Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1038: possibility

Yes, they failed.

Not only did he ruin the twelve Dark Iron Warriors, but he also failed to stop Kenofer's crazy behavior.

The energy shock finally happened in Voda City.

"What to do? The energy shock has exploded, and we must prepare for the worst."

A sergeant uttered his anxiety.

"Yes, since the matter has already happened, we must be prepared for subsequent troubles."

Another sergeant attached a voice.

"What we have to do now is to speed up the evacuation of civilians and prisoners of war. This matter needs to be reported to General Natasha."

Shaking his head, the chief sergeant standing on the main seat said: "The general should already know. Before the new order arrives, we can only do the current thing."

This is also true. How could General Natasha not know about the smoothness of the network and the state of the frontline warfare.

Although the night is late, it is not long before dawn.

But at this time, many people in Bentley have not fallen asleep.

If it is said that a few days ago, the Bloody Day made people angry, but today the destruction of Voda City has made people speechless.

Having such a crazy military commander, in any case, is not a blessing for the entire Bentley nation.

That person has exerted his "personal self-interest" to the extreme, reaching an unimaginable level.

The emergence of energy pulses is not just the first legion.

Many large countries in the north of the South China Sea were also disturbed by the sudden energy pulse.

The fluctuation of the energy shock is too strong, even in the Republic of Sharjah thousands of miles away, the monitoring station clearly detected the energy fluctuations from afar.

In Kyoto, which is a little closer, the corresponding departments have entered a state of emergency response.

At this moment, for the sudden energy pulse, all major countries capable of monitoring energy fluctuations are confirming the location of the energy pulse.

Bentley Country, Marani City, Commander's Mansion.

Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night.

For Natasha, sleep is not necessary, but enough meditation can keep her in the next day.

In front of the bed in the bedroom, Natasha was drowsy in white. She leaned on the window sill, holding a palm computer in her hand.

Just now, "Sha" woke her up, so she was awake from the state of meditation.

"How about the loss?"

Natasha already knew about the specific situation. Regarding the energy impact of Voda City, Natasha was not too surprised by this result.

When it was learned that Genov had a pulse device in his hands, there was a great possibility for this result now.

Holding a big killer in hand, if Kenofu insisted on going crazy once in his lifetime, it would be difficult to stop.

Because in this matter, Genov has a lot of initiative, want to stop his crazy behavior, how easy is it to say?

For Natasha, success was a surprise in this matter, and failure was expected.

"Not long ago, the defenders in the city suddenly hoisted the white flag, and then the soldiers and civilians in Voda City began to evacuate from Voda City. Due to the energy shock that appeared after the military and civilians evacuated from Voda City, the civilian losses were relatively light, only a small part of it. The soldiers and civilians of ”did not have time to evacuate from the explosion range and were buried in the sea of ​​flames. The remaining losses were only twelve black iron fighters, because the three searched locations were relatively close to the explosion center. Time to escape."

Evacuate early?

In that case, the lunatic still had a bit of conscience and didn't let the soldiers and civilians of Voda City bury him.

Natasha felt a little regretful for the loss of the twelve Dark Iron Warriors.

The Dark Iron Warriors were very rare in her command. In this mission, she did not expect to lose twelve of them all at once.

"General! Considering the sequelae that may occur after the energy impact, it is recommended to monitor the airspace above Voda City. If flying polluting beasts appear from the red world, the ground troops can also be alerted in time."

Nodding lightly, Natasha agreed with "Sha"'s suggestion.

This is necessary.

The polluting beasts in the red world are very sensitive to energy fluctuations, and the possibility of flying polluting beasts emerging from the red world is not eliminated.

Natasha said: "This matter is handed over to Jevrich, let him arrange the hive drone to patrol the sky above Voda City."

"Yes! The order has been issued."

Looking at the night sky, Natasha didn't look good.

Although the energy pulse was expected, when it happened, Natasha's heart was not indifferent.

What humans fear is exactly what Natasha is worried about.

Natasha didn't have much scruples about the polluting beasts in the red world.

No matter how strong the pollution beast in the red world is, it is within the biological range, and there is a limit to how strong it is.

However, "Apostles" are different. From the perspective of human beings, "Apostles" are beyond the scope of living beings and are even more peculiar.

No matter how self-confident Natasha was, she would not have any contempt for the "Apostle".

Now that the energy shock has exploded, Natasha has to consider the possibility of the emergence of the "Apostle".

"Apostle" is this incident, an unavoidable problem.

""Sha"! Can we calculate the probability of "Apostle" appearing?"

This problem can make "Sha" difficult, after all, the First Army has never contacted the "Apostle".

In humans, there is very little information about "apostles".

"Sorry! General, it cannot be calculated due to insufficient information."

To this answer, it was false to say that she was not disappointed, but Natasha also knew that her request was a bit excessive.

As an intelligent AI, Shah is not omnipotent. What it can do must have a basis for analyzing the right and wrong things based on intelligence.

In this matter, without even the basic foundation, how can it be possible to calculate the correct answer.

"General! This is a serious matter. It is recommended to report to the commander."

This is inevitable. A second-class event has happened in Bentley.

Moreover, Natasha had no need to hide.

The previous concealment was to not disturb the master's quietness, and the concealed matter is not a big deal, whether the master knows it does not hinder anything.

But today's events are different. For such a big event, the owner must know.

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