Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1037: City destroyed

At this time, in the port of Voda City, it was already boiling.

The wharf was crowded with people, and there were countless blacks.

Several large sea-going ships docked on the dock, and under the scolding of the crew, they were making war fortune.

These sea-going ships were originally merchant ships, and because the First Army blocked the port, they stayed here for several months.

Tonight is a turbulent night for the civilians in Voda City, but it is undoubtedly a business opportunity for some merchant ship owners.

Just collecting ferry tickets can make them a fortune.

Although many warships belonging to the military government are docked on the pier, and they are also accepting civilians to log in at this moment, how can the narrow interior space of warships compare with the spacious and comfortable merchant ships?

Most of the civilians with reasonable conditions chose to buy tickets to board comfortable merchant ships instead of free warships.

On the dark sea, many merchant ships and warships full of people were sailing slowly, gradually disappearing into the darkness.

In the open sea, the fleet of the First Army is waiting, waiting for the fleeing ships to arrive and guide them.

Just as the evacuation of civilians was proceeding tensely, Kenof, who was far away in the airport, also ushered in the last moment of his life.

In the quiet and dim airport, footsteps appeared again.

This time, the people who came were not Nu Liang, nor were they loyal soldiers, but three soldiers wearing black blood-print armor.

They are very strong and terrifying, and looking at them from a distance, it makes people feel depressed.

In the moonlight, in the dim light, their figures appeared in Kenofer's eyes.

Looking at the three people who suddenly appeared not far away, Genov's expression was very calm.

Although I don't know who those three people are, they are definitely not the people in this city.

As for their purpose, Kenof had more or less guessed.

It is nothing more than to prevent his crazy behavior, but he will never compromise.

With a deep breath, Kenof grabbed the controller in his arms.

Looking at the three standing still on the dock, Kenof said calmly: "I want to give them enough time, but you have destroyed my only "goodwill" during my lifetime. You can't stop me."

The Dark Iron Warriors didn't speak, but jumped up and turned into three dark shadows to rush towards Genov not far away.

The speed was extremely fast, the cold light flickered, and the sharp blade slashed towards the huge metal platform.

Faced with this scene, Kenof beside the metal platform smiled lightly and calmly pressed the red button.

The calm in his eyes has a terrible indifference.

The wind was turbulent, and amid the huge screaming sound, the huge metal platform burst apart.

A dazzling blue sun appeared on the dock. It exuded infinite power and produced a powerful suction.

On the pier, there seemed to be a large storm. Numerous equipment and metal debris were sucked into the blue sun and turned into pieces.

Beside the blue sun, the three black iron warriors were struggling to resist the powerful suction.

And Kenov, as early as when the metal platform broke, was swallowed by the huge blue sun.

"Mission failed! Please be prepared for follow-up prevention."

At the last moment, the Dark Iron Warrior spread the news of the mission failure.

At this time, the huge blue sun was breaking, the energy on the surface was colliding, and the jumping arc was several meters long.


A huge scream sounded loudly, the powerful suction stopped abruptly, and the blue sun burst, turning into a huge beam of light and rushing straight into the sky.

Under the impact of the beam of light, the clouds were broken up, forming a huge hole that was a few miles long.

The beam of light that penetrated the clouds was cast unabated and went deep into the red world.

The dazzling brilliance made Voda City bright in an instant, and the abnormality from the city also attracted the attention of countless lights.

Exclamation, surprise, horror, this is the inner fluctuation of everyone in and outside the city.

The huge beam of light lasted for more than ten seconds. When the high-altitude beam of light disappeared, a huge energy ball descended from the sky along the beam of light. Wherever it passed, the beam of light dissipated and plunged into the lowest air port of the beam of light.


In the sound of the huge explosion, the huge airport was shattered.

When the bursting energy destroyed the airport and reached the ground.

Deafening, the earth-shaking explosion sounded loudly, and a huge blue mushroom cloud slowly rose up. Amidst the blue brilliance, a hundred-meter-high fire cloud swept around, wherever it passed. , The building collapsed and the ground cracked.

The powerful shock wave formed a circle of air waves, tearing everything apart.

In the city, the soldiers and civilians who were still alive and fleeing could only watch the wall of fire approach in despair, and were turned into ashes by the hot fire wave.

The huge dazzling brilliance completely agitated the darkness, and the light on the horizon could be seen even from hundreds of miles away.

When everything disappeared and calm was restored, it was already tens of seconds later.

In this cold night sky, the entire Voda City burned.

In the burning flame, the entire central part of the city has become a sea of ​​flames.

In the place where the airport is, there is a big pit several miles wide.

Around Dakeng, all the buildings were turned into ruins, billowing with thick smoke.

Nearly two-thirds of the entire Voda City has suffered severe damage, and there is almost no possibility of reconstruction.

The north gate of Voda City, the port, is far from the middle of the city, and those who arrive here have also experienced the greatest crisis in their lives.

But the powerful shock wave still spread to these two places.

Although it did not cause much damage, it also caused a certain amount of confusion.

Looking at the burning city of Voda, whether it is the soldiers on the wall or the civilians under the city, their expressions are very complicated. They will never forget the horrible scene just now.

Their hometown, their patron saint, Voda City, which has a history of nearly a hundred years, was so destroyed.

Some were crying, others were cursing, and some even wanted to leave as soon as possible.

Outside the north gate, in the command post of the 1st Corps camp.

Seeing the video from the drone on the command platform, the sergeants were silent.

In the picture, Voda City is burning, and they also saw the energy impact just now.

The process from the beginning to the place is vivid for them, but they have no ability to stop it.

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