Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1020: Hessian Guild

"My lord! Have you really decided? It's too late to regret it now, otherwise, once you do, the First Army will not let you go, the people of Bentley will not let you go, and the countries of West Asia will not have you either. A place to stay."

This decision was still too cruel, even Nu Liang, who had always been cold-blooded, couldn't help but shudder.

He knew that this was Kenof's last madness and his last revenge.

However, the price paid is too great, and the entire West Asian countries will probably be affected.

And Bentley State might disappear completely in this time, turning into a deserted ruin.

Holding the last point of hope, Nu Liang hoped that the people in front of him could give up this decision.


Kenofer, who looked at the distance, gave a grinning smile, turned his head and looked at Nu Liang beside him with crazy eyes.

"Regret? No, I will never regret it. I lost my son, lost my rights, and lost everything. How can I make it easier for those who caused me to lose everything?"

His voice was low and low, like a hungry wolf eating people.

Facing the ferocious gaze, Nu Liang lowered his head slightly, and said in a deep voice, "My lord is still young. As long as he is still alive, there is hope. There is more than this road."

"Are you scared?"

Staring fiercely at the slave, Genov's eyes revealed a hint of danger.

Perceiving the killing intent in Kenof's eyes, Nu Liang raised his head and stared at him without fear.

Faced with Kenof's madness, Nu Liang said calmly: "My life is saved by an adult. If the adult really wants to embark on a road that cannot be turned back, I will send the adult a ride and start my life again."

"Okay! The martial artist is really better than ordinary people. After this, you will no longer owe me."

With a haha ​​smile, Jinuofu withdrew his gaze from Nuliang, and looked back at the distant horizon.

In just a few words, some things have changed for the two of them.

Time passed bit by bit while the two were waiting.

I don't know how long it took, maybe half an hour, maybe an hour.

At the end of the sky north of Voda City, a small black spot finally appeared.

As the black spot approaches, its true colors are revealed.

It is a floating boat.

In order to save consumption, the floating boats of the Bus Association are equipped with sails. In this way, the energy consumption of the propellers will be greatly reduced.

But this floater is different.

There are no tall sails on its deck, and the overall ship is relatively slender, with two propellers on the front and rear sides of the ship.

At a glance, this floater was obviously born for speed.

On the high mast, a purple tree-patterned flag is waving in the wind, which looks very grand.

Under the gaze of the two, the floating boat slowly approached and finally docked on the pier.

Seeing the waiting target arrived, whether it was Nuliang or Genov, his eyes became solemn.

On the deck of the floater, they could see the presence of some people.

They dress very strangely, the overall color is dark, and they all have various weapons in their hands.

After the floating boat docked on the pier, a sturdy man took the two people off the floating boat and approached the two on the pier.

The big man was wearing a black half-length armor and carrying a machete on his shoulders. Walking from a distance, he could feel a tyrannical atmosphere.

Compared with the sturdy big guy, the two people beside the big guy are undoubtedly much thinner. They are wearing dark leather armor, and their entire faces are smiling, giving people a very gloomy feeling.

As for the arrival of the three, the soldiers in the airport increased their vigilance, and the guns in their hands deliberately faced the direction of the three.

"You are Commander Genov?"

When he came to the two of them, the big man took a look around Kenofer and asked with a smile.

Facing the big guy’s question, Genov said calmly: “It’s me! Did I bring the things I want?”

With a frown, the big man said very displeased: "Why, don't you believe in the strength of our "Hessian" Guild? As long as we are willing, let alone this little impulse device, even the "God of Guard", as long as you We can do it for you if we can afford it."

With a slight smile, Genov couldn't deny what the big man said.

"Of course! Your Hessian Guild has been walking in the dark for so many years. Of course, your ability will not be doubted. I believe you too, otherwise, I won't waste so much time contacting you."

Looking at the two people behind the big man, Genov's eyes noticed the box in one's hand.

"Okay! Not much to say, start trading!"

After speaking, Kenofer motioned to Nu Liang on the side.

Nu Liang stepped forward clearly, placed the box horizontally on his arm, and opened the box.

The bright yellow brilliance suddenly penetrated, making the eyes of the three people headed by the big man gleam.

Looking at the three of them, Genov said calmly: "There are a total of three hundred topaz coins, which are the common currency minted by "Kyoto", worth 300 million red crystal coins. This is the agreed number. You can click on it. "

The bright yellow brilliance of the box made the big man's eyes hot.

He quickly said to the person beside him: "Give him the pulse device."

At the gesture of the big man, the thin man with the box in hand passed the box to Nu Liang.

Two boxes of equal size were exchanged between Nuliang and the skinny person.

After receiving the box, Nu Liang opened the box. In the box, two fist-sized funnel-shaped mechanical devices lay quietly in the isolation layer. The round metal luster on it makes people know that the craftsmanship is extremely exquisite.

"That's right! Exactly three hundred, of high quality, they are the currency of Kyoto."

The inventory from his subordinates made Dahan very satisfied.

This trip was considered complete, and his position in the guild should be able to go a little further.

After looking at Nuliang, and then at Kenof, the big man reminded: "Although I don't know what you are going to use this thing for, I still want to remind you that this thing is an energy torrent node on the "God of Guard". , Is used to beam energy, a kind of launching device, you'd better keep it away from the original crystal, anything that can generate energy, otherwise, once the explosion of energy impacts, it will attract some bad things, let alone you This little Voda City, I am afraid that the entire Bentley nation will be destroyed."

Speaking of this, the big man was slightly taken aback.

Laughing casually, looking at Genov like a lunatic.

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