Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1026: Woman's side

With a slight expression, Natasha thanked Li Meng, "Thank you! My master, this is exactly what I need."

Li Meng in the picture smiled slightly and said softly: "If you really want to thank me, when I come to Bentley, don't welcome me with a cold face. The acquaintance between you and me is not too short. I saw your soldier. I’ve never seen you as a woman. I’m looking forward to this trip to Bentley."

The woman's side?

When Natasha was confused, the owner in the picture had disappeared.

"Ding Dong!"

A prompt sounded.

"You have obtained new permissions to be included in the military system. Do you apply for intellectual brain assistance?"


It should be only AI.

Without thinking, Natasha chose yes on the screen.

As the screen flickered, a little man emerged from the page.

It is a virtual female AI that looks very delicate.

When she came out, she was very active and introduced to Natasha: "I am Smart AI2. I am very happy to serve you, General! From now on, I will be your most loyal assistant."

In order to test the capabilities of intelligent AI, Natasha said: "I want to find a road that can land the Hive Unmanned Fighter, which one in the city is suitable?

After receiving the instruction, Smart AI2 pulled out a map from the edge of the screen very spiritually.

The map shows the entire city of Marani.

"According to calculations, in Marani, there are only two roads that can land honeycomb combat drones. One is located in the west of the city. The terrain is relatively flat and the road conditions are fairly good. The only problem is that it is too close to the bazaar and there is a lot of traffic, which makes it difficult to clear the road. The second one is located in the center of the city, on one side of the central square. There are not too many vehicles here. The only trouble is the crowds. Because of the condemnation of Commander Genov, the central square has become a gathering place for the parade. Here, There are a lot of people and a compromise solution. It is recommended to choose the road near the central square to evacuate crowds and vehicles, and it is easier to evacuate crowds.

Very detailed and very user-friendly.

Natasha was very satisfied with the abilities demonstrated by Smart AI2.

In just a few seconds, Smart 2 had calculated the answer, and the plan was also planned in an instant.

How could Natasha not be satisfied with this ability.

Reaching out her hand slightly, Natasha put on her hood again.

Looking at the smart AI2 number on the page, Natasha said: "Just choose the second road and immediately order the guards in the city to send manpower to clear the road, and to requisition the central square as a place to place the hive to fight no one. The temporary foundation of the machine."

"Order the nearest transport ship, whether they are going to return to Nanlin Island or have left Nanlin Island, immediately return to the port of Nanlin Island and load the materials needed for the ground handling of the Hive Unmanned Fighter."

"With my right to immediately place an order to "Ayre", all ground handling materials, ammunition, fuel, accessories, and maintenance tools for the Hive Unmanned Fighter Fighter shall be subject to the three-month amount."

In one breath, Natasha gave a series of instructions.

"Understand! The relevant order has been issued."

With the help of intelligent AI, it is much more convenient for Natasha.

With the help of the network formed by quantum signal towers, it can be said that there is nothing that smart AI cannot do.

Anything Natasha can do can be handled by the hands of intelligent AI.

Looking at the smart AI on the page, Natasha said: "I will call you "Sha" from now on, this is your name."

The little man held the military salute and said solemnly: "General! "Sa" is very happy to serve you."

With an inadvertent glance, Natasha realized that Yvrich was still in the office.

Natasha's gaze was completely attracted by the new "Sha", which led to the ignorance of the existence of Jevrich.

Raising her head slightly, Natasha looked at Jevrich who was waiting.

"Continue to monitor the unknown floating vessel. After the Hive drone arrives, you will guide the Hive drone to attack the floating vessel. I will delegate authority later."

Seeing that General Natasha finally realized his existence, Jevrich quickly raised his military salute and said, "Yes!"

"General! If nothing else, I will leave first!"


As a tenth-level sergeant, all cities of Bentley, large and small, can be said to be supervised and managed by Jevric.

Compared to Natasha, Yevridge is quite busy, and of course Natasha also knows this, so she didn't stay for more.

"and many more!"

As Yevrich was about to turn around and leave, Natasha suddenly stopped him.

Faced with Jevric's doubts, Natasha asked a very strange question.

"Jevrich! How can I let the master see me as a "woman"?"

The woman's side?

In the helmet, the corners of Jevrich's mouth were slightly raised, and a smile appeared.

Although General Natasha is not young, she has been through the war and has been living as a soldier. The long military career has made General Natasha lose the beauty of a woman.

As a man, from the conversation between the commander and General Natasha just now, Jevric certainly knew what the commander wanted.

Looking at Natasha who was wearing a hood behind the table, Jevrich replied: "General! You are a woman. You are born with this side of a woman, but because of your military life, it is hidden, General The only thing that needs to be done is to temporarily forget the identity of the soldier and face the commander as an ordinary woman. Of course, people rely on clothes and saddles. If the general really can’t change from the identity of a soldier, then start from the appearance. As long as the general can perfectly show his charm, I believe the commander will not be disappointed."

Is that right?

Although what Jevrich said was reasonable, Natasha was still confused about what to do.

With a light wave to Yevrich, Yevrich turned around and left.

Start from the outside?

In addition to the armor on her body, Natasha has a dress bestowed by her master.

The purple dress was beautiful, and Natasha didn't think there was any clothing that could compare to that dress.

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