Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1008: Kill

The old man on the stone looked at him with a smile, as if he didn't care about the dangerous situation at hand.

The old man's expression also made Kaiwei and Yuli very puzzled.

In the dangerous forest deep in the woods, don't the old people worry?

The smile seemed to be ignorant of the threat in the forest.

Yuli, Kaiwei looked at each other, only helpless in their eyes.

This old man is really big-hearted.

With a slight expression, Kaiwei's footsteps did not stop, passing through the crowd on the road, and came to the old man.

Looking at the old man sitting on the stone, Kaiwei respectfully said: "Old man! At the next Kaiwei, I am glad to meet you."

The sudden words made the old man look up slightly.

When he looked at Xiange Kaiwei and Yuli, his eyes lighted slightly.

The expression was very unexpected and said: "It's rare! I didn't expect to see a few martial artists here. The seniors can't be called. My last name is Liu. Call me Lao Liu."

Old Liu?

The two were not too surprised by this surname.

Because the old man in front of him is the face of an Oriental.

The only thing they care about is that the old man turned out to be a "Kyoto" person.

It can be seen from the last name.

Looking up, Kaiwei glanced at the children around him slightly.

Because of their arrival, the children calmed down and looked at them timidly.

Looking back at Lao Liu, Kaiwei was very puzzled and said: "Lao Liu! Isn't there a "Morning Fly" martial arts guild in Voda City? Ask them for help, they should help you with such a large group of children It’s too dangerous to hike in the forest."

With a wry smile, the old man shook his head and said: "When the "Expulsion Order" was issued, I had been to the "Morning Flies" Guild, but the building was empty. It is said that the Forest Flies had moved out a month ago. Leaving Bentley."


Kaiwei was surprised, they didn't get the news.

It seems that when the war occurs, the transmission of information has become delayed.

With a faint smile, Kaiwei invited: "Lao Liu! Take these children into our car? The journey to Bawei City is full of risks. Only in the car can the safety of these children be guaranteed."

Looking up, the old man looked at the bus ahead.

Looking back, the old man chuckled, and said with satisfaction: "It's really scary to be born after generation. I'll leave this old bone and these children to you."

How could the old man refuse Kaiwei's kindness?

They really need help.

Nodding lightly, Kaiwei said to Yuli beside him: "Yuli! Bring these..."

Before the words were finished, at this moment, there was an abnormal movement in front of him.

At the end of the road in the dark forest, there was a riot.

"Run! The pollution beast is here, the pollution beast is here."

The riot was like an infectious disease, spreading to the rear and soon to the place where Kaiwei was.

In the exclamation, the civilians on the road suddenly became panicked and at a loss.

In the front, a black torrent is coming back.

Those are the civilians fleeing to the rear.

"Run, run, the pollution beast is here."

Amidst the panic cry, the crowd began to subconsciously move away from the danger zone, their progress stopped, and they turned and ran in the direction they had come.

For a time, the forest road was completely chaotic.

The civilians on the highway formed a wave of black pressure, rushing in the direction they had come.

Beside, countless figures rushed away, and the surge of figures made Kaiwei feel the tension of the situation.

Kaiwei quickly said to Yuli and the old man: "Old Liu! Yuli, hurry up and take the children into the car. It is not suitable to stay here for a long time."

At this moment, the old man's expression became tense.

He quickly said to the children: "Quick! Children, follow me."

The chaotic crowd also affected the children.

Although they don't know what happened, the chaotic situation makes them feel scared instinctively.

With the efforts of Kaiwei, the old man, Yuli, and the three of them, the children finally passed through the chaotic crowd and approached the bus.

"Quickly, get in the car!"

Seeing Kaiwei and a group of people appeared from the back of the car, Qiwei who was waiting by the car door breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly called.

"Don't worry, watch your feet, be careful of falling, watch the people behind you, and don't let go."

While admonishing, the old man counted the number of children.

When the last person was ordered, the old man breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, no one was left behind.

In the tense atmosphere, the children got on the car one by one.

Qiwei got in the car last.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when the car door closed with the sound of a "click" metal turning.

As the children got on the bus, the originally spacious space in the bus suddenly became smaller.

Every seat was full of small figures.

They looked curiously at the people running backwards outside the window, there was no fear in their eyes, only novelty.


A tragic scream suddenly sounded.

In the front, a dark shadow suddenly rushed out of the forest.

When people can see its hideous body, its big mouth full of sharp teeth has bitten a person's waist.

It is more than two meters high and nearly five meters long. In front of humans, it is undoubtedly a giant.

In its mouth, a person was screaming.

I saw blood flying, the person in the beast's mouth was bitten in half, and the screams stopped abruptly.

The body that had been turned into two parts had not fallen yet, the huge mouth caught the upper body, and he swallowed his belly.

The huge, hideous mouth was full of dazzling blood.

This frightening scene made the surrounding civilians even more terrified, their eyes full of fear, and they ran to the rear frantically.

The giant beast that emerged from the forest ignored the "food" of the lower body falling on the ground, but sought another target.

A sprint, a light leap, and a person who was running was pressed to the ground by its sharp claws.

Human fragility is fully revealed at this moment. Under that sharp claw, the human body is like a page of paper, which is easily torn apart.

With a head down and bite, the violent behemoth tore off the head of its prey directly with its mouth, and ended another life.

Today, before it is a feast, it will fill that empty stomach.

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