Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1031: trial

In the rush, the upper armor of a sickle mecha opened, and two miniature flying robots that looked like wasps flew out.

Compared with the speed of the Sickle Mecha, the micro flying robot is much faster.

Leaving the sickle mecha, the miniature flying robot dashed into the branches and leaves, chasing the fleeing figure.

"Lock the target, do you fire?"

Looking up, although the sickle mecha cannot find the target among the dense branches and leaves, the wasp detection robot can.

By detecting the location of the robot's feedback by the wasp, the sickle mecha under the forest can effectively attack it.

"Warning shot!"

The first legion wanted a living, not a dead person.

"Da da!"

While running, a sickle mech opened fire.

The large-caliber rotary heavy machine gun expelled a ball of flames, and a series of bullets tore through the gloomy space under the forest and attacked the upper part of the forest ahead.

"Chih! Chih!"

In the hit of the bullet, countless branches and leaves fell from the sky.

A huge branch was directly pierced by the dense bullets, and fell into the gloomy forest in the sound of "click, click".

The sound of gunshots caused the figure jumping and fleeing from the tree to stop suddenly on the branch.

"Stop! Surrender, don't shoot!"

When the words fell, a thin figure fell from the tree, holding his head in both hands to express surrender.

"Stop! Stop attacking."

Seeing the target surrendered, the chief sergeant gave a clear order to stop the attack.

Six sickle mechas surrounded the thin man, and the black hole's muzzle almost touched his head.

Looking at the big guys around him, his face was full of blood, he smiled, and kept saying: "surrender, surrender, surrender."

"Sergeant Chief! The detection robot in the wreckage of the floating ship was destroyed. According to the video, another person did it."

The commander's brows frowned slightly.

Tune the tiger away from the mountain?

To the effect, after some searching, they originally thought there was only one survivor.

Therefore, no troops were left on the float.

The thin guy in front of him seemed to be just an abandoned son, and the identity of the person who ran away was even more valuable.

"Should you return to the hunt immediately?"

The chief sergeant vetoed his subordinate's inquiry.

"No need, and it's too late. What we need to know is the purpose of this floater in and out of Bentley, as well as their identities. A living mouth is enough."

What are they doing?

Looking at the big guys around him, the thin people were very puzzled.

He had been holding his head for several minutes, but the people surrounding him did not do anything, and the pain that existed all the time made him very uncomfortable.

At this moment, the sound of metal running suddenly sounded.

A one-and-a-half-meter-wide and one-meter-long opening was opened on the armor of a sickle mecha on the left.

Looking inside, you can see a narrow space.

"Go in!"

At the same time, the sound of machinery was transmitted to the ears of thin people.

"This..., is this too small?"

He looked bitterly at the little door.

Facing him hesitating, the black hole's muzzle was further away from him, almost touching his forehead.

"Don't, I'll go in, can't I go in?"

Under the eaves, people had to bow their heads. The person who knew the time was Junjie, and he wittily entered the container of the Sickle Mecha and approached.

The entrance is small, but his thin body is easy to get in.

It got into the container very quickly.


Amid the sound of metal turning, the container door closed.

The target has been recovered, and the sergeant issued an order.

"let's go!"

With an order, the engine roared, and the mechanical legs moved away, and the six sickle mechas went in the direction they had come and disappeared into the gloomy forest.

The return journey is smooth. Whether it is armor or firepower, the Sickle Mecha can be called "excellent." Under the protection of the Sickle Mecha, most of the polluting beasts in the forest are not a threat.

When the search team returned to Leqin City, it was already an hour later.

Lechen City is located in the northeast of Bentley. It originally belonged to Commander Masco. This is an agricultural city and one of the few food producing areas in Bentley.

As a city of agriculture, Leqin City has a large area, but its population is quite small.

In the entire city, the area of ​​fertile fields occupies 95%, while the rest is occupied by a small town in which nearly 30,000 civilians live.

Rather than being a city, Lechen City is more like a large farm.

Because of the existence of the city wall, it was included in the ranks of the city.

Compared with the tall walls of the capital, the walls of Leqin City are undoubtedly much lower, only more than 20 meters high.

Fortunately, a man-made wasteland was opened outside the city wall so that those huge tree crowns would not extend over the city wall.

Although the population of Lechen City is small, there is also a city hall in the place where the civilians live.

After the First Army took over the city, the City Hall was taken over by the First Army.

When the search team returned to Leqin City with the target, an interrogation began in the city hall

It is small but very bright here.

The light from the overhead is very dazzling, making people unable to concentrate and feeling a little tired in consciousness.

On an iron chair, a thin man with a **** face was firmly fixed.

Opposite him was a soldier sitting in his seat.

He is not an ordinary soldier, but a sergeant.

"I know that you are very painful and have a slight concussion. Although your martial artist is healthy, you are also a mortal body, just like a human being, and equally vulnerable. As long as you answer the next question I will ask, I assure you , You will get good treatment."

The words of the sergeant in front of him made him on the iron seat reluctantly smile, and said very cooperatively: "You ask, only I know, and I will never hide it."

The Sergeant Chief was undoubtedly very satisfied with the other party's cooperation.

Cooperation is good. Cooperation is good for both parties. If you don't cooperate, the chief sergeant doesn't care about using some extreme methods.

The sergeant began the interrogation.

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