Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1007: Murder pardon

The "heart robbery" is the greatest enemy of martial artists, because heart robbery will make "martialists" uneasy. Once uneasy, it is a hidden risk for martial artists, because it will consume their willpower. .

Once the willpower is worn away, they will often go further and further on the correct path. At that time, even the talented martial artist will be destroyed by the "heart robbery".

Where there is darkness, there is light, even for martial artists.

Although martial artists consider themselves "justice", their lofty goal is to protect "humanity".

But people are divided into bad guys and good guys, and martial artists are the same.

There are martial arts associations in the world, as well as martial arts guilds under its supervision, but there are also dark guilds.

The Martial Artists Guild is convenient for people to expel "savage beasts", while the Dark Guild is also convenient for people, but they are "killing".

The boundary between light and darkness is very clear, at a glance, white can become black, but black will never become white.

Once affected by the heart robbery, the martial artist will easily fall.

This decision is undoubtedly a happy one for Yuri and Ari.

Yuli hurriedly said: "Then go quickly, keep them outside, the longer the time, the more danger."

Kaiwei nodded and turned to look at Qiwei beside the car door.

"Chivi! You are at the door of the car, and Yuli and I are going to meet the old man."

Seeing her elder brother neglecting herself, Ai Li hurriedly said, "What about me?"

Yuli and Qiwei were all assigned tasks, but she was ignored.


Kaiwei looked back at Ai Li.

"You stay in the car and wait for the kids to come up and need your help."


Ai Li seemed very dissatisfied with this task, and responded with disappointment.

"Okay! Julie, come with me."

Getting up, Kaiwei left the driving seat and walked to the car door.

Yuli followed closely.

At the door of the car, the three stopped.

Looking out from the glass on the car door, there are walking civilians outside.

The stop of the bus attracted the attention of some civilians. They looked at the bus, their eyes full of hope.

After a slight pause, Kaiwei pressed the door switch.

With a "click" metal turning sound, the car door opened.

As soon as the car door opened, the "noisy" noise of the crowd outside was suddenly amplified several times, "buzzing".

When they got out of the car, Yuli and Kaiwei walked behind the car.

Qiwei stood by the door.

"Please, let us go up, I will give you everything on me."

A young man who was fairly well dressed brought a family of four and begged Qiwei.

The old and the young, all carry a lot of packages.

They looked at Qiwei hopefully, only tired on their faces.

"Take me too, I will give you all the money."

"Let me go up, please."

Someone took the lead, and civilians on the side of the road surrounded the bus.

For a time, Qiwei's pressure increased instantly.

Looking at the black figure in front of him, facing the pair of pleading eyes, Qiwei had an expression on his face.

The silver cold light flickered, Qiwei drew the long sword from his waist and threw it to the ground, inserting the long sword into the ground before his feet.

The strength was not small, the sword body sank a few inches, and the hilt was swaying slightly.

With a cold expression, Qiwei said coldly: "Sorry!"

This move caused the crowd around to have a slight pause.

The shaking sword on the ground stunned the crowd.

Qiwei said coldly again: "We are martial artists, following us you will only be more dangerous, speeding up your pace, following the big troops to Bawei City is what you should do most at this moment."

Martial artist?

This sentence caused the crowd to disperse a lot in an instant, and the surrounding crowd left with disappointment.

No one knows martial artists in this world. Although there are some places where they are rare, they also know a little about martial artists.

In the eyes of ordinary people, martial artists like to go into the forest and do some very dangerous things.

Its actions are not only dangerous, but also extremely dangerous for the martial artist himself.

The dispersal of the crowd made Qiwei, who had a cold face, breathed a sigh of relief.

If these civilians continue to struggle, he really doesn't know what to do.

"Qiwei! Are they afraid of martial artists?"

I don't know when, Ai Li opened the car window and leaned on the car window and curiously asked Qiwei outside the car.

Just now Qivi heard what Ai Li said to the crowd, and the crowd's reaction also surprised Ai Li.

When the civilians heard about the martial artist, they seemed to be very afraid of the martial artist.

Without looking behind him, Qiwei just said indifferently: "Although we martial artists do not participate in the battles between humans, martial artists are never absent from the battle against polluting beasts. In various countries, even poor and remote countries, we martial arts Everyone has a kind of privilege. Although this privilege gives martial artists convenience, it also creates a gap between us martial artists and ordinary people."


"Is it the "right to amnesty for murder"?"

Of course, Ai Li, who is a martial artist, knows this privilege.

But this "right to amnesty for murder" has subsequent conditions, and there are many more conditions.

Qiwei said indifferently: "Yes, it is the "right to amnesty for murder." Although most martial artists do not have the same knowledge as ordinary people, they can "defend themselves" when their safety is threatened. There is no upper limit to the degree of self-defense. As long as the martial artist feels that his safety is threatened, he can use any means to eliminate the threat."

It is precisely because of the "right to amnesty for murder" that in the eyes of ordinary people, martial artists have become a superior existence.

Martial artists will not have too much intersection with ordinary people, and ordinary people will try to stay away from martial artists.

So this is ah……

Allie got it.

It's no wonder that when those people heard that they were martial artists, they were disappointed and dispersed.

Just when Qiwei solved a trouble, Kaiwei also brought Yuli to the target's body.

Beside the big rocks on the side of the road, the children are still "romping".

Several older children hurriedly admonished, using their hands to hold the playful children not too far away.

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