Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1032: What do you want to do

"What is your name?"


"Where do you come from? For whom?"

"The Kingdom of Orleans, my hometown, is now a member of the Hessian Guild."

"Martial Arts Association?"

"No, it's the Dark Guild."

Was it the Dark Guild?

This answer surprised the sergeant.

For the Dark Guild, the First Legion still knows a little bit.

Although I haven't been in direct contact, I know from some channels what kind of existence the Dark Guild is.

When there is light in the world, there is darkness. If the Martial Arts Guild is the side of the light, then the Dark Guild is the side that opposes the darkness. There is always a conflict between the two.

What the Chief Sergeant did not expect was that in such a special period, the Dark Guild would appear in Bentley.

Of course, this is not a good thing.

The Chief Sergeant had a hunch that the appearance of the Dark Guild in Bentley was definitely not a good thing for the First Legion.

With a slight expression on his face, the chief sergeant asked, "Who is the one who escaped from the floater?"

"Heimo! One of the important members of the Hessian Guild and the leader of this Bentley National Tour."

"What is your purpose in coming to Bentley?"

"A deal."

"What deal? With whom?"

To all the enquiries of the Sergeant, Sass answered truthfully.

This is not because he is greedy for life and fear of death, but from Heimo's advice.

Sass knew that their trip to Bentley was a failure.

Although the transaction was completed, the withdrawal failed.

They not only ruined the precious floating boat, but also lost hundreds of millions of red crystal coins.

Money is something outside the body, and now the most important thing is to save one's life.

As long as one's life is saved, he can be free again.

Therefore, he did not intend to conceal any inquiries from the First Army.

There is nothing to conceal. Although the dark guild does not please all countries and has always done things in secret, the dark guild will not deliberately hide the fact that the guild exists. On the contrary, it will deliberately expose it sometimes because only Business will come to your door when you are famous.

"A month ago, Commander Genoff of Voda City contacted the guild and asked the guild to help find an important item."

"What item?"

"Pulse device."

Pulse device?

What does Kenoff want this thing for?

This thing is just an energy stimulating device. Is it possible that Kinof intends to use it to make a powerful weapon against the First Army?

"What does he want this for?"

Shrugging, Sass smiled and said: "Who knows? We are just meeting his requirements. As for what he wants to do with the pulse device, it is not all we can know."

"Really? What are you laughing at? It seems that the pain in your body is not strong enough."

After speaking, the sergeant nodded to the soldier standing beside Sass.

After receiving a signal from the Sergeant Chief, the soldier standing on the left side of Sass clearly raised the **** of his rifle and smashed it at the face of Sass, who was showing change.

"Wait! I said, can't I say it's okay?"

Seeing the huge **** of the rifle hit his face, Sass quickly admitted.

Looking at the huge gun, you know that the weight is not light. If it hits his face, it will be light, and it may be disfigured.

Sass's recognition made his face that wasn't ugly safe, and the dark green **** came to an abrupt end a few centimeters from Sass's face.

Retracting the gun, taking a step back, the soldier returned to where he stood.

Looking at Sass on the iron chair, the sergeant said coldly: "Let's talk! This is the last question."

With a sigh of relief, Sas said: "I can't guarantee whether this is the case, but I learned from Heimo that Commander Genov should use a pulse device to cause a strong energy shock. If If the energy shock is strong enough, it will attract some sources of disaster."

That lunatic...

Insath's words, this answer made the look of the master chief who was aware of something very ugly.

This is the last madness, once it happens, even the First Legion will be difficult to deal with.

After all, there are "things" beyond imagination in this world, under which human civilization is quite fragile.

When he got up, the sergeant left the interrogation room in a hurry. He must report the news to his superiors as soon as possible.

Marani City, the commander's mansion.

"is it possible?"

The interrogation report from Leqin City made Natasha somewhat suspicious.

Doubt the possibility of this.

What can be called the "source of disaster", there is only one kind of living thing in this world.

That is the "Apostle".

Regarding the apostles, the First Army lacked understanding and had never seen them.

But from the words and phrases of human beings, we can also feel the horror of this creature.

Moreover, the apostle has not appeared for more than ten years.

In the past ten years, there have been many energy shocks caused by protocrystalline ore around the world, but in these energy shocks, no apostle has ever appeared.

Even if Genov intends to create an artificial energy shock, can he really attract the "Apostle"?

"This is a matter of probability, and does not exclude the possibility of the appearance of the apostle. From the perspective of past energy shock events, even if this man-made energy shock will not attract the apostle, it will also lead to the polluting beast attack from the sky flying. The First Army must prepare in advance for this."

"Sha"'s warning silenced Natasha.

The battle in Voda City is about to begin, and the army will launch an attack tomorrow morning.

As soon as the gunfire sounded, Genov, who knew that victory was hopeless, was likely to cause an energy shock.

Can you make it?

Can the army attacking the city stop Kenofer's crazy behavior?

No, this cannot be done by the army.

Once the army has captured the city wall, it is the last time to be crazy for Genov in the city.

Not to irritate him, you must find a way to destroy the pulse device.

Getting up, Natasha came to the window.

Looking out, it was already dark.

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