Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1021: Delightful

His eyes were very appreciative and said: "You lunatic, this kind of thing is really a loss for you to do. If you are a martial artist, I really want to pull you into the guild. If a talent like you is not used for yourself, That's a shame."

Waved his hand, the big man smiled and said: "My name is Heimo, a member of the Hessian Guild, if you can live, don't forget me if you have any big business."

In Kenof's smile, Heimohaha smiled and turned and left.

"let's go!"

With the two men, Heimo walked to the floating boat.

"By the way, the First Army has already notified the floats above Bentley that all floats entering or leaving Bentley must stop at the airport of Marani City for inspection. You should choose another way out."

On the way away, Heimo suddenly remembered this, and kindly reminded Genov.

Seeing the backs of the three people leaving, Kenofu's smile gradually turned gloomy.

Heimo's reminder undoubtedly hit what was most feared in Genov's heart.

Hei Mo was right, the floating boat was his last retreat in Genov's plan.

Now, after Blackmore's reminder, Jinover knew that his escape route would not work.

The only retreat was cut off, how could Genov be happy.

As the "buzzing" engine sounded, the floating boat docked on the dock slowly moved.

On the side of the ship, Hei Mo waved to the two of them with a grin on his rough face.

Looking at Kenof, his gaze was still full of appreciation, but there was a trace of hideousness in his appreciation.

Turning around, Jinuofu walked out, and Nu Liang followed closely.

In front of the airport, a convoy was waiting.

After leaving from the airport, Genov took Nuliang into a car.

Amidst the roar of "rumbling", the convoy moved slowly and headed east.

Outside the window, the once prosperous Voda City has long since disappeared.

Wherever the convoy passed, all they saw were empty streets.

Although looking out the window, Genov didn't care about all of this in front of him.

He just said calmly: "Soon, the First Army will launch an attack on Voda City. You don't have to participate in the battle. Your only task is to put the pulse device at the designated location. I will leave you some manpower. Time is already Running out."

Turning back, Nu Liang looked at Kenof's profile.

For the man beside him, Nu Liang wanted to see some room for maneuver on that face.

But to Nuliang's disappointment, the people around him had already made a decision and were very firm on this decision.

"I understand!"

For Nu Liang, the only thing he could do was to complete the tasks assigned to him by the people around him.

Placing the pulse device is not difficult nor easy.

In order for the pulse device to play the role that Commander Kinofer wanted, electricity was needed as a drive.

It also needs a platform on which the pulse device can be installed. It takes a certain amount of time to complete these steps.

What happened in Voda City is unknown to the First Army.

No one knew what Kinof wanted to do except Nu Liang.

No matter what Kinof wanted to do, it was impossible to stop the advancement of the First Army.

Just as the citizens of Bentley condemned Kenof, the army of the First Army approached Voda City little by little.

On January 25th, on this day, the army of the First Army marching from the land arrived at Bawei City.

On the sea, as early as yesterday, the transport fleet carrying the army arrived in the open sea outside the port of Voda City.

The battle is about to start.

But today, the battle is destined not to start.

The sea is vast and boundless.

In the blue sea, one side is land, you can see the mountains and the city.

On the other side of the sea, a huge fleet is floating quietly.

On the sea, towering bridges stand over a large area of ​​the sea.

That steel body, under the sunlight, reflected a dazzling metallic light.

At a glance, it was spectacular.

To the fleet on the sea, the defenders on the guard wall of the port of Voda had already seen it.

The tense atmosphere was floating on the guard wall as early as yesterday when the fleet arrived.

The soldiers guarding the wall looked at the fleet in the distance with only horror in their eyes.

The slightly decayed and huge shore defense guns on the guard wall did not give them much sense of security at all.

The fleet is waiting, waiting for the order to attack.

At this moment, the army that arrived at Bawei City did not stop. An army of nearly 15,000 people was driving away from Bawei City, and a long line passed through the south gate and entered the forest.

Huge war machinery, various types of vehicles, when the "rumbling" engine roars are intertwined, the movement that elicits is amazing, and Ba Wei city has already been alarmed by the arrival of the army.

Especially the medical station on the South Gate Square. When the army passed by the medical station, it attracted the attention of many people.

Seeing the army passing by, some patients cheered.

They look exhilarated, their eyes are complicated, but they also have a hint of revenge.

In the medical station, many people have become disabled, either with missing arms or legs.

Who caused all these evil consequences?

Facing the one in Voda City, shouldn't they have the pleasure of revenge?

"Are these people crazy?"

Looking at the cheering crowd beside her, Yuli standing in the crowd was puzzled.

The army in front of them is the invaders of their homeland. How can they be happy?

Yuli murmured to herself, Kaiwei on the side heard it.

He looked at the cheering crowd in front of him and the army passing by the medical station.

The expression was very indifferent, and he said softly: "It's not madness, but venting their grievances. If it were us, we would have the same mood."

The human heart is fragile and selfish.

When personal interests are hurt, any country, home, will be left behind.

This is human nature, an open mind will not be bound by any foreign objects.

It is natural for them to have such a performance around Kaiwei.

The people of Bentley now hate Kenof, especially the people who were expelled from Voda City. The hatred is even more serious. Today’s citizens of Bentley will only feel happy when the First Army attacked Voda City. .

If Kenofer can be caught and a trial can be held, the rule of Bentley will be much simpler for the First Army.

Although people's hearts are changeable, as long as there is a good start, when the people of Bentley are used to being ruled by the First Legion, their conscious perception will be changed. By then, the First Legion will Become the true master of Bentley Country.

Although Kaiwei did not understand political matters, he could see some things more clearly as a bystander.

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