Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1018: lay down

This secret has been known by the First Army, and he also received a video from the First Army.

The changes in the situation, the declaration of dissolution, and the plan for future power struggle have all the high-level rebels arriving in Marani city one after another.

At this moment, in the villa, nearly twenty important members of the resistance army gathered.

In a reception hall, everyone was sitting around a square table.

Their gazes swept across at a slap-sized instrument on the desktop, full of technological sense.

What kind of "handheld computer" is this? Not long ago, a soldier of the First Army sent it over.

Everyone is very unfamiliar with this thing, but they have guessed about its function.

It's nothing more than a miniature TV. Although these things are rare in Bentley, there are some in their collections.

It's just a lot bigger and rougher than the small TV on the desktop.

Not long ago, the video on the handheld computer played and they saw it.

Although they received more or less news in this regard, they were still surprised by the **** scene when they saw the tragedy of the refugees.

The voice in the reception hall was quiet and terrible, and everyone quietly looked at Lockes on the top and the small palm computer on the table.

The sound is quiet, I'm afraid I can hear even a needle falling on the ground.

In the first place, Locks sat upright, looking very ugly.

In the face of the silence of the crowd, he said aloud, depressingly: "This thing can only be done by "he". This is his last madness. He wants to bury all the civilians in Voda City with him. "

After shock and disbelief, Lockes could only calm down.

Everyone knows what Kinof is like. Such crazy practices seem incredible, but they can be easily accepted.

What is impossible in front of that one?

"What is the meaning of the First Army? If this video is circulated, then the consequences..."

Lylos on the side was a little puzzled. Although he didn't finish his words, why would everyone sitting here not understand the consequences?

Once the video is circulated, it will surely arouse the anger of the people of Bentley, and the hatred caused by the war will be transferred to the military government, Commander Kinov.

Pelosi said indifferently, "What's the meaning? Lylos! Don’t you understand? This is a method used by the First Corps to rule Bentley. Once the people are disappointed with the military government, they even hate the military government. Legion’s rule will be more acceptable."

Everyone looked at each other at Impelos's words and started talking in a low voice.

Although Lockes agrees with Pelos's words, there is one thing to add.

He said: "This is only one of them. The reason why the First Army sent this video to me is to hope that we can do something. I think the Revolutionary Party's First Army also sent a copy. ."

Hearing what Lockes said, everyone was thoughtful.

What can they do?

Looking at the crowd, Locks said calmly: "The news from the First Army in Voda City has spread. At this time, people across the country must be angry at this time. If we take advantage of this It’s easy to get people’s approval if you can stand out and denounce Kenofer’s brutality at the next opportunity. I think the First Army gave us this thing to remind us not to let go of this opportunity to gain public opinion."

Is that right?

At the words of Instructor Locks, everyone looked at each other and murmured.

They could not confirm whether the First Army meant this.

At this time, Locks’s voice overwhelmed everyone’s murmurs, and continued: “You should know that in the next new regime, important positions are held through elections, and gaining public opinion becomes the most important thing for those in power. This time, the First Army’s reminder only followed the previous agreement between the First Army and me. It will give us certain priority. We can’t let this opportunity pass."

Hearing what Lockes said, everyone suddenly realized.

Yes, people’s approval is the fastest way to get public opinion. They can’t let go of this opportunity.

"The resistance army is about to disband, we cannot use the identity of the resistance army, otherwise it will only be counterproductive."

A high-ranking rebel army spoke his opinion.

Lockes agrees with this opinion very much.

"That's right, the rebels cannot be used anymore. We have to use the identity of a businessman."

In the face of everyone’s attention, Lockes continued: “After the meeting, I will give each of you a sponsorship fund, and your task is to lobby as a businessman to increase your reputation. At the election, the people will vote for you."

Speaking of this, Lockes looked very serious and said: "This is the last thing I can do for you as an "instructor". From now on, I am no longer an instructor, but the president of the Huixing Chamber of Commerce. The future can only rely on your own efforts."

Facing Locke's gaze, everyone was silent, the expressions on their faces changing.

"Okay! I won't say much. There is no permanent banquet in the world. The end of the road has reached the end of the road since the development of the Resistance Army. If you are in a high position one day, I just hope You still remember the friendship of doing things with me."

"The first mover, the greater the chance, you should not be overtaken by the revolutionary group."

For the rebels, this meeting was a breakup meeting.

Since then, they have no one to rely on, only relying on their own talents and hard work to fight for too much.

For Lockes, he finally took the burden on his shoulders.

Standing in front of the window, Lockes quietly watched the figures leaving in the yard.

Among them, many people are very familiar with Lockes.

After so many years, the resistance army was born from his hands, and then destroyed from his hands. It is false to say that it is not sad.

But life is so strange, no one knows what will happen in the next second, this is probably fate.

In this era, only by following the trend can we survive better.

What kind of person he is, Lockes knows very well that he is just a very ordinary person, he is not able to take on too many responsibilities, and sometimes letting go is a good thing for him and for others.

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