Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1033: Undercurrent

"Sha", immediately issued an order to the chief sergeant in charge of the front line to send a special operations team composed of "black iron warriors" into the city, find the impulse device, and find a way to destroy it!"

Time is running out.

Natasha knew very well that it had been many days since Genov received the pulse device.

Regardless of whether the First Legion will attack the city tomorrow morning, if he has already decided in his heart, even if the First Legion gives up the siege, he will also trigger an energy pulse. This is only a matter of time.

If the First Corps stays on hold, it may trigger his suspicion and trigger energy pulses in advance.

There is only one wisest way now, and that is to find the impulse device and destroy it before Genov causes an energy shock.

"Understood! The order has been issued. At 23 o'clock in the middle of the night, a task force composed of "Black Iron Warriors" will sneak into the city to perform tasks."

"General! Will you report this to the commander?"

Report to the owner?

After thinking about it, Natasha said: "No, keep it secret for the time being. Now the master has returned to the human body and needs to rest. Don't disturb the master with these annoying things."

"Understood! The information on this matter has been locked through the local file stand-alone, waiting for the right time to be transmitted to the data terminal."

"That's it! Well done."


It was late at night.

Under the blowing of the cold wind, the dim half-moon hid in the clouds.

This made the whole world become dark and deeper.

At this time, there was an undercurrent surging in the forest outside the east city of Voda City.

In the dark forest, the shadows flickered, only the sound of "whooping" and the slight footsteps could prove their existence.

At the edge of the forest, they stopped.

They stand in the darkness and merge with the darkness.

Although it is dark in the forest, light can be seen outside.

From the tall city wall, a few beams of light penetrated down, scanning the wasteland between the forest and the city wall.

Although it is located to the east of Voda City, it is the least likely to be attacked by the enemy.

But in this foolproof place, Voda City still put a lot of troops in garrison.

Looking at the city wall, with the help of the afterlight of the searchlight, one can see the shaking figures.

With the help of darkness, they left the forest and ran wildly on the wasteland.

The extremely fast speed made it impossible for the searchlights on the city wall to find them at all, and within a few breaths, their dashing posture was already close to the city wall.

In the darkness, they leaped to their feet, leaping more than thirty meters high.

When the lift disappears, before they fall.

Just listening to the sound of "chichi", they used sharp gloves and fingertips deeply into the city wall.

Like a spider, more than a dozen figures were climbing on the city wall, towards the top.

Since this was a covert operation, the dark iron warrior who climbed the wall did not alarm anyone.

In silence, the dark iron warrior who had passed over the city wall entered Voda City.

Voda City, outside the North Gate.

It was late at night, but in the first legion barracks outside the north gate of Voda City, it was not completely calm.

In the huge command camp, many senior sergeants are working hard.

"The Dark Iron Warrior has entered the city smoothly and is now located in the military and civilian areas to the east of the city."

On the command platform, an electronic map of Voda City has appeared. In the residential area of ​​the east of the city, many small blue dots are moving. It is a black iron warrior. Each small basket dot represents a black Iron warrior.

"Voda City is very large. It is difficult to search the city with only a small group of dark iron fighters. We must find out where the impulse device may be installed."

Voda City is too big, let alone a small group of dark iron warriors, even if there are a thousand dark iron warriors, it is difficult to search the whole city.

"Intelligent AI has analyzed relevant data. According to data analysis, there are three places in Voda City that are most likely to install impulse devices. One is the tallest building in the city. It is located in the middle of the city. The top platform is wide enough to exist. The conditions for the installation of the impulse device are: the second is a square in the west of the city. It has a wide sight line and is a good stronghold. The third possibility is the airport in Voda City, which is the tallest building in Voda City. The wharf is sufficient to install the pulse device, and its height can also maximize the intensity of the energy impact. In the data analysis of intelligent AI, the airport is the most likely place to install the pulse device."

"Then we will be divided into three groups. We have run out of time. Before dawn, the impulse device must be destroyed."

"Understood! I will immediately guide the Dark Iron Warriors in the city."

Tonight is destined to be not an ordinary night.

Whether it was a coincidence, or Voda City knew the day of the First Army's attack.

For the installation of the impulse device, Voda City is also intensively proceeding.

It was late at night, but in the tall airport, it was brightly lit at this time.

On the dock, a large number of figures are busy.

Using the elevators in the airport, countless dismantled materials were transported to the dock and then assembled on the dock.

With such effective work, in just a few days, a usable metal platform has been formed.

"My lord! It can be finished. Now there is only a lack of cable docking. Considering the quality of the launch platform, the cable docking is best performed last to avoid losing control."

Nu Liang nodded to the report of the person beside him.

After a few days of sleepless night, his work is finally about to be completed.

Looking forward, a round metal platform stands on the dock amidst the shaking of many figures.

Around the metal platform, four huge cables extend from different directions to connect the metal platform.

"Immediately report to Commander Kinov, saying that the mission has been completed, and now only the original crystal is in place."


What a bunch of poor guys.

Seeing the soldiers leaving in a hurry, Nu Liang couldn't help thinking like this in his heart.

In the eyes of General Genover, his loyal soldiers were just abandoned sons.

Once the energy shock erupts in Voda City, it is difficult for the nearly 100,000 soldiers in Voda City to survive.

Even if he can survive the aftermath of the energy shock, he cannot escape the fate of final death.

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