontoon is not a military weapon! In the past few months, you have all understood the style of the First Army. It will not be too embarrassing. During the war, there will always be some shortcomings in the system, and the airspace supervision has not been effectively implemented.

This explanation is reasonable, everyone is silent.

Although as martial artists, they shouldn't bother about these nosy matters.

However, they have been well educated who have lived in the civilized world since they were young. Although they are not jealous, they also hope that the wicked will be brought to justice.

In the Silver Wings, due to the existence of the old man, all members of this guild are not bad people.

People with incomplete disposition cannot enter the Silver Wings.

For this reason, the four people in the bus are still considered "righteous" in terms of character.

At least it's not a wicked person.

"Okay! The gossip ends here, let's go!"

Kaiwei's words interrupted the silence in the car, causing everyone's expressions to move slightly.

Finally set off.

Looking outside, the traffic on the highway is much less than before.

Although there are still many civilians dragging their homes, there are finally some gaps on the road.

Looking at the three people in the car, Kaiwei exhorted: "This road is not destined to be peaceful, you must be prepared for battle."

After that, Kaiwei turned around and started the power furnace.

As the body trembles, the "roar" of the power stove's operation suddenly rang.

At the bridgehead, with the roar of "rumbling", the long-staying bus slowly moved.

This movement attracted the attention of surrounding civilians.

They looked at the bloated bus and were very envious. If there is a car to travel at this time, their safety will be greatly guaranteed.

Vehicles not only allow them to reach their destination faster, but also better protect themselves in the forest.

But they can only envy them, who would call them just the lowest level civilians? Not comparable to those big masters in the car.

Amid the beeping horns, the bloated bus slowly drove into the forest with the flow of people.

Sitting quietly in the bus, Yuli looked out the window, watching the civilians walking on the gloomy forest road outside.

The figure was surging, big, small, old and weak, and the noisy voice broke the original tranquility in the forest.

From those faces, Yuli saw fear and felt their panic.

What are they afraid of? What are you afraid of? Yuli knew it well.

What they fear is the forest on both sides of the road, because there are terrifying "polluting beasts" in the dark forest.

For their unarmed opponents, the weakest polluting beast can easily kill them.

And Ai Li, who was closest to the car window, also looked outside in a daze, not knowing what she was thinking.

In the bus, only Qiwei's expression by the door was normal.

Among the four, only Kaiwei and him are the oldest. The life experience is not comparable to those of the two little girls. No matter what the scene, they can't scare them.

I don't know how long it took, the four-person bus has gone deep into the forest.

The bus surpassed countless civilians on foot on both sides of the highway, and the shadow of the vehicle could already be seen in front.

The only thing that made the four of them rejoice was that they were very peaceful all the way, and they were not attacked by polluting beasts.

But they also know that this is only temporary.

For more than fifty kilometers, the possibility of reaching the destination safely is infinitely close to zero.

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