Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1028: Attack on the floater

"General! Sergeant Jevrich sent a message asking whether to shoot down the target floater?"

Faced with "Sha"'s question, Natasha did not hesitate at all.

"shoot down!"

Two words came out coldly from the hood.

"Received! Sergeant Javridge has been summoned."

"General! Is it connected to the drone's monitoring screen?"



As the picture flickered, a video appeared on the screen.

From the video, Natasha can see the blue sky and white clouds, the clouds slowly receding.

Under the clouds, on the far horizon, Natasha also saw a continental coastline.

In the corner of the video, "Sha" jumped out.

"The target pontoon is located over the northeastern coastline of Bentley. It is heading eastward and is about to leave the airspace of Bentley. With the speed of the hive drone, it will be able to attack the target in about half an hour."

"After the previous monitoring of the target pontoon, the probability of the target pontoon being armed is 40%, and its weapons should be similar to the "crystal guns" installed by the Airbus. Although this weapon is powerful, it is powerful. It can also be adjusted according to the loaded "original crystal", but because its trajectory is very slow, it cannot effectively deal with the drone in high-speed movement. It is expected that the degree of resistance will not be very high. After half an hour, the general will be able to see The crashed floating boat."

"A search team composed of sickle mechas has departed from nearby Leqin City and is heading to the location where the floater is expected to fall."

I have to say that Sha is quite quick in grasping the situation.

However, this is also a matter of course.

Now, the communications of the First Army and the movement of the army are all carried out through data terminals.

In the military system alone, "Sha" can know everything he wants to know.

The smooth flow of the Internet, for Shah, all soldiers and war machines equipped with electronic eyes are its eyes.

Everything the First Army has today is very information-based. Whether it is the powered combat uniforms worn by the soldiers or the war machinery, they are all 100% electronic, and the central core chip is effectively connected to the data terminal.

At this time, the picture in the video can no longer see the sea, only the white clouds and the forest sea below.

This shows that the Hive Unmanned Fighter has entered the airspace of Bentley.

For the upcoming attack, the black Mo in the distance did not know.

In the endless sky, above the sea of ​​clouds, a floating boat is slowly sailing.

The rotation of the propeller made a "whoop" sound, and the strong wind generated by the rotation pushed the floating boat forward.

At this height, the sky is no longer blue, and the earth is not flat.

In the sky above, there was a pale red, just like sunset clouds at sunset.

On the deck of the pontoon, some people are relaxing in the sun.

At this height, the sun has already had some temperature, which can make people feel a touch of warmth.

Among these people, also includes the owner of this ship, "Black Mo".

On the bow deck, Heimo looked into the distance.

In the distance, the blue sea can already be seen, and soon they will leave Bentley.

"My lord! We ignored the first legion's notice so much. From now on, our Hessian guild may not be able to move freely in the first legion."

The words of the people around him caused Hei Mo to withdraw his sight from a distance.

Looking at the people around him, he laughed and said indifferently: "We are the dark guild, where do we want to go, who can stop? The ban? There are not hundreds or dozens of countries that have imposed bans on our Hessian Guild. What’s wrong with having an extra First Corps? Besides, whether there will be a Bentley nation in the future is still a problem. Don’t think about these problems."

Speaking of this, Hei Mo smiled, disdainfully said: "I thought the First Legion had so much magical powers, and I deliberately chose a remote route, I didn't expect any movement."

"My lord! What do you mean? Why doesn't Bentley exist?"

One of Heimo's words made the thin and small people very curious, and the adults obviously pointed something.

Hei Mo did not hide this matter.

He grinned rudely, with a fierce look on his face, and said fiercely: "The impulse device is not a good thing. Once the thing is used improperly, it will attract extremely terrible things. Ruthless, even I am afraid that he is not as good as him. What does such a lunatic do with a pulse device? It must be done something that even our dark guild dare not do."

is it possible?

Heimo's words made the skinny person stunned.

Although Heimo didn't say it clearly, he also thought of it.

He said incredulously: "The last time the apostle appeared was ten years ago, my lord! This shouldn't be possible."

"who knows?"

In response, Heimo just shrugged.

Whether it is possible to lead to the "Apostle" is just a matter of probability, it depends on the madman's reluctance to spend money.

Enough energy impact requires enough energy matter.

And the most common energy matter is only the original crystal. If there are enough original crystals, it is not impossible for the apostle to be attracted by the explosion of energy.

At this moment, Heimo's expression suddenly became suspicious.

"Did you hear anything?"

Heimo asked the person beside him.


The thin man shook his head. The only thing he could hear was the sound of the propeller. Even if there were other sounds, he couldn't hear it.

The strange sound became louder and clearer, and Heimo dared to confirm that it was definitely not the sound from the propeller.

Leaving the hull, Heimo walked quickly to the side of the ship on the left, looking at the clouds below.

Although the clouds below are slightly disturbing, it is caused by the wind generated by the propeller.

Getting closer...

Suddenly, just as Hei Mo was puzzled, the clouds below suddenly violently disturbed.

With a harsh whistling, two dark green aircraft rushed out of the clouds.

"Da da da!"

The head of the aircraft that rushed out of the clouds shot out a ball of flames.

A series of bullet marks hit the floater.

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