Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1017: The last craziness

In the hood, Natasha looked indifferent, and said coldly: "This last madness, that person did a good job and thorough."

, Looked up, looked at Jevrich, Natasha ordered: "Tell this news out, as detailed as possible. Also, hand over the filmed video to the revolutionaries and the rebels, can you grasp this? The next chance is up to them."

To make the people of a country surrender, the people of this country must first be disappointed in their country.

Only when they are disappointed will they be more receptive to the new ruler.

For the First Army, this matter is an opportunity, an opportunity that is conducive to the rule of the First Army.

The rebels and revolutionaries were the fuse that made this fire burn.

Although the rebels are about to disband, the revolutionaries have members all over the country and are closely linked by a thread. Even if they are disbanded, this thread will not be completely broken.

Therefore, through the revolutionaries and the rebels, this fire can burn even more.

For the revolutionaries and some people in the rebel army, only by handling them well can they gain more popular support.

In this respect, the First Army has complied with the previous agreement and gave them priority in terms of rights. As to whether they can grasp it, it depends on themselves.

Although there are many ways to gain public opinion, this opportunity is not always available.

"Yes! I know what to do."

Yevrich certainly understood what General Natasha meant, and he knew it.

That’s right, revolutionaries and rebels are really indispensable for the people of Bentley to burn their hearts.

Diverting attention from the refugee incident, Natasha asked Yev bizarrely: "How are the follow-up matters going on in each city?"

Asking Natasha’s question, Yvrich said: “It’s about to end. Most of the armed forces of the rebels and revolutionaries have been disbanded, leaving only a small number of soldiers transformed into guards of the cities and responsible for public security. At this point, they are very cooperative, and are now dealing with the weapons that are about to be destroyed."

The rebels and the revolutionaries have quite a few troops, and the sum total exceeds one hundred thousand.

What is left of a huge army is a large number of weapons.

Those weapons of the First Corps are insignificant. Except for a small number of weapons that were sealed, most of the weapons were included in the destruction list by the First Corps.

As if thinking of something, Yevrich said, "General! Recently, many floating ships have frequently entered Voda City. Is there any necessary supervision of the floating ships? Once the battle in Voda City begins, the commander It is very possible to escape. In the previous battle, we chose to ignore the behavior of the other two commanders fleeing Bentley, but this one, we can’t let him run, in order for the First Army to effectively rule Bentley. A trial is very necessary."

The question Jevric said made Natasha a little bit concerned.

Indeed, the neglect of the floater makes it easy for the big figures in Bentley to escape from Bentley.

Before, Natasha's idea was very simple. The purpose of the First Legion was territory, and it didn't matter whether the big men fled or not.

But now, in order to prevent the military commander in Voda City from escaping, supervision of the floater is necessary.

After thinking about it, Natasha had an idea, and said: "From now on, all pontoons entering and leaving Bentley must stop at the Marani City Airport for line inspections, and record them. Anything that does not fly over Bentley. Once the floating vessel on record is found, it will be destroyed."

The flying height of the airship is generally between two thousand and five kilometers. At this altitude, many ground weapons in the First Army can attack, and destroying the airship is not an empty talk.

Structurally speaking, the floater made of balsa wood is quite fragile. Even if there is no air force unit, the First Corps wants to destroy the floater without any problems.

This is a good idea.

With a slight expression on his face, Yevrich said: "Understood! I will send a message to various places immediately and ask them to notify the floating boat in the sky!"

After speaking, Jevrich saluted, turned around, and left the office quickly.

After Jevric left, Natasha silently turned on the tablet on the table.

Since the Quantum Signal Tower in Qingcheng has been operating, the smooth flow of signals has made everything simple.

Whether it is the transmission of orders or the flow of other information, the convenience of the Internet age is indispensable to the First Army.

Natasha was able to understand the current situation in Bentley and the situation across the country through the data terminal.

The final battle is already very close. Once Voda City is captured by the First Army, the important task on her shoulders can be considered complete.

Sometimes Natasha wonders, what else can she do after Bentley’s mission is completed?

Is it stationed in Bentley, as a history of feudal territory, or is it to return to the master?

Although she can do both of these things at the same time, Natasha will also think in her heart, what exactly does she want?

The answer is very vague, at least for now, Natasha has no answer in her heart.

Moreover, Natasha knew very well that in the next few years, or even decades, she would not be able to truly relax, and that answer could only be put down temporarily.


For the rebels and revolutionaries, today is their most leisure day.

Those who should be busy are already busy, only waiting for the final time to come.

The day when the dissolution is announced is getting closer, and tomorrow is the day when the revolutionaries and the rebels disband.

At that time, they will announce to the whole country, apologize to the people, and then disappear without a trace in the angry curses of the people.

All the plans have been made, whether it is for the resistance army or the revolutionaries.

However, just today, the rebels in the city of Marani, the top revolutionaries received a video from the First Army.

At the same time, the "deportation order" of Voda City, the news of countless deaths and injuries of refugees spread across the country through various channels, and for a while, the civilians of Bentley were boiling.

Marani city, in a small villa on the hills outside.

The owner of the villa is a businessman, the well-known Huixing Chamber of Commerce in Marani City, "Rocks".

In addition to his identity as a businessman, he has another identity, the "instructor" of the resistance army.

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