Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1027: Flustered

It must be impossible to start from the outside, Natasha realized it.

As if thinking of something, Natasha looked at the screen on the table again.

""Sha", how can I make me look more like a woman?"

Regarding this sudden question, "Sha" on the page was obviously taken aback, and her small face frowned very humanely.

For a moment, he said uncertainly: "If you stand from the perspective of a man, General Natasha does lack a touch of femininity. However, as a soldier, General Natasha, as a soldier, plus a woman, is even more attractive to men. The strength is right. The reason for the lack of femininity can be eliminated. According to the usual psychology of normal men, men are generally very conquering for their loved ones. If they do not completely conquer the women they love, men will never Don't worry, they will worry, they will doubt, and they will do something bad..."

As if the plane crashed, "Sha" was taken aback for a moment, and said very disappointed: "Sorry! General, based on the results of my millions of calculations, if you want to calculate the answer, there are 99.9% of the answers. Maybe I will have a "down" state."


"Sha"'s words made Natasha thoughtful.

Is it because I made the master feel a little worried?

Conquer her?

Natasha seemed to understand something.

On that night, although she gave herself to the master, there was not much fluctuation in her heart.

For Natasha, that night was just physical pleasure.

The master was very interested in that, and wanted to get her, as a subordinate and as the master's family member, Natasha just met the master's needs.

Obviously, the owner was aware of her thoughts and planned to do something about it.

Thinking of this, Natasha's heart was a little confused.

Natasha understood very well that the relationship between her and her master could not go from strangers to holding hands like ordinary people.

She also understands that she is not qualified.

The master did this just because he wanted to make the distance between the two people closer.

After all, before, when facing the owner, Natasha did not give a good look.

This is true whether as a human being or as a "zombie".

Although she stayed alone with her host for one night when she left, the time for one night was too short.

What Natasha was worried about was that as a soldier, she didn't know how to respond to her master. What if she did something wrong when faced with the master, and what should she do?

Just in Natasha's random thoughts, at this time in the port of Nanlin Island, with the "buzzing" engine roar, twelve Hive Unmanned Fighters flew out of the dock one after another and rushed into the eastern sky.

The hive unmanned fighter jets are extremely fast, and they have disappeared from the horizon in less than twenty seconds.

The movement caused by the departure of the Hive Unmanned Fighter Aircraft still attracted the attention of some people in the port. For the people, they did not know what it was that they had just left, a kind of aircraft? The only thing they saw was the dark green body and the blue flame.

Leaving the dock, the twelve Hive Unmanned Fighters rushed to an altitude of 2,000 meters and shuttled between the clouds.

Along with the roar of the engine, twelve dark-green figures flashed past the sky. Wherever they passed, the clouds were disturbed, and there appeared one hole after another. When they moved away, the place they passed was changed by the strong air current. The shape of the clouds.

Amid the roar of the "rumbling" engine, twelve Hive Unmanned Fighters headed towards Bentley at high speed.

When the Hive Unmanned Fighter left Nanlin Island, in Bentley’s military system, a combat unit about the Hive Unmanned Fighter appeared, and under the real-time monitoring of signal positioning, it accurately learned the location of the Hive Fighting UAV. .

When the Hive Unmanned Fighter rushed to Bentley at high speed, at the end of the drone, in Marani City, ground forces were also nervously evacuating pedestrians and vehicles on the target road.

On the central square, ten T1 armored personnel carriers have arrived at the scene.

Nearly 300 soldiers are evacuating the crowd in the central square.

In the square, the soldiers surrounded a field and cleared all vehicles on the road east of the square.

"Please keep order. No one is allowed to approach the cordon. You are free outside the cordon. The First Army will not interfere with your personal freedom."

The speakers on the square repeat over and over again, reminding people, and making the civilians on the square very puzzled.

What is the First Army doing?

Seeing the soldiers on the square who were acting tensely, the people were puzzled.

The central square is huge, and the First Army only occupies a corner.

Regarding the evacuation of the soldiers, the people on the square did not have much riots, and they cooperated to leave the cordon circled by the First Army.

Many days have passed since the Bloody Day, but the parade that condemned Chief Genover did not end. Today, the central square is still crowded.

The city of Marani is now being rebuilt, and for many people, their previous work has stopped.

Although some people chose to stay at home and expressed concern about the situation outside, more people came out because the gunshots in Marani had disappeared for a long time. When the **** day happened, many people came to Said that they finally had something to do.

Under rumors, many civilians were attracted to the central square, which is also a good place for speeches for businessmen with aspirations in the future.

Looking at the square, the voices of people are boiling, and the number is overwhelming. I am afraid that the number has already exceeded 10,000.

In the eyes of the public, the soldiers on the square focused on doing their own business without external influence.

Pull the cordon, set up guards, control all intersections on the road east of the square, and signal passing vehicles to detour. On the square, large camps are being built and are slowly taking shape.

Marani City, Commander's Mansion.

"The Hive Unmanned Fighter is about to arrive in Bentley. It will take about 20 minutes. After arriving in Bentley, the Hive Unmanned Fighter will have 25% of the remaining fuel, which can effectively perform air combat missions, Master Jevrich. I have already taken over the control of the drone. When the drone enters the country, two drones will attack and intercept the target."

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