Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1011: Close

"No way! We have to get out of here."

Qiwei said in a deep voice as he lifted Kaiwei from the sharp teeth.

There are too many cookie beasts to kill them at all.

Whether it is on the road or in the forest, they are everywhere.

What can they do with just the two of them?

Behind them, the protective plate of the bus has been lowered, which makes the bus look like an iron bump.

Some cookie beasts seemed to have found the prey in the car, and they bite frantically around the bus.

The huge power made the bloated bus sway violently, as if it would be pushed down by Cookie Beast at any time.


With a loud roar, Kaiwei exhausted the last bit of strength and threw the broken sword in his hand.

On the body of Broken Sword's sword, a faint yellow light surrounded it, turning into a stream of light and attacking a nearby cookie beast.


The broken sword directly pierced the cookie beast's head, shot out from behind, and disappeared in the forest.

The head was severely injured, and the running Cookie Beast staggered to the ground, sliding for a few meters before it stopped.

"Go! Go!"

With a loud roar, the two ran to the bus.

Behind them, Cookie Beast was approaching, countless in number.

Suddenly, the running of the two stopped abruptly.

More than a dozen cookie beasts ran by their side and stopped in front of them.

Stepping lightly, dozens of cookie beasts surrounded the two in a low roar.

They bared their teeth and cracked their mouths, their scarlet pupils stared at Qiwei and Kaiwei who were surrounded by them.

They are very dangerous, and Cookie Beasts have felt this from previous battles.

It was these two prey that killed many of their companions.

The pungent smell of blood made them very irritable, and the bloodthirsty impulse in their hearts became stronger.


A soft drink suddenly appeared.

The door of the bus was opened, and two slender figures rushed out of the car.

It was Yuli and Ai, who saw their plight in the car.

"What are you coming out for? Go in."

Seeing the two rushing out of the car, Kaiwei's face changed.

Suffocating the pain of the wound, shouted with a very ugly face.

Yuli and Ally ignored Kaiwei's scolding, they just waved their swords and rushed towards the cookie beast surrounding them.

The dexterous posture is very fast, and they have rushed into the herd in just a few breaths.

Faced with the attack of the Cookie Beast, they swiftly avoided, with the long sword in their hand attacking the crucial place of the Cookie Beast from time to time.

Although a single blow could not be fatal, their appearance attracted the attention of Cookie Beast and cleared the road in front of them.


This is the end of the matter, it is useless to say more, they can not let go of the opportunities created for them by the two women.


Amidst the roars, more and more Cookie Beasts joined the battle.

For a while, the shadow of the sword and sword on the gloomy forest road, the figure churned.


With a cold expression, Yuli swung a long sword and stabbed into the head of the incoming Cookie Beast mercilessly.

The huge force on the sword suddenly struck, causing Yuli's expression to change slightly, her hand shook, and the long sword fell.

The long sword stabbed Cookie Beast's head, but it happened to stabbed the hardest skull. The sharp blade couldn't move forward, but instead passed the powerful force to Yuli.

How could Yuli bear the strength from the whole body of Cookie Beast?

With a long sword stuck in his head, Cookie Beast used her whole body to press Yuli under her.

Although its life was dying, at the last moment, it pierced its claws into the prey below it.


With a muffled hum, Yuli's face was extremely pale.

The sharp claws of Cookie Beast not only pierced her arm, but also pressed her heavy body.


Seeing Yuli being rushed, Ai Li who was fighting let out an exclamation.

The exclamation distracted her.

Did not notice that a cookie beast had jumped up, and the sharp claws were swinging down at her.

"Ellie! Be careful."

Kaiwei saw this scene, and he let out an angry roar in a panic.

But it was too late.

When Alice felt the strong wind coming, when she turned her head, she saw the huge body of Cookie Beast.


The sharp claws of Cookie Beast swung on the petite body.

Amid the dull sound of impact, a series of small figures flew out, straddling a distance of more than ten meters, and hitting the windshield at the front of the bus.

A trace of blood flowed from the corner of Ai Li's mouth, her eyes were a little dazed, and her consciousness was diminishing.

Xiaojiao's body slipped to the ground weakly.

"Go to hell!"

This scene made Kaiwei angry, he went crazy and ran into the Cookie Beast attacking Ari.


One by one, two small figures collided, and the Cookie Beast was directly hit and staggered, and then backed away a few steps.

Kaiwei, who had consumed too much physical strength, paid the price for his reckless behavior. He had no idea how many bones on his shoulder were broken, and was knocked to the ground by the opposite force.

"Kaiwei! Be careful!"

In front of Kaiwei, the smashed Cookie Beast opened that hideous big mouth and bit down at Kaiwei.

Kaiwei was unable to resist this attack.

Kaiwei could not hear the roar from Qiwei.

The only thing he could see right now was Cookie Beast's ferocious mouth.

At this moment, the speed of time seems to be slower.

Under the huge sharp mouth, Kaiwei's pupils shrank.

On the side, Qiwei was angry, and he rushed towards the cookie beast in front of Kaiwei with his sword, but it was too late.

And Yuli, who was hit **** her body, was being held down by the body of Cookie Beast, Qiwei's roar made her look desperate.

In the car, in the interval between the protective panels, Duo had his eyes looking outside, with only worry and fear in his eyes.

At this extremely critical moment, a black glow suddenly shot out from the forest.

In the harsh "howl", in the strong wind, the "chi" hit the head of the cookie beast in front of Kaiwei.

The green blood splashed everywhere, and the cookie beast's head split open, and a huge hole appeared.

The black mang who pierced the head was cast unabated, and plunged towards the ground.

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