Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1030: chase

Because the falling floating boat did not directly touch the ground, but squeezed into the forest.

The impact during the fall is strong, but the bearing capacity of tall trees is not weak.

In that moment of impact, many trees were broken, but the broken trees also became a buffer.

Under the buffer of countless trees, the huge pontoon did not touch the ground at all, and the main body of the bow was still nearly five meters away from the ground.

Looking at the wreckage of the floating ship overhead, the Sickle Mecha squad in the forest was a little troubled.

Although the Sickle Mech has a certain jumping ability, there is no problem jumping on a five-meter-high floating boat.

Although the climbing ability is also very strong, the floating boat at this moment is very unstable, and the structure of the wreckage has become very fragile, but it cannot withstand the toss of the Sickle Mecha.

"Sergeant Chief! Let's leave the Sickle Mech and search for the wreck of the floating ship. The Sickle Mech is too big and too rough, and it is easy for the wreck to collapse again."

"No! You can be well protected in the Sickle Mech. Once you leave, you will be exposed to the eyes of the enemies that may appear. The order I got is to carry out the necessary search for the fallen floating ship. Can you get useful information? If you find a survivor, you can, or it doesn’t hurt. There is no need to let you take risks for those irrelevant."

The chief sergeant who led this team clearly rejected his proposal.

The chief sergeant knew what to do.

It is impossible for him to let his men take risks in this place.

It’s too deep in the forest. Without the protection of heavy armor, the soldiers would be in a dangerous situation.

This danger comes not only from the polluting beast, but also from the survivors in the floating boat.

How can someone who can ignore the notice of the First Army be an ordinary person.

If you are a martial artist, once you face it up close, his men will be very dangerous.

In the combat manual of the First Army Corps, it is clearly stipulated that when facing an enemy with martial artists, we must keep a distance, use long-range firepower to suppress them, and don't let martial artists have the possibility of getting close.

Once things are impossible, they can retreat temporarily to avoid fearless sacrifice.

As the master sergeant, when in office, the combat manual must be familiar and kept in mind.

"Release the miniature detection robot!"

At this time, the function of the micro robot is revealed.

Under the command of the chief sergeant, the abdomen armor of a sickle mecha was opened, and three slap-sized probe robots fell to the ground from the opened armor.

They are like spiders, and they are also like small versions of sickle mechas. They are extremely fast, climbing up the wreck of the floating ship along the broken trunk.

In the Sickle Mech, the soldiers monitor the transmission of the detection robot in the helmet.

The picture is changing extremely fast, and all you can see is the broken remains.

As the detection robot deepened, the soldiers also saw some dead bodies.

Although the speed of the floater's falling seems to be very slow, it is actually quite fast, and the force generated by that moment of impact is enough to make people shattered.

Just as the detection robot moved dexterously in the wreckage, a huge face suddenly appeared in the picture.

The sudden appearance of the face shocked the soldiers who were monitoring the picture.

It was a survivor. He seemed to have discovered this unknown little thing in front of him. He opened his mouth to say something but couldn't say it.

A huge main beam was pressed on his body, and the huge weight made his body become broken, and he no longer had the strength to speak.

Within ten seconds, he closed his mouth forever, and the blood-filled face became deadly silent.

Obviously, he is dead.

In the scan detection information returned by the detection robot, he has lost his vital signs.

The detection robot continues to move forward.

"what is this?"

A strange thing in the picture caused a soldier to make a sound of surprise.

During the exploration, a probe robot came to a fairly wide cabin.

In a pile of debris, a light blue spar was found.

It is transparent, half the size of a fist, with light blue radiance swirling on its surface, which looks very strange.

"It shouldn't be anything, please recycle it immediately!"

The sergeant gave the order.


Using the robotic arm of the detection robot, the soldiers recovered the light blue spar.

In subsequent searches, the soldiers found a lot of things in the floater.

The most valuable is of course the crystal coins. In the entire wreckage, the soldiers found a lot of crystal coins.

Especially in a suitcase, there is a box full of yellow crystal coins, worth hundreds of millions of red crystal coins.

Just this box of topaz is a worthwhile trip for the search team.

However, this also shows that this floater is unusual.

No one would wander around with so many crystal coins. The only possibility is that this floating ship just completed a transaction not long ago, and these crystal coins are the reward for the transaction.

Think about where the pontoon comes from, everything can be explained.

"Search carefully, be sure to find a living mouth."

For this mission, the sergeant is very clear from beginning to end.

The property found is not their purpose, their purpose is to survive.

The First Army needs to know who the owner of this ship is, and the purpose of their arrival in Bentley.

Just as the search team focused on searching the floating ship, a figure jumped from the blind area of ​​the Sickle Mech from the wreckage of the floating ship and rushed into the dense tree canopy.

Among the gloomy branches and leaves, his posture is very dexterous, turning into a black shadow and gleaming, rushing to the south.

Although he escaped the surveillance of the sickle mecha in the forest, in the wreckage, a detection robot happened to see him passing by in the forest.

"Found the target! He is fleeing to the south!"

The soldiers who discovered the situation quickly reported to their superiors.


With just one word, the words fell, and the powerful engine roared.

In the rapid alternation of mechanical legs, six sickle mechas rushed into the forest like the wind, chasing them south.

In the gloomy forest, the Sickle Mecha was running at full speed, extremely fast.

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