Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1029: Falling floating boat

"Enemy attack!"

Seeing this scene, Heimo only had time to let out a roar, jumped and left the ship's side.

"Boom! Boom!"

A dense explosion appeared from the bottom of the ship, and the fragile hull of the pontoon was directly torn apart by the shells.

A large amount of debris fell off the main body and disappeared in the clouds.

In the violent shaking, people on the deck suddenly turned over and exclaimed.


With the roaring engine roaring, with a strong air current, two honeycomb drones flew over from the side of the floater and went straight into the sky.

Looking towards the bottom of the ship, in a wave of bursts of fire, the dense shells directly tore two holes in the bottom of the floating ship.

After an attack, making a circle in the sky, the hive combat drone continued to pounce on the floating ship.

At this time, everyone on the floater also discovered what was attacking them.

"They are here!"

Seeing two unknown aircraft leaped towards the floating boat, a mess suddenly appeared on the deck.

"Da da!"

The drone that dived into the floater launched another attack.

It was still a burst, and after a burst of shells were fired, the drone dexterously turned and climbed.

And the howling shells hit the deck of the floater like raindrops.

"Boom! Boom!"

Fireballs rose, wood fragments flew around, and there were two explosions on the deck of the floater.

The huge deck was just ploughed, and a big hole appeared.

A few people evaded in a hurry, and were torn to pieces by shells, with fragments and limbs scattered all over the deck.


Just hearing a huge explosion, a huge fireball soared from the right side of the floater.

The propeller on the right side of the pontoon exploded, and the entire bracket burned.

In the previous attack, several shells hit the propeller.

"Jing Cannon! Prepare Crystal Cannon!"

On the deck, Black Mo roared loudly.

The violent shaking had already caused the people on the floater to panic, how could the order to Heimo be received in time.

At this time, the thin man who was originally on the bow ran to Heimo very lightly.

"My lord! Their speed is too fast. With the ballistic speed of the crystal cannon, it is impossible to hit them. We must find another way."

The words of the thin man made Heimo's expression sink.

The look on that rough face was very ugly.

Hei Mo knew that the person in front of him was right, and it was impossible for the crystal cannon to attack such a high-speed aircraft.

Damn the First Army, I didn't expect to attack them at this time.

For the owners of those two aircraft, you don't need to think about it, Black Mo knows who belongs to them, and who else is there besides the First Army?

"Da da da!"

I'm afraid the bullet rain hit again, and the floating boat still sailing in the sky once again rose up countless fireballs.

Flames splashed, broken woods danced wildly, and the hull of the huge pontoon was once again torn apart by a huge hole.

In the face of the Hive Unmanned Fighter's attack, the floater has no defensive capabilities at all.

Under wave after wave of drone attacks, the floating boat is disintegrating.

Numerous remains fell off the main body, burning flames and falling into the clouds.


In the attack of the unmanned fighter jet, a huge explosion suddenly occurred in the bow of the floater.

The surging flames directly blasted the entire bow of the ship, and the wreckage flew into the sky like raindrops.

When the explosive fireball dissipated, the floating ship suddenly sank, and the bow tilted downward. The entire floating ship seemed to have lost its lift and slowly fell into the clouds.

"My lord! It's not good, the balance rudder was blown up, and the spacecraft is falling!"

On the bridge, a person rushed out of the cockpit and shouted to Heimo.

This caused Hei Mo's expression to change drastically, and he hurriedly said to the panicked men on the deck: "Everyone enters the cabin and prepares for collision prevention."

After finishing speaking, Heimo grabbed the collar of the thin man beside him, leaped forcefully, his sturdy figure soared into the sky, and landed accurately on the bridge 30 meters away.

Black Mo took the thin man into the cab.

On the deck, there are still many people struggling. As the angle of inclination of the pontoon increases, the people on the deck become more and more dangerous.

With their abilities, they can't break free from the constraints of gravity.

From time to time, someone broke away from the floating boat and fell into the clouds in desperate cries.

In the disintegration sound of "creak, creak," the huge floating boat rushed out of the cloud with the wreckage and fell to the ground.

Below, there is the endless forest, and the sea close at hand in the east.

The picture of the falling of the floating boat is still very shocking.

Such a big ship just fell from the sky.

Although the speed of the fall is not very fast, it is easy to cause nervous resonance when watching it slowly contact the ground.

When the floating ship started to fall, the hive drones in the sky stopped attacking and circled the falling floating ship.

Kilometers, five hundred meters, two hundred meters, one hundred meters.

The fallen floating boat plunged headlong into the forest.

At the moment of contact, countless trees suddenly broke, and the cracking sound became a piece.

Under the buffer of the trees, the force of the collision was slightly weakened. However, when everything subsided, the floating boat with a trace of blue smoke had disintegrated, and only a piece of wreckage could be seen from a distance.

In the sky, the Hive Unmanned Fighter was hovering at a low altitude, and it took three full laps before it rose and disappeared into the western sky.

Although the hive unmanned fighter jets left, in the forest a few miles west of the wreckage of the floater, a team of sickle mechas was approaching the wreckage of the floater.

In the gloomy forest, the Sickle Mecha moves extremely fast.

Whether it is a steep long slope, a turbulent ground, or a bush full of vines, they cannot stop the pace of the Scythe Mech. The four sharp mechanical feet and its unique behavior pattern make the Scythe Mecha adapt to anything. terrain.

Half an hour later, with the sound of machinery running, six sickle mechas emerged from the forest and came to the place where the floating ship fell.

The huge floating boat overwhelmed a piece of trees, leaving a hole in the dense forest.

In this hole, it is still dark.

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