Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1039: Threat

Nodding lightly, Natasha said: "The task of reporting is left to you, don't be too anxious about this, wait until dawn."


As the words of "Sha" fell, Natasha looked out the window.

Looking at the dark night sky, Natasha's eyes were a little surprised.

After tonight, Bentley’s war against people has ended, but the road ahead is not smooth.

The energy shock event of Voda City is a hurdle that the First Army must pass. After this hurdle is passed, the road that meets the First Army is a smooth road.

Today, there is very little she can do, the only thing she can do is wait.

Time is passing, when the darkness passes and the light falls, a new day has arrived.

In Voda City, the evacuation was over before dawn.

Both the north gate and the port became empty and empty.

In Voda City, the cold temperature has extinguished the flames, only thick smoke slowly rising from the dark ruins.

Compared to the night, the clarity of the day fully revealed the face of Voda City.

Two-thirds of the huge city of Voda has become ruins.

The collapsed building, the dark ruins, the scene is indescribable.

Above the city of Voda, a tiny "roar" rumbling, and above the clouds, a hive unmanned fighter plane is patrolling the airspace. Although the speed is slow, the flight time is longer.

Outside the port, the fleet is still anchored on the sea.

However, compared to before, the number of ships is much less.

All the transportation and logistics ships have left, and all that are left are combat ships.

The battle in Voda City is not over, the First Army is ready for battle.

On land, the barracks in the forest beyond the north gate still exist, and armored machines are parked on the gloomy forest road as usual. The huge metal body can't see the end at a glance.

All the civilians in Bentley are paying attention to the battle in Voda City.

They hoped that the commander of "Kinoff" would receive the trial they deserved, but the outcome of the war was beyond many people's expectations.

Commander Genover is dead, and he pulled up the funerary in Voda City before his death.

A huge energy shock destroyed the city of Voda, turning this old city into ruins.

Regarding this result, when the news spread to the whole country of Bentley, many appeals stopped.

The look in the eyes of civilians at that time was very complicated, with surprise, joy, and sadness.

That crazy person did something crazy in the end, and many civilians no longer want to hate such evil people.

With the end of Voda City, the civilians of Bentley also realized that a new era is coming.

And this era belongs to the First Army.

However, what the people of Bentley did not know was that a storm was about to arrive.

It is brewing, getting closer and closer to Bentley.

Nanlin Island, Qingcheng.

The plan for a day lies in the morning. When time stops in the early morning, it is often the best moment of the day.

The soft light turned on at some point, and a thin figure entered the room amidst the sound of slight footsteps.

In the room, on that soft big bed, Li Meng was still asleep.

"Your Highness! It's time to get up."

Sakiya called softly by the bed.

The light voice sounded, causing Li Meng's eyelids to move slightly and slowly opened his eyes.

The first picture that catches your eye is Sakuya, who is slightly leaning over the bed.

"It's Sakuya!"

Stretched lazily, the expression on Li Meng's face was still a little confused.

It took a long time to wake up.

Seeing the petite and lovely Saya by the bed, Li Meng smiled slightly, stretched out his right hand, grabbed Saya’s small wrist, and gently, Saya’s petite figure fell on his body. beside.

Of course, all of this is inseparable from Sakuya's cooperation. With Li Meng's current body strength, it is not easy to pull Sakiya.

After hitting a Hatch, Li Meng lifted the blanket and took the petite Sakuya into his arms.

Feeling the soft body, Li Meng said comfortably: "Why did you come today?"

Since he recovered, Li Meng has a strong need for sleep.

The daily life schedule has also returned to the ranks of ordinary people.

When night falls, Sakuya's home is the reincarnation tower, while Li Meng is on the soft bed.

Although Sakuya stayed in the temple, as a general, Li Meng would not let her take care of him.

These matters are generally taken care of by the guards.

Li Meng's guards are all women, and they are quite good at taking care of people.

Even if he became a "Zie Ji", this nature did not disappear.

Under Wendy's care, Li Meng, who has recovered his body, has a very pleasant daily life.

Feeling the warmth of His Royal Highness's body, Sakiya's heart was very calm at this moment.

She whispered: "There is a message from Bentley, a good thing, a bad thing, General Natasha seems to be in some trouble."

Good things and bad things?

"Talk about it."

Li Meng was quite curious about these so-called good and bad things.

Speaking slightly, Sakiya whispered softly: "The war in Bentley is over. Just last night, the last city that Bentley resisted fell. The entire territory of Bentley has fallen into the hands of the First Army."

it is finally over.

Hearing this, Li Meng smiled.

For this news, Li Meng is of course happy.

In the battle of Bentley, the First Army has dragged on long enough, and now it is finally over.

"What's the bad thing?"

When he was happy with the good things, Li Meng did not forget the bad things.

This is not a pleasant thing, but Sakiya understands that His Highness must know about this.

With a low expression, Sakuya said in a deep voice: "Last night, Voda City erupted with an energy shock, and the entire city was turned into ruins. Bentley is facing the threat of "Apostles" invasion."

Hearing this news, Li Meng frowned slightly.

Sure enough, it is not a good thing.

Although Li Meng didn't have much idea about the energy impact, nor did he feel too much about the destruction of a city, the appearance of the "Apostle" made Li Meng have to care.

It seems that a lot of things have happened in Bentley, otherwise how could there be an energy shock.

This is no small trouble. If the "Apostle" does appear, it will shock the world.

Because the "Apostle" hasn't appeared for a long time.

At this moment, Li Meng had already dispelled the idea of ​​holding Sakiya to sleep for a while.

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