Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1010: Bloody battle


Seeing the weak prey dared to resist, Cookie Beast roared loudly.

They stepped on the roof of the car, rushed from the highway, from the forest to the oncoming crowd.

On the highway, two black shadows collided.

In the moment of contact, the human side died suddenly and severely.

The refugee who was charging ahead was killed by the sharp claws and teeth of Cookie Beast.

But the refugees are not afraid, they have fallen into a desperate madness.

With stones and teeth, they rushed towards the cookie beast madly.

Their madness miraculously prevented the cookie beast from advancing, and the two sides were entangled in the gloomy forest road.

In the roar, in the scream, in the roar, death fell in this space.

A large number of lives are fading all the time.

The corpses were everywhere on the highway, the green blood and the red blood intertwined, forming a scene of hideous colors.


With a roar, it jumped up and rushed into the crowd.

With a wave of its sharp claws, it tore several prey.

With a bite from its hideous mouth, it can easily shred its prey.

It rushed into the crowd, killing frantically.

When the huge body hits, countless prey are knocked into flight.


But its prey has no fear, only madness.

Countless refugees pounced on it, the stones in their hands, the sharp weapons in their hands, and even attacked everything they could reach with their mouths.

Although it has thick armor, when refugees threw on it one after another, it soon was restricted by its weight.

"Step aside!"

With a loud roar, a refugee with a sharp iron rod rushed towards it.


A sharp iron rod pierced through its eyes, and its feet penetrated half a meter deep.

With a hoarse roar, it fell weakly.

The result of its battle is the corpse behind it.

When humans are desperate, they will explode with unimaginable power. The refugees on the road in the forest are the best proof.

Facing the powerful and terrifying cookie beast, they knew they would die, but they rushed to "death" fearlessly.

At this moment, they forgot everything and their miserable lives. The madness led to the primitive wildness in their bodies, which made them extremely aggressive.

When human power is ultimately limited.

Over time, the outcome of the battle in the forest has become clear.

Humans are falling fast, and Cookie Beasts are quickly destroying prey with the addition of new power.

And behind the human side, refugees far enough away are fleeing.

Perhaps the refugees are rejoicing, those who do not live or die have bought time for them.

But can they really escape?

the answer is negative.

Human beings are fragile, and after all, they cannot resist the cookie beast.

The desperate fight of tens of thousands of people only resisted Cookie Beast for less than half an hour.

On the battlefield that stretched for several miles, the refugees retreated steadily.


The sharp claws directly shredded the refugee's chest.

In the frantic eyes, the last refugee fell fearlessly.

When the last moment came, there was no fear in his eyes, only peace and a hint of happiness.

The last refugee who dared to fight fell.

The cookie beast that won, did not immediately enjoy the prey on the ground, but chased the prey farther away.

The running pace, the flashing of the figure, the black figure formed a wave to attack the prey ahead.

This is what happened in the front of the refugee team, and behind, the situation is equally critical.

Chased by Cookie Beast, the refugees scattered and fled.

Some fled in the direction they came, and some fled into the forest.

But no matter where they flee, they cannot escape from the claws of Cookie Beast.

On the gloomy forest road, the killing has never stopped.

At this time, on a certain section of the highway, fierce fighting is going on.

The flow of people has gone, accompanied by the countless cookie beasts chasing them.

But Qiwei and Kaiwei did not flee, they were still fighting in front of the bus.

The figure churned, roaring again and again.


The sword light flickered and the strong wind howled, a black shadow hit a cookie beast, and a sharp long sword pierced into the cruel head of the cookie beast.

A hit is sure to hit, Kaiwei immediately withdraws and leaves.

But at this moment, two cookie beasts rushed towards him.

That huge body, just hitting it, would also cause huge damage to Kaiwei.

Seeing this, Kaiwei looked ruthless, and stepped forward, holding his sword to the cookie beast on the right.

The sword wind whistled, and saw a flash of silver sword light, and the sword blade pierced the cookie beast's shoulder.

The green blood splashed, the huge cookie beast split into two, the huge body lying on the ground.

Turning back, Kaiwei swung his sword in front of him, the attack of the cookie beast on the left had arrived, and the huge claws returned directly to the blade.


With a crisp cracking sound, the long sword broke in two.

Cookie Beast cast his momentum unabated, opened his huge mouth, and bit on Kaiwei's left shoulder.

The seemingly sturdy leather armor with scales was directly penetrated by Cookie Beast's sharp teeth.

With a muffled hum, Kaiwei looked crazy.

"Go to hell!"

With a roar, Kaiwei held the broken sword in his backhand and thrust it into the cookie beast's head. The broken sword almost sank with its handle.

The head was hit hard, and the painful Cookie Beast fell into madness.

The huge ferocious mouth was biting hard, and the huge force directly pulled Kaiwei off the ground, shaking it in the air.


A silver sword light appeared from the side, slashing down at the cookie beast's head with lightning speed.


Green blood splattered, and Cookie Beast's head was cut off.

It was Qiwei. Seeing that Kaiwei's situation was not good, he offered to help.

With the beheaded head, Kaiwei also fell to the ground.

Compared to Kaiwei, Qiwei is not much better.

The leather armor on his body was full of torn holes, and the dazzling **** night could be seen from the torn holes.

The long sword in his hand has long lost its sharpness, and there have been countless pauses.

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